
Friday, August 23, 2019

Why I Do Battle With Dimwit Neo-Fascists

I post this not because identifying the Anti-Christ is important to me but because a few “Christian” “conservatives” might find their knees buckling.

  • Byron Howes If they haven't figured out by now that #45 is just a little bit south of Nero, then this is not going to convince them. They are, of course, the beneficiaries of "received knowledge" that the rest of us simply do not have access to.

    • Alan Archibald At some point, fascists lose power.

      Much of the analysis concerning the toppling of fascists is ex post facto.

      In any event they do topple - and usually with surprising speed and within relatively short span of taking power.

      Other non-fascist rulers -- from a variety of other political lineages -- often live longer.

      Queen Victoria and Porfirio Diaz are two examples of long-lived non-fascist leaders in long-lived political traditions.

      Fascists, on the other hand, tend to be meteoric.

      Notably, no fascist regime in the following Wikipedia compendium of fascist governments lasted as long as Queen Victoria's queenship or "el Porfiriato." 

      And so, although fascist movements seem iron-clad and durable over the course of their mayfly lives, they do collapse.

      And when they fall apart, they tend to "crash and burn" with maximum "sound and fury."

      I claim no special insight into the manner of their demise, although it seems that the supporters of populist-authoritarian governments are people ruled by their viscera.

      And so their political enthusiasms are like animals-in-heat: once climax is reached, they're ready to be seduced by the next "new thing" - the next flashy "bauble."

      Here's the Guardian's account of Mussolini losing grip on Italy.

      And here's a post from a couple days ago, examining the closely-related themes of "populism" and "demagoguery." (I thing the memes are particularly good.)

      "Before There Was Trump, There Was Cleon":
      A Discussion About Demagoguery And Populism

      So, knowing that fascism doesn't last long, I want to accomplish two things.

      I want to "play around" with populist-fascist sentiment since somehow, der volk do tire of their "mussolinis" and when they do, they turn on them abruptly.

      If I can contribute to that disillusionment -- even in the minds of a few people -- I welcome the opportunity. (There is also the ripple effect.)

      But I'm even more eager to let populist-fascists know that the day of reckoning IS COMING -- and probably sooner than they think. And when that day comes, I want to leave a clear impression (at least on one or two) that "Archibald told me this would happen. I didn't believe him, but by God, it did."

      Then -- although Trump cultists will pretend to be "good Germans" who "had no idea what was really taking place," they might do "something" -- if only within their families -- to make it known that "they had been fooled by a complete asshole" and that "subsequent generations should be wary whenever populist-authoritarians rear their ugly heads."

      I am also aware that I may have my head irretrievably ensconced in the place where the sun don't shine.

      In any event, these are intellectually engaging times and I "enjoy" taking part.


      Coming to terms with tens of millions of fellow citizens who want to be lied to, who want to be deceived, who want to dive so deep into denial that they cannot even entertain truth as a theoretical proposition.

      Who woulda thunk it?


      Then there's this archive:

      "Compendium Of Facebook Exchanges With My Christian Fundamentalist Friend"

      List of fascist movements - Wikipedia
      List of fascist movements - Wikipedia
      List of fascist movements - Wikipedia

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