"Fox Chases Tail"
Although O’Reilly rails against sexual promiscuity in black communities,
his own sex life reads like a stereotyped "welfare queen's."
"Cops Kill Eric Garner For Selling Cigarettes"
(No Indictment)
"Jon Stewart Blasts Fox News:
"No F*cking Idea" How To Discuss Ferguson"
"Cops Kill Eric Garner For Selling Cigarettes"
(No Indictment)
"Jon Stewart Blasts Fox News:
"No F*cking Idea" How To Discuss Ferguson"

Alan: Most Americans have living relatives who were alive when these good Christians cooked this man.
Several years ago, I attended a talk by UNC-Chapel Hill Public Health Professor John Hatch who mentioned that all four grandparents were born into slavery. In one of his ancestral families the children were auctioned off in a single day. Knowing that the new owners would remove them to distant plantations - with no hope of family reunion - a bereaved daughter committed suicide within hours of her sale.
To think that this heritage - still burningly alive in human memory - can be transcended in a few generations is more Pharisaic than the good church-goers whom Yeshua railed against.
"Yeshua Excoriates Fellow Pharisees"
More photos of good Christians barbecuing human beings
are available below.
are available below.
Dear John,
Thanks for sending Bill O'Reilly's rant against black people. It is the sort of self-righteous screed I have come to expect of many "good Catholics." An essentially narrow-minded person, O'Reilly epitomizes the epistemological truth that "Every text without a context is a pretext." http://www.cnsnews.com/video/national/oreilly-americas-race-problem
There is no question that the decline of the black family has created a toxic swamp that breeds violent men.
"The Negro Family: The Case For National Action"
"Bill O'Reilly's Ongoing War On Facts (And Racial Justice)"
"Bill O'Reilly's Ongoing War On Facts (And Racial Justice)"
The Moynihan Report, 1965
"Bill O'Reilly's Ongoing War On Facts (And Racial Justice)"
Tim Wise: The best informed, most deeply-contextualized commentator
on crime statistics as they relate to race.
1.) http://www.timwise.org/2013/08/race-crime-and-statistical-malpractice-how-the-right-manipulates-white-fear-with-bogus-data/2.) http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2014/09/tim-wise-americas-best-informed-most.html
Some statistics:
"One in every three black males born today can expect to go to prison at some point in his life, compared with one in every six Latino males, and one in every 17 white males..." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/04/racial-disparities-criminal-justice_n_4045144.html
"One in every three black males born today can expect to go to prison at some point in his life, compared with one in every six Latino males, and one in every 17 white males..." http://www.
That said, a large body of evidence demonstrates that black men are three to five times more likely to spend time in jail than white counterparts guilty of the same crime - assuming, of course, that unarmed black men are not first shot down on the streets.
Republican Party Is "Full Of Racists," Colin Powell's Chief Of Staff
Ain't No Racism In America: LA Cop Would "Pull A Ferguson" On "Nigger Chimps"
"The System Makes It 350% More Likely That People Of Color Do Time For Same Crime"
Whites Think Discrimination Against Them Is A Bigger Problem Bias Against Blacks
American Police Shoot An Unarmed Black Man Every 72 Hours
(Taking police and vigilante shootings together, we find that an unarmed black man gets shot every 29 hours.)
(Taking police and vigilante shootings together, we find that an unarmed black man gets shot every 29 hours.)
"Cops Killing Kids:
John Oliver And A Bereaved White Dad's Initiative"
"Cops Killing Kids:
John Oliver And A Bereaved White Dad's Initiative"
Cleveland Police Shoot And Kill 12 Year Old With Toy Gun
Diane Rehm Guest Gets To The Nub Of Police Violence And How Easily It's Prevented
"Non-Racist" Gringos Cheer Black Man Who Would "Ventilate Black Asses With M16s"
"Given FL's "Stand Your Ground Law," Can This Black Woman Kill The White Cop Who Assaulted Her?"

"Video: WalMart Shopper John Crawford Didn't Aim Toy Gun At Anyone Before Police Shot Him Dead"
(Imagine Crawford as a young white guy. Maybe your son...)
(Imagine Crawford as a young white guy. Maybe your son...)
It is also useful to keep in mind that "jail time" does not necessarily imply "real" criminality.
"Jail" is also "home" to repeat offenders like our peace-and-justice friend Patrick O'Neill, as well as young black males four times more likely than whites to be jailed for marijuana infractions although the percentage of users is the same for blacks and whites.
Plus, there are a host of other trivial "crimes" -- none of which whites can fathom -- like "walking (or driving) while black."
