Best first
6 ups, 3d,
1 reply
There's a new stream for trump derangement syndrome, it's called politicsTOO
1 up, 2d,
1 reply
"In The End, We Choose Between Cruelty And Kindness"
In the embedded set of links (above), check out the Scottish documentary, "You've Been Trumped."
It streams for free.
If you watch it, I'd be interested in your review.
In the embedded set of links (above), check out the Scottish documentary, "You've Been Trumped."
It streams for free.
If you watch it, I'd be interested in your review.
3 ups, 2d,
1 reply
Do you have a problem with the military industrial complex or just trump? Obama was doing the exact same shit, where was the outrage then? Trump is a Zionist jewish Israeli controlled puppet, so not sure why you think his agenda is Christian... Trump definitely deserves scrutiny, but most of these memes, including yours, aren't helping to hold him accountable, it's just factless emotion based attacks. It's just more orange man bad without the information telling people WHY he's bad, and why he's worse than anyone before him... hes definitely not any worse than Obama, and some would argue we are all better off not having Hillary in office right now, that b**ch is freaking insane.
1 up, 2d,
3 replies
Obama did not do "the exact same thing."
Not even close.
Different galaxies if not different universes.
Here's Snopes' account comparing Obama and Trump's border policies: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/obama-trump-child-separation-meme/
History will record that Trump was immeasurably worse than Obama.
Indeed, historians are already making this judgment:
"How Will History Judge Trump?"
The British Broadcasting Corporation
As for Hillary, I have a question for you:
"Lock Her Up"
Since you claim to be fond of truth -- and shun "factless emotion" -- please reply to the Snopes article and the BBC's findings.
I do not know your agenda.
But your view of Jews suggests a certain race-based animus which would, understandably, result in your relative lack of condemnation for Trump who's "not any worse than Obama," whereas Hillary is a "freaking insane b**ch."
Your two appraisals exhibit qualitatively different "orders of magnitude."
I suspect you try to protect your ideological "purity" by burning the candle at both ends.
Doesn't work that way.
In this imperfect world, it is important to distinguish between "this side of the pale" and "beyond the pale."
Consider conservative icon P.J. O'Rourke's view.
Conservative Icon P.J. O'Rourke Will Vote For Hillary. Why?
Not even close.
Different galaxies if not different universes.
Here's Snopes' account comparing Obama and Trump's border policies: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/obama-trump-child-separation-meme/
History will record that Trump was immeasurably worse than Obama.
Indeed, historians are already making this judgment:
"How Will History Judge Trump?"
The British Broadcasting Corporation
As for Hillary, I have a question for you:
"Lock Her Up"
Since you claim to be fond of truth -- and shun "factless emotion" -- please reply to the Snopes article and the BBC's findings.
I do not know your agenda.
But your view of Jews suggests a certain race-based animus which would, understandably, result in your relative lack of condemnation for Trump who's "not any worse than Obama," whereas Hillary is a "freaking insane b**ch."
Your two appraisals exhibit qualitatively different "orders of magnitude."
I suspect you try to protect your ideological "purity" by burning the candle at both ends.
Doesn't work that way.
In this imperfect world, it is important to distinguish between "this side of the pale" and "beyond the pale."
Consider conservative icon P.J. O'Rourke's view.
Conservative Icon P.J. O'Rourke Will Vote For Hillary. Why?
3 ups, 2d,
1 reply
Look at my comment, already 4 likes, your meme-0 likes.. you make deranged memes and want everyone to get in your little echo chamber with you. You're using snopes as a source and not even wondering why you're the biggest joke on this meme site. You're desperately clinging to this left vs right ideology and can't even fathom how someone can exist outside of it. You're trying to throw any collusion that will stick to trump but when someone points out the fact that he's clearly colluding with Israel you imply that they are somehow racist. You're memes are garbage and the only thing that's worse is your sources for news and facts. Snopes has been exposed as being just as bad if not worse than cnn when it comes to their biases. Now run and hide in your politicsTOO safe space with the other echoing lunatics. You can all jerk eachother off and quote snopes together.
0 ups, 2d,
1 reply
Are you familiar with The Dunning-Kruger Effect."
"Mark Twain, Adolf Hitler And The Dunning-Kruger Effect"
"Trumpism: The Rebellion Of Know-Nothing Twits"
We are all at liberty to believe that the truth is indiscernible. The idea of completely indeterminate Truth has been around since Pilate asked his memorable question to the carpenter.
But even if we supposed that Truth is indiscernible, that would leave everyone to concoct their reality as they see fit.
And although "indiscernibility" provides ego gratification to those who wish to pronounce, proclaim and dictate, it is also a neverending swamp propelling everlasting murk.
Conspiracy Thinking, The Death Of Shared Identity And The Collapse Of Common Purpose
What Is Trump's Relationship To The Nation's Most Dangerous Conspiracy Theorist?
Alex Jones Obliges NASA To Deny It's Running A Child Slave Colony On Mars
When the following fact-checking sites concur -- as they routinely do -- it is much more likely that they are describing a common thread because the thread, in fact, exists. https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/true-5-factchecking-websites/
Alternatively, Trump's demonstrable "lie tally" is around 13,500 (since Inauguration Day) and his lies are of the general type "two plus two equals five." Furthermore we know, as fact, that Trump tells multiple provable lies per day.
