Dear F,
Thanks for your email.
Concering your question about the desireability of Democratic candidates circulating the factual information that illegals contribute over $20 billion a year to the Social Security trust fund without any prospect of getting a penny back...
If this information became a central Democratic candidate "talking point," the right-wing Noise Machine would use it as proof that such candidate favor illegal immigration and therefore contribute to the bigger "plot" to legalize enough illegals so that Democrats gain an insuperable electoral majority forevermore.
Remember, Trump's "Base" is HOSTILE TO TRUTH and WANTS TO BE DECEIVED.
It's Not That The Assholes Are Uninterested In Truth.
They Are Hostile To Truth.
"The Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich": Hitler And Goebbels' Replacement Of Truth With Falsehood
How Conservatives Use Decontextualized Shards Of Truth To Tell HUGE Lies
Snopes Probes Rep. Omar's Foul Mouth: How Fox News Takes Tiny Truths And Twists Them Into Gargantuan Lies
How Conservatives Use Decontextualized Shards Of Truth To Tell HUGE Lies
People Want To Be Lied To: The Convergent Horror Of Faithful Falsehood And Aggressive Ignorance
Reprise: How Trump "Takes Credit" That's Not His... And The Dimwits Buy It
At every turn, Truth undermines "The Trumpista Belief System," and THE LAST THING Trumpistas want is to lose their religion.
For them, "losing their religion" (although they may have no conscious insight into this menace) is a fate worse than death.
Like the ravages of Alzeimher's Disease, losing one's religion is tantamount to losing one's identity.
We live in an "Age of Identity Politics" because -- ultimately -- a person's inviolable sense of identity -- particularly among conservatives who have normalized "Radical Mendacity" -- is the sacrosanct cornerstone of EVERYTHING.

Among conservatives -- particularly "Christian" "conservatives" -- this self-same cornerstone of "Radical Mendacity" serves the fundamental purpose of supporting a House Of Cards.
And so, since Truth is often evident, conservatives -- especially "Christian" "conservatives" -- already pre-disposed to believe in miracles, non-Rationality and Irrationality -- dive headlong into 1.) Total Denial, 2.) Conspiracy Theories (just invent one that suits your rhetorical/cognitive need), 3.) Fake News, and 4.) immediate recourse to Whole Cloth Fabrication of any damn narrative they want.
The most revealing flaw in conspiracism is that conspiracists are, as Satan identifies himself "Legion," and tellingly they are completely unable to agree upon a single narrative.
Epstein Conspiracy Theories
9/11 Conspiracy Theories
(Alan: To the multifarious theories described in the Wikipedia entry above, I add my own theory that the World Trade Tower buildings were explosively-wired by Islamic workmen who, with conterfeit credentials, went about their daily work weeks in advance of 9/11 to make sure the buildings collapsed, although it is also true that jihadist leadership wanted the propagandistic "photo op" of jet planes crashing into those towers.)
Amidst this welter of competing conspiracies, conspiracists ultimately comfort themselves with the very proliferation of conspiratorial ideation which, in their devotion to detailed yarn-spinning, comforts them with the oafish assumption that there is "strength in numbers."
More often than not, "there is fascism in numbers" and fascism -- as I have long defined it -- "is a system of governance that promises people that it can make the world safer than God Himself intended it to be." The appeal of fascism is unusually strong among people who are so intrinsically "afraid of the world" that they are quick to terrorize themselves with endlessly ramifying threats, a form of Self-Terrorization which is what Conspiracism is ALL about. At any cost, portray the world as fearfully as conspiracists see it.
And so, 1.) Total Denial, 2.) Conspiracism (just invent a conspiracy that suits your rhetorical/cognitive/religious need), 3.) Fake News, and 4.) immediate recourse to Whole Cloth Fabrication of any damn narrative they want, are behavior traits that must not be mistaken as "add ons" to the conservative agenda, but rather are the very foundation of the conservative agenda.
Tryanny's Best Kept Secret: It's ALL About Epistemology
Consider what happened within 48 hours of Jeffrey Epstein's death.
In the absence of any evidence "admissible in a court of law," "we" have extruded conspiracy theories from the far right to the far left.
"Hillary and Bill did it!"
"Trump and Bill Barr did it!"
"Epstein used his fortune to use a stunt double to fake his suicide and has already undergone transformative plastic surgery in Tijuana/Tangier/Tashkent."
In the end -- and I cannot overstate how fundamental this truth is --- it is ALWAYS the Right Wing that benefits (individually and cumulatively) from conspiracy theories.
It is neither accidental nor ancillary that Trump launched his presidential campaign on a conerstone of "Birtherism" which, notably, he himself eventually disavowed.
My Reply To A Facebook Friend, A Former Liberal And Bernie Supporter Who Now Thinks Hillary Is Worse Than Trump
Excerpt: "I am persuaded that most popular/populist political critiques tend toward conspiratorial thinking. And although there are are few things to be learned from conspiracists -- clearly 9/11's Official Story is eye-poppingly bogus -- conspiracism reduces to an inescapable swamp whose chthonic purpose (albeit unconscious) is to undermine every established epistemological norm -- so that conspiracists (whatever their myopic contributions may be) ultimately contribute to the advancement of radical right-wing agendas which, like Trump's own toxically self-aggrandizing agenda, depend on Iguazu torrents of complete bullshit."
QAnon, The Trumpista "Deep State" Conspiracy Movement Glorifying America's Cultural Collapse
The real, enduring conspiracy -- hidden in plain sight for centuries -- is that The Ungodly Rich (aka The Filthy Rich) "work their will" on unsuspecting, uninformed masses and they do so with the same impugnity that Jeffrey Epstein worked his will on young girls.
I have no memory of a conspiracist ever BASING his (or her) conspiracism on the one-way-mirror-glass-ceiling above which plutocrats dedicate themselves -- with astonishingly little opposition -- to obscuring "the malicious machinations of Money."
Real politics as played out on Wall Street - and Main Street - is about money and power.
And plutocrats "run the house" behind such an opaque screen of obfuscation that conspiracists (routinely "lost" in the examination of myopic detail) never "look up" long enough to see the forest of Plutocracy instead of the distraction presented by "this, that or the other" individual tree.
Republican Presidential Candidate Pat Buchanan "Summarizes The Republican Philosophy"
QAnon, The Trumpista "Deep State" Conspiracy Movement Glorifying America's Cultural Collapse
Compendium Of Pax Posts: Persuading A Loved One That His Conspiracism Is Mostly Crazy
My Friends' Devoted Conspiracism Is As Crazy As Trump's Birtherism. What To Do With Lunacy?
Harvey/Irma Hurricane Conspiracy Reveals The Idiocy Of Most Conspiracism
Ongoing Correspondence With A Conspiracist Friend Re: The "Staged" Slaughter At Sandy Hook
"More On The Newtown Massacre": Professor David Ray Griffin And The Swamp Of Conspiracism
"Who Killed Sister Cathy?" Tom Nugent
How Rochester, New York Detective Fantigrossi "Leaned On Me" To Identify The Wrong Man
The Thinking Housewife's Conspiracism: Exploring The Falsehood thinking-housewifes- conspiracism.html
Discussion With 9/11 Truther Friend About Epistemology, Belief, Certainty And Purpose
The 9/11 Truth Movement: Where Does It Lead?
"More On The Newtown Massacre": Professor David Ray Griffin And The Swamp Of Conspiracism
Conspiracy Thinking, The Death Of Shared Identity And The Collapse Of Common Purpose
Conspiracy Thinking, The Death Of Shared Identity And The Collapse Of Common Purpose
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