Dear F,
Divine Revelation: Donald Trump Killed His Personal Assistant Carolyn Gombel In October, 2000
It's a bloody good thing "the left" does not spend its collective energy trying to prove conspiracy theories.
Otherwise, the epistemological swamp would be "black-hole inescapable."
In the end, people will believe what they want to believe except for the vanishingly few who are imbued with that rare scientific trait of "trying to prove themselves wrong."
Often, but not always, intellectually indolent proto-fascists understand that their lives are structured in such a way that they MUST defend/protect/prolong the belief systems in which they are too heavily invested.
In consequence, withdrawing themselves from these "backed-into-a-corner" belief systems will cause "the already-saved" to "lose their religion," thereby prompting crazy-making identity crises.
In the popular imagination, there is NOTHING that promises as much pain as "losing your religion." It is a fate worse than death.
Note well.
If "the left" put its mind to it, we could "flesh out" the "Carolyn Gombel story" even better than seasoned conspiracists on the reactionary, absolutist right.
Here is the inescapable problem they present.
If these "true believers" had not become so politically meddlesome as to threaten the existence of liberal, open societies grounded in The European Enlightenment -- societies that are largely propelled by The Scientific Method operating cheek-by-jowl with belief in personal autonomy expressing itself collectively in democratic governance -- I would be happy to let "true believers" believe whatever they want.
In fact, like Spanish philosopher-novelist Miguel de Unamuno, I think it would be best if "true believers" could go through their entire lives in the relative "bliss" of ignorance, inextricably imbued with fantasy faithfulness - even when the tenets of their faith contradict scientifically demonstrable fact.
Let them have whatever anxiolytic pain-killers they need.
However, I draw the line at the idiotic, politically-aggressive assertion that "my opinion trumps your truth."
See the meme collection I've pasted near the bottom of this email, immediately after the five green asterisks.
And now, The Main Event:
Divine Revelation: Donald Trump Killed His Personal Assistant Carolyn Gombel In October, 2000
There are two ways of lying, as there are two ways of deceiving customers. If the scale registers 15 ounces, you can say: "It's a pound." Your lie will remain relative to an invariable measure of the true. If customers check it, they can see that they are being robbed, and you know by how much you are robbing them: a truth remains as a judge between you. But if the demon induces you to tamper with the scale itself, it is the criterion of the true which is denatured, there is no longer any possible control. And little by little you will forget that you are cheating.
"There Are Two Ways Of Lying..." Denis De Rougemont And Donald Trump
Remember: Trump launched his candidacy on the foundational conspiracy of "birtherism," and he rode conpiratorial enthusiasm all the way to The White House.
Remember: In the long run (if not in the short), conspiracism works to the advantage of right-wing authoritarianism.
Trump, Mussolini and Brazilosm president Bolsonaro are prima facie examples, as was Italy's Salvini until he was ousted.
Compendium Of Conspiracy Thinking: Remember, "The Deep State" Is Preferable To...
Dialogue With A Friend About A Coronavirus Conspiracy
Daniel Webster Weighs In On Conspiracism
Daniel Webster Prompts A Review Of Conspiracism And Its Destructive Role In American Politics
My Ongoing Attempt To Dislodge A Conspiracist Friend From The Embrace Of Authoritarianism
Bullshit And Bafflegab: How To Separate Truth From Conspiratorial Falsehood
Tyranny's Best-Kept Secret: It's All About Epistemology
That Big Brother Is Watching You Is Nothing: The Horror Is His Redefinition Of Trumpery As Truth
Hey, Conspiracists! This Is The Frame Tale In Which You Live And Do Fundamental Damage
Fake News: De Novo "Truths" Conjured Out Of Rank Falsehood
Conspiracy Thinking, The Death Of Shared Identity And The Collapse Of Common Purpose
Cutting Through Trump's Conspiratorial Bafflegab About Ukraine As Source Of 2016 Meddling
Contemporary Conspiracism In Context: "You're Not Entitled To Your Own Facts"
Bullshit And Bafflegab: How To Separate Truth From Conspiratorial Falsehood
"You Are Not Entitled To Your Own Facts," Daniel Patrick Moynihan
"Head Of DOJ Or QAnon?": "The "Deep State," Demonization And The "Evidence" Of Conspiracies
Time Out Of Mind, "Deep State Plutocracy" Is The Enduring Conspiracy. Warfare And Racial Animus Are The Decoys
QAnon, The Trumpista "Deep State" Conspiracy Movement Glorifying America's Cultural Collapse
"Head Of DOJ Or QAnon?": "The "Deep State," Demonization And The "Evidence" Of Conspiracies
Hey, "Deep State" Crazies
The Original And Enduring Conspiracy
Hey, "Deep State" Crazies
The Original And Enduring Conspiracy
"Dead-End Conspiracism" And "The REAL Thing"... Hidden In Plain Sight
Trump's Top Russia Expert, Fiona Hill, Blasts Republicans For Their Damnable Destructive Conspiracy Theories
Move Over Occam. Here Comes Hanlon! (Conspiracists Take Note)
Compendium Of Best Pax Posts About Conspiracies And Conspiracism
How Conspiratorial Idiocy Works: Right-Wing Troll Doesn't Even Link To His Own Supposed Video
Correspondence With "The Thinking Housewife" About The Supposed Hoax Of Mass Murders
"Confirmation Bias And The Power Of Disconfirming Evidence"
If American doltishness persists, and Trump "wins" the November election, here is what's next on the agenda.
Compendium Of Best Pax Posts About Blue State Secession
I believe Blue State Secession represents a giant step forward although who knows how "devil-addicted" white "conservative" "Christians" (who are neither) will react when they no longer have Hillary, Obama and the full gallery of contemptible libtards to target with divinely-ordained spite, punitiveness and hatred.
Left to their own devices, I believe these embittered, vengeful people will "cannabalize" one another since the most important thing in their stunted, narrow (and narrowing) lives is to have devil-enemies whom they can exorcise with inquisitorial loathing.
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