A concrete example: "All negative polls are fake news." If we take enough polls in enough places we will discover instances in which most people have a negative view of motherhood and apple pie. No politician -- ever -- has had ONLY positive polls. Trump is not just a liar, but a world-class liar. And those who champion his cause actively promote falsehood over truth.
Or consider Trump's absurd claim that "The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive." There is NO evidence to support this claim as there is no evidence to support thousands of claims made by Liar-in-Chief.
He even lies to his wife that he didn't bone Stormy Daniels.
"Mark Twain, Adolf Hitler And The Dunning-Kruger Effect"
"Trumpism: The Rebellion Of Know-Nothing Twits"
We are all at liberty to believe that the truth is indiscernible. The idea of completely indeterminate Truth has been around since Pilate asked his memorable question to the carpenter.
But even if we supposed that Truth is indiscernible, that would leave everyone to concoct their reality as they see fit.
And although "indiscernibility" provides ego gratification to those who wish to pronounce, proclaim and dictate, it is also a neverending swamp propelling everlasting murk.
Conspiracy Thinking, The Death Of Shared Identity And The Collapse Of Common Purpose
What Is Trump's Relationship To The Nation's Most Dangerous Conspiracy Theorist?
Alex Jones Obliges NASA To Deny It's Running A Child Slave Colony On Mars
When the following fact-checking sites concur -- as they routinely do -- it is much more likely that they are describing a common thread because the thread, in fact, exists. https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/true-5-factchecking-websites/
Alternatively, Trump's demonstrable "lie tally" is around 13,500 (since Inauguration Day) and his lies are of the general type "two plus two equals five." Furthermore we know, as fact, that Trump tells multiple provable lies per day.
A concrete example: "All negative polls are fake news." If we take enough polls in enough places we will discover instances in which most people have a negative view of motherhood and apple pie. No politician -- ever -- has had ONLY positive polls. Trump is not just a liar, but a world-class liar. And those who champion his cause actively promote falsehood over truth.
Or consider Trump's absurd claim that "The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive." There is NO evidence to support this claim as there is no evidence to support thousands of claims made by Liar-in-Chief.
He even lies to his wife that he didn't bone Stormy Daniels.
2 ups, 2d,
1 reply
Who gives a shit...
You are obsessed, your links are garbage, you are pathetic.
You are obsessed, your links are garbage, you are pathetic.
0 ups, 2d,
2 replies
You are nothing if not eloquent.
Unless, of course, we also count completely mistaken.
Your dismissive brevity makes me think you were disappointed to see your reflection.
"Trumpism: The Rebellion Of Know-Nothing Twits"
In case it proves useful...
"You Can Safely Assume You've Created God In Your Own Image When..."
Unless, of course, we also count completely mistaken.
Your dismissive brevity makes me think you were disappointed to see your reflection.
"Trumpism: The Rebellion Of Know-Nothing Twits"
In case it proves useful...
"You Can Safely Assume You've Created God In Your Own Image When..."
2 ups, 2d
Nobody cares about your links, your links are proof of your dim wit, you have nothing, you are nothing.
1 up, 2d,
1 reply
If only it were fun...
Alas, it's deliberate inflammation of the worst angels of our nature.
"The Better Angels Of Our Nature" And "What In God's Name Happened To Republicans?"
Alas, it's deliberate inflammation of the worst angels of our nature.
"The Better Angels Of Our Nature" And "What In God's Name Happened To Republicans?"
4 ups, 2d,
1 reply
You don't do this for fun? You felt like it was your duty to make a meme name-calling Trump? That's even sadder
1 up, 2d,
1 reply
I'm touched by your commiseration.
Do you know how miserable Trump has made most Americans?
And he has made them miserable from the very beginning when Hillary got 4.56% more popular votes than Pussy Grabber/Trump University Felon but we ended up with Malignant Messiah.
Note well. If the tables had been turned and a Republican who received 5% more popular votes than the Democratic candidate, then lost in The Electoral College, every conservative in America would still be livid, their jugulars pulsing purple.
Here is what Trump himself had to say in 2012 about The Electoral College.
5 Years Ago Trump Said The Electoral College Was "A Sham, A Travesty, A Disgusting Injustice"
"Trump, Hillary, The Popular Vote, And The Electoral College"
Do you know how miserable Trump has made most Americans?
And he has made them miserable from the very beginning when Hillary got 4.56% more popular votes than Pussy Grabber/Trump University Felon but we ended up with Malignant Messiah.
Note well. If the tables had been turned and a Republican who received 5% more popular votes than the Democratic candidate, then lost in The Electoral College, every conservative in America would still be livid, their jugulars pulsing purple.
Here is what Trump himself had to say in 2012 about The Electoral College.
5 Years Ago Trump Said The Electoral College Was "A Sham, A Travesty, A Disgusting Injustice"
"Trump, Hillary, The Popular Vote, And The Electoral College"
4 ups, 2d,
1 reply
You can either get over it or continue trying to change the world one crappy meme at a time. You seem to prefer misery and cortisol so memes away!
1 up, 2d
I see you're not up to the challenge: Truth versus Falsehood.
If the shoe fits, wear it.
Trumpism: The Rebellion Of Know-Nothing Twits
If the shoe fits, wear it.
Trumpism: The Rebellion Of Know-Nothing Twits
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