
Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Cory Booker's Charitable Giving And His Rubber-Meets-The-Road Dedication To The Poor

Dear Ed,

Many thanks for the info about Democratic candidates' charitable giving!

I am becoming a BIG Cory Booker fan.

I knew Cory has longed lived in a violent neighborhood of Newark, New Jersey because he wants to live among the marginalized and dispossessed. 

I am reminded of the former pastor at my church, Father Tom Tully, who homilized: "If Jesus came to Hillsborough this afternoon, he would not come to our church. He would go to the other side of the tracks to be with the poor people."

The Homeless Veteran And The Widow's Mite

"The Poor Are More Than Twice As Charitable As The Rich"

The Rich Believe They Are Rewarded Because They're Deserving. Not So The Scum

"Most Of The Rich Think The Poor Have It Easy," Washington Post

Are Highly Religious People Less Compassionate?

Image result for cory booker quotes

Your confirmation of Cory's sizeable charitable giving provides further confirmation of his goodness and dedication.

Here is an informative new meme that more or less aligns with Cory's sentiments.

"The Rich Plunder The Poor, Then Pile The Blame On The Dispossed"

Then we have Malignant Messiah:

Trump Foundation Will Dissolve, Accused Of "Shocking Pattern of Illegality"

The Pharisees Are Always With Us: Here's What They "Look Like" Today

Paz contigo


Image result for cory booker quotes

On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 5:45 PM EM wrote:

Compa—Interesting wrap-up compilation 😊

My nephew in Spokane (who rented pro-Bernie campaign headquarter space from his very Right-leaning Republican father in 2016), did a review of “charity” donations on the Dem candidates:   Bernie Sanders 0, Elizabeth Warren almost 0, Cory Booker 10%!!   Thought you’d appreciate that😊
Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 16, 2019, at 7:21 AM, Alan Archibald <> wrote:
Dear F,

Thanks for your email.

Last night I realized what I'd been "feeling" all along.

I resonate most with the black candidates - Cory and Kamala.

After last night, Cory's "likeability curve" is steeply ascendant.

However, I did not like Mayor Pete's new style even though his content was admirable.

That said, I know most people liked Pete's presentation but to me he seemed a little too peevish.

Pete did perform a great service by putting Warren on the ropes about her "plan" to finance "Medicare For All."

To me Pete makes rock-solid sense when he advocates letting those Americans who are happy with their existing healthcare keep it. (Pete also made good sense emphasizing "the do-able" rather than the "most idealistic" in gun control and immigration. In passing I will mention Buckminster Fuller's great line: "The most idealistic is the realistically most practical.")

Here's the thing...

On both side of the aisle, rudimentary "freedom of choice" is the central deity of America's secular religion. 

I would also point out -- although candidates are not likely to say it -- "Look, universal government-backed healthcare is not only do-able. It has already been done in every other industrialized country. Furthermore, resounding majorities in those countries are happier with their healthcare -- and with their lives for that matter - than Americans are."

To my surprise, while Elizabeth's stock went down last night, Joe's went up -- even with his bumbling verbiage. (At one point -- even though he "caught himself" -- Joe started to take credit for "getting rid of Roe v. Wade.")


Trump "was born on third base" and thinks he hit a triple.

Joe "was born with his foot in his mouth" and seems to think that if he jams it in far enough, it will end up back where it belongs.

Klobachar also put in a strong performance. But I doubt she can enthuse the electorate. That said, she has (apparently) done a brilliant job bringing people together in her home state.  There is also -- for me at least -- a whiny quality in Klobachar's voice that seems to extend to her face, to her posture and to her affect as well.

To summarize:

If Elizabeth shows enough flexibility/resilience to adopt Pete's more modest approach to healthcare -- and if she were to name Booker her veep -- I see a winning ticket. 

I also see a winning ticket comprised of Biden and Booker. 

Or Biden and Harris.

In any event, Make Kamala Attorney General.


On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 7:52 AM FV wrote:

Last night was not a disaster for anyone though Warren was on defense a lot and needs to answer paying for her healthcare a lot better.


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