The Names Of Sutherland Baptist Church Massacre Victims
Dear Laura,
Against the backdrop of The Epstein Horror I will mention the well-researched consensus of biblical scholars that Mary was 12-14 years old when the Angel announced her pregnancy.
That's simply "the way it was" in ancient Israel.
And even if we suppose the traditional lineaments of a "virgin birth," we are still dealing with a Jewish society to which Jesus belonged as a practicing Jew. He would have considered conjugal relations at 12 normal.
And if the Nazarene's mother were not impregnated by sexual relations, it remains true that any other mother in Nazareth would have begun child-bearing -- "according to God's plan" -- sometime between age 12 and age 14.
While I have your attention, I will also comment on your persistent assumption that "crisis actors" are behind firearm massacres and that these "crisis actors" have, in recent years, become known for their so-called "duping delight."
I did not know about "duping delight" until I came upon your eponymous post: https://www.thinkinghousewife.com/2019/08/duping-delight/
I know an extremely devout traditional Catholic, the descendant of recent Polish immigrants, whose name is Elaine Kolodziej, publisher of the Wilson County Times, a community newspaper covering the county that is home to Southerland Springs (pop. 600) where the notorious Baptist Church massacre occurred on November 5, 2017. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sutherland_Springs_church_shooting
Elaine is a trained journalist who knew -- and knew well -- nearly every one of the people (man, woman and child) who was killed or injured at Southerland Springs' Baptist Church massacre in which 26 people from this tiny community were killed - and another 20 injured.
It is also notable that the shooter was incapacitated when Stephen Willeford, a former NRA firearms instructor, shot him.
To be clear, 1 in 26 of all Southerland Hills townsfolk were killed at that church.
If we take into account the injured, then, statistically-speaking, the carnage affected about one in every 3.1 families in the town.
I don't know what your community is like but imagine that a single catastrophic event affected one in every three homes on your street -- one in every three homes in your entire community -- and then imagine "pulling the wool" over the eyes of everyone else living in the other 2 houses.
Has there ever been an instance of community members from Newtown or Orlando - or Sutherland Springs for that matter - who has "spilled the beans" on his fellow townsfolk for "going along" with "crisis acting" as the ruse/cover-up for "alleged" massacres in their community?
I don't know what your community is like but imagine that a single catastrophic event affected one in every three homes on your street -- one in every three homes in your entire community -- and then imagine "pulling the wool" over the eyes of everyone else living in the other 2 houses.
Has there ever been an instance of community members from Newtown or Orlando - or Sutherland Springs for that matter - who has "spilled the beans" on his fellow townsfolk for "going along" with "crisis acting" as the ruse/cover-up for "alleged" massacres in their community?
Furthermore, Wilson County and Sutherland Springs are very right-wing communities where "all" residents are adamant supporters of the 2nd Amendment.
These Texas communities are NOT populations that would be susceptible to staging mass massacres "just" to impugn the right to bear arms.
To the contrary.
To the contrary.
These folks -- quite likely every single one of them -- would be vociferously hostile to any limitation on gun rights not to mention their hostility to crisis actor staging.
Plus, any government agency clever enough to pull off a staged massacre would not choose a right-wing town of 600 people to feign the deaths of 26 people and injuries to another 20.
The prospect is clinically insane - every bit as lunatic as the whacked out ideation of Heaven's Gate collective suicide, or the Jim Jones cult in Guyana.
The prospect is clinically insane - every bit as lunatic as the whacked out ideation of Heaven's Gate collective suicide, or the Jim Jones cult in Guyana.
Even so, you ascribe Einsteinian genius and cretinesque decerebration to the "alleged" perpetrators.
I am so certain that Elaine's account of the Sutherland, Texas massacre -- and the death of so many of her close right-wing friends -- is "God's Truth" that I would bet my eternal salvation and that of my descendants-in-perpetuity on the accuracy of her account in which she testifies to the fact that 26 people were killed by crazed gunman Devin Patrick Kelly. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sutherland_Springs_church_shooting
As I continue to correspond with Trump cultists and other supporters of far right-wing positions (often involving conspiracy theories), I have honed my ability to use logic to deconstruct bogus arguments.