"Diane Rehm: Georgetown Law Professor's Revealing Account Of Police Harassment"
"Minnesota Man Tased For Refusing To Identify Himself"
The Adverse Effect Of A Single Arrest On Job Prospects Often Lasts A Lifetime
"How Criminal Records Make It Impossible To Get One's Life Back"
"How Criminal Records Make It Impossible To Get One's Life Back"
Black Kids Get Shot For Their Mistakes. White Kids Get Psychologized
"Actor Jesse Williams Gets Real About Relentless Dehumanization Of Black Men"
Black Kids Get Shot For Their Mistakes. White Kids Get Psychologized
"Actor Jesse Williams Gets Real About Relentless Dehumanization Of Black Men"
"The Talk." How Black Parents Tell Their Sons To Be Safe
"The Talk." How Black Parents Tell Their Sons To Be Safe
"Attorney General Eric Holder Recalls Being Hassled By Cops"
Paul Ryan On Ferguson: "Let Law Enforcement Do Their Job"
WalMart Video Shows Man Shot Dead, Without Warning For Leaning On Toy Gun
White Man Jaywalks With Assault Rifle. Guess What Police Do
Cops Handcuff "Django Unchained" Actress Because They Assumed She Was A Hooker
"White Teen In BMW Hits Three Cars, Flees Scene, Assaults Cops, And Doesn't Get Shot"
A Cop's Take On Ferguson
Former Prosecutor Reflects On "Good Cops," Bad Cops" And Ferguson, Missouri
"120,000 Black And Hispanic Teens Stopped And Frisked In NYC Last Year"

Open Season On Unarmed Black Men. White Cop Kills Another Innocuous Black Man
"I Understand The First Bullet. And The Second Bullet. And The Third Bullet. And The..."
"New Michael Brown Shooting Witnesses Describe Scene"
Video Of Missouri Cop Threatening To Kill Protestors
Jon Stewart Blasts Fox News: "No "F*cking Idea How To Discuss Ferguson"
"Ferguson Isn't About Black Rage Against White Cops. It's About White Rage Against Progress"
Injustice In Ferguson Long Before Michael Brown
"Suppression Of The Press By Ferguson Police"
Jon Stewart Blasts Fox News: "No "F*cking Idea How To Discuss Ferguson"
"Ferguson Isn't About Black Rage Against White Cops. It's About White Rage Against Progress"
Injustice In Ferguson Long Before Michael Brown
Ferguson: Chain Email From Right-Wing Friend Who Says There's No Racism
"Suppression Of The Press By Ferguson Police"
If O'Reilly ever contextualizes black criminality by comparing it to un-jailable white-collar criminals responsible for daily havoc in the lives of most Americans, I will listen to Bill's biased bitching about blacks who, no matter their qualifications, are much more likely to be excluded from "a place at the table" than any other ethnicity. (Note that the net worth of a typical American family declined 40% in the years after Bush Cheney's Financial Meltdown. To be clear, The Great Recession was caused by nefarious white guys who robbed thousands of dollars from you, me and everyone else we know. http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2013/03/between-2007-and-2010-family-net-worth.html)
If you - or I - were systematically excluded from a "place at the table" like black people are, we would be pissed off.
Seriously pissed off.
But we would not be as pissed off as every American "should be" at the inside job that collapsed their net worth while bloating the wealth of white guys so adept at manipulating The Boom/Bust Scam that these "structural" felons make gobs of money "running the economy up" and more gobs "running it down."
If you're a protected, un-jailable white person, you get rich whether you pimp/pump The System - or crash it.
You get richer still if you run The Boom-Bust Scam as a two-step sequence.
If you - or I - were systematically excluded from a "place at the table" like black people are, we would be pissed off.
Seriously pissed off.
But we would not be as pissed off as every American "should be" at the inside job that collapsed their net worth while bloating the wealth of white guys so adept at manipulating The Boom/Bust Scam that these "structural" felons make gobs of money "running the economy up" and more gobs "running it down."
If you're a protected, un-jailable white person, you get rich whether you pimp/pump The System - or crash it.
You get richer still if you run The Boom-Bust Scam as a two-step sequence.
Check out the Oscar-winning documentary, "Inside Job." (Or simply read any factual account not hide-bound by Christian/Values "opinion.")
"Inside Job"
Oscar-winning documentary about the Wall Street origin of The Great Recession.
Freely streamable online
Whereas the white felons who run America are equal opportunity malfeasants, black criminals almost exclusively commit black-on-black crime.
Imagine the number of O'Reilly fans who would secretly gloat that "those damn niggers are getting what they deserve" if O'Reilly described black crime as a largely ghettoized problem with virtually no impact on middle class whites.
When O'Reilly pushes "The Murder Button" - and analyzes the statistics "by race" - the raw numbers are horrifying.
