J.F. Archibald With Henry Lawson
Founder of "The Archibald Prize"
Archibald: The Meaning Of The Name /// With an update on genealogical "happingings"
Scottish: from a Scottish personal name, Archibald, of Anglo-Norman French and (ultimately) Continental Germanic origin (see Archambault). In the Highlands of Scotland it was taken as an Anglicized equivalent of the Gaelic personal name Gille Easbaig ‘servant of the bishop’ (see Gillespie), probably because of the approximate phonetic similarity between Arch(i)bald and easbaig. Both Archibald and Gillespie are personal names much favored among Clan Campbell.
Source: Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press
Similar surnames: Archbold, Marchal, Arcand, Orchard, Garibaldi, Archambault, Archie
As a surname, Dad said Archibald is a branch of Clan McPherson and, as I clearly recall - also acknowledging the porosity of memory - Dad was buried wearing a necktie made from Clan McPherson tartan.
Where are the Archibalds from? https://www.ancestry.com/name-
What did the Archibalds do? https://www.ancestry.com/name-
Dad also told the story that the original spelling of the family name was Arch(i)bold. He related an additional tale of "an Archbold" who became fabulously rich through "affiliation" with Standard Oil.
Prior to this fat cat's death, he let it be known that any "Archibald" who wanted a share in his fortune had to revert to the original spelling of the surname which -- according to Dad -- his father, William Arthur (or his grandfather George) refused to do.
I just googled this Standard Oil magnate and discovered John Dustin Archbold's Wikipedia page. He is described as "John D. Rockefeller's closest associate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Dustin_Archbold
Notably, in Dennis Reid's genealogy, my great, great grandfather is listed as John Archibold who was born in county Wexford in 1808 and died in 1901.
For completeness' sake, I will mention that John Archibold married Alice Burger who was born in 1820 and died in 1893.
It is also remarkable that (according to Dennis Reid), "Burger" was a mutant form of Alice's ancestral family name, "Bulger."
Since Bulger is not a common name, there is some likelihood we are related to the Irish-American mob boss, Whitey Bulger. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitey_Bulger (According to "Forebears," "only" 6627 people in the world bear the name Bulger.)
A final note...
I just located Dennis Reid's genealogy and will "soon" upload all that copious information to Ancestry.com.
Much of Dennis' work reveals "lateral" relationships, including our relationship to Dennis Reid's family.
Presumably, the publication of this wide-ranging family tree on Ancestry.com will coincide with the genealogies of other Ancestry.com users, and soon there will be a new influx of intersecting relationship information.
I will also upload the considerable genealogical information that Pat Noll has documented on Mom's side of the family.
Thank you Pat!
For those of you who do not know "the Dennis Reid story," here's the scoop.
Dennis was a lifelong bachelor and Cunard Shipping Line steward. ("The Titanic" was a Cunard ship.)
In the mid-fifties, Dennis -- out of the blue -- phoned Dad from New York City where his ship would be docked for the next week.
Dennis asked if he could come visit Dad to talk about "the Archibald family" since it had become clear to him over the year's that Archibald genealogy intersected the Reid's.
Not surprisingly, Dad was enthusiastic.
Soon, Dennis caught a train for Rochester where he and Dad spent a very enjoyable time together.
Some while later, Dennis sent Dad all his genealogical information which covers 5 laterally-contiguous 8 1/2 by 11 sheets.
To get an idea of the "relationship-distance" between the Archibalds and the Reids, "Archibald genealogy" is recorded on page 3 and Reid genealogy is recorded on page 5.
One last note...
Although Dennis Reid did not discover the Archibald's earliest documented ancestor, an informant from Raleigh, NC, told me of her relative, a Dutch mercenary soldier named Leyden (presumably named after his city of origen), who was born in 1610.
Eventually, Leyden's progeny engendered Honora or "Hannah" as she is called in Dennis Reid's genealogy of the Archibald family. It appears that Honora was the impressive wife of Rush, New York farmer, George Archibald. The two parcels of Archibald farmland in Rush, New York, were titled in Honora's name.
Honora/"Hannah" and George were Dad's -- i.e., William Wellington's -- grandparents.
"My" great-grandmother Honora was born c. 1850 and died in 1902.
Great-grandfather George was born in 1851 and died in 1922
In passing I will mention that Honora/Hannah's brother Pat Leyden married her husband George's sister Sarah. (Dad's fraternal/sororal twin sisters, Valeria and Virginia, also married siblings.
As a young woman, Honora/Hannah sailed from Ireland to Australia and back, leaving brother Daniel in Sydney where his descendant Cheryl (Leyden) Bentley now lives in Queensland.
Mom, Dad and I met Cheryl (and her car agency owner husband) in Durham NC when Mom and Dad were en route to Florida and "the Bentleys" were taking a bus tour of the United States.
While visiting Feakle (County Clare) with Mom and Dad, we came upon many Leyden tombstones in the local cementery. (According to Dennis Reid, the Leydens were from a hamlet called Lecarrow, 2 miles east of Feakle. Apparently, Lecarrow no longer exists.)
While exploring Feakle's cemetery, Mom noticed the town post office right across the road and said she wanted to send her already-written post cards to Janet, Kevin, Gerald and Billy with the local postmark.
When we entered the small stone building, Dad asked the post-mistress if she knew anything about the Leydens.
She replied -- in thick Irish brogue -- "Ah! I don't know a thing about the Leydens. But I have a letter for you."
She reached under the counter and in a single sweeping gesture handed Dad an envelop bearing Australian stamps.
It was addressed:
Post Office Official
County Clare
Dad opened the letter and read aloud:
Do you know anything about the Leyden family which used to live in or near Feakle?
Cheryl (Leyden) Bentley
And that's how Dad and Cheryl came to know one another.
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