For example, if you were to spend two weeks "on the ground" in Sutherland Springs, meeting with my right-wing, second-amendment champion friend Elaine -- a traditional Catholic -- I will bet you ten thousand dollars that you come away convinced -- even on your own terms -- that the mass murder which occured in that Baptist church took place pretty much the way MSM reported it.
Here is what is most revealing - even epiphanic - about my proposal.
You will NOT undertake two weeks' on-site research because -- whether consciously or unconsciously -- you realize that such research would blow your "crisis actor" rationale from Hell to Kingdom Come.
And once that House of Cards topples, you would end up questioning your judgment about "everything else," including your religious beliefs.
Pax tecum
PS Pretty much the same "reality check" I propose for Sutherland Springs could also be conducted in Newtown-Sandy Hook, but you won't undertake on-site research there either. Please take note of this revealing observation: although I will gladly post any writing you send me in support of the "crisis actor" hypothesis, you will not publish this letter in your blog. Why is that?
It seems routine that politicized people on "the right side of the aisle" require "cover-up secrecy." To me, it is textbook "confirmation bias.
"Confirmation Bias And The Power Of Disconfirming Evidence"
PPS Concerning our ongoing differences... I think you will be fascinated by the following compilation of 95 Facebook exchanges with my maniacally devout Christian fundamentalist friend (a convert from Catholicism) who is a textbook study in cult behavior.
Compendium Of Facebook Exchanges With Christian Fundamentalist Friend
Compendium Of Pax Posts: Persuading A Loved One That His Conspiracism Is Mostly Crazy
My Friends' Devoted Conspiracism Is As Crazy As Trump's Birtherism. What To Do With Lunacy?
Harvey/Irma Hurricane Conspiracy Reveals The Idiocy Of Most Conspiracism
Ongoing Correspondence With A Conspiracist Friend Re: The "Staged" Slaughter At Sandy Hook
"More On The Newtown Massacre": Professor David Ray Griffin And The Swamp Of Conspiracism
"Who Killed Sister Cathy?" Tom Nugent
How Rochester, New York Detective Fantigrossi "Leaned On Me" To Identify The Wrong Man
The Thinking Housewife's Conspiracism: Exploring The Falsehood
http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2017/10/the- thinking-housewifes- conspiracism.html
Discussion With 9/11 Truther Friend About Epistemology, Belief, Certainty And Purpose
The 9/11 Truth Movement: Where Does It Lead?
"More On The Newtown Massacre": Professor David Ray Griffin And The Swamp Of Conspiracism
Conspiracy Thinking, The Death Of Shared Identity And The Collapse Of Common Purpose
Conspiracy Thinking, The Death Of Shared Identity And The Collapse Of Common Purpose
"Crisis Acting": A Standard Conspiracist Hoax That Supposedly Reveals Hoaxes (Snopes)
The Daily Show Goes To Trump Rally To Hear Conspiracy Theories: They Are Not Disappointed
"More On The Newtown Massacre": Professor David Ray Griffin And The Swamp Of Conspiracism
Trump Resurrects Clinton-Foster Murder Conspiracy
The Trump Cult (And Its Relative Interchangeability With Conservative Christian Cultism)
"How Cults Enslave People, And Why It's So Damn Difficult To Break Free"
"The Cult Of Trump (And Overview Of Cult Psychology)
QAnon, The Trumpista "Deep State" Conspiracy Movement Glorifying America's Cultural Collapse
"Dead-End Conspiracism" And "The REAL Thing"... Hidden In Plain Sight
The Trump Cult (And Its Relative Interchangeability With Conservative Christian Cultism)
"How Cults Enslave People, And Why It's So Damn Difficult To Break Free"
The Contrast Between Cultists And People Who Can Think Critically: The Diagnostic Features
"The Cult Of Trump (And Overview Of Cult Psychology)
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