What O'Reilly does NOT say is that the U.S. murder rate has fallen by more than half since 1991 and that the rate among white murderers is five to ten times higher than it is for whites in most European countries - and 10 to 20 times higher than murder rates in Japan and other southeast Asian countries.
"The US Murder Rate Is On Track To Be Lowest In A Century"
U.S. Murder Rates
"America's Real Criminal Element: Lead"
"More Americans Killed By Police Than By Terrorists Even Though Crime Is Down"
U.S. Murder Rates
"America's Real Criminal Element: Lead"
"America's Real Criminal Element: Lead"
"More Americans Killed By Police Than By Terrorists Even Though Crime Is Down"
http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2014/03/more-americans-killed-by-police-than-by.html"More Americans Killed By Police Than By Terrorists Even Though Crime Is Down"
True to form, O'Reilly sings the praises of American white men, who -- when judged against the rest of the developed world -- comprise an exceptionally sleazy demographic.
Currently, a higher percentage of American whites are behind bars than any other prison population in any other country.
The brightest light O'Reilly shines (albeit unwittingly) is on American white people who -- despite the extraordinary favoritism bestowed on them by accident of "white" birth -- are not only more violent than folk in most developed countries, but white American leaders -- from the Civil War, through the Spanish-American War and on into Vietnam and Iraq -- have killed and maimed far more people than the cumulative carnage perpetrated by "colored folk" from the start of the slave trade onward.
"Terrorism and The Other Religions"
by University of Michigan History Professor, Juan Cole
(Yes, it fact checks.)
O'Reilly's implicit praise for American white people -- despite their extraordinary penchant for mayhem -- is as bizarre as most reports of his misogynistic sex life.
Nor do American whites limit themselves to penny ante one-on-one crime: instead they specialize in structural crime, war crime, torture and mass murder.
New York Governor Mario Cuomo rightly observed that 'the United States is the most violent culture in the history of the world.'
Speaking of Cuomo...
What if Italians were judged by the actions of malfeasant Mafiosi, whose enduring "reign of terror" upon the Italian people Pope Francis lambasted just last week. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/26/pope-mafia_n_3338995.html
Have you gotten wind of reports concerning a Mob contract on Francis? http://ncronline.org/news/prosecutor-warns-mafia-threat-against-pope-francis
Trust me Giovanni... You don't want O'Reilly firing up the century-old debate whether Italians are white people!
Speaking of Cuomo...
What if Italians were judged by the actions of malfeasant Mafiosi, whose enduring "reign of terror" upon the Italian people Pope Francis lambasted just last week. http://www.
Have you gotten wind of reports concerning a Mob contract on Francis? http://ncronline.org/
Trust me Giovanni... You don't want O'Reilly firing up the century-old debate whether Italians are white people!
"The Largest Mass Lynching In The United States: 11 Italians In 1891"

The total number of annual murders in the "United" States is half the number of Americans killed in auto accidents each year. (And half the number of firearm suicides.)
What's more, the U.S. traffic fatality rate is twice that of Europe.
N.B. Every year, the United States could prevent as many traffic deaths as the total number of American murders by the simple expedient of duplicating European laws, regulations and norms as they relate to vehicular transportation.
What's more, the U.S. traffic fatality rate is twice that of Europe.
N.B. Every year, the United States could prevent as many traffic deaths as the total number of American murders by the simple expedient of duplicating European laws, regulations and norms as they relate to vehicular transportation.
Do you know why you've never heard about 15,000 preventable traffic fatalities but you get lathered over 7000 black-on-black killings?
It's because human beings delight in pointing fingers at any evil -- real or perceived -- that they themselves cannot "fix."
When it comes to black crime, there is nothing whites "can do about it" -- thanks be to God! --and so they exempt themselves from personal responsibility.
Like Pilate, American Caucasians first "wash their hands," then white-wash their conscience.
There is little inclination for "The Master Race" to be bothered by any issue that does not deliver high enough doses of self-righteous wrath to distinguish "the good guys" as "God's own allies," while representing "the other guy" as worthy of perpetual punishment followed by eternal damnation.
"Yeshua Excoriates Fellow Pharisees"
On the other hand, your taxes - and my taxes - paid for My Lai and Abu Ghraib... not to mention the larger military obscenities of which they were part.
Did you refuse to pay that percentage of your taxes which supported The Vietnam War or Bush-Cheney's Whimsy War in Iraq?
We could have.
But we didn't.
The resulting blood -- 3,000,000 dead in Vietnam and a million dead in Iraq (and counting) -- is on our hands.
Make no mistake. Bush-Cheney launched The Whimsy War on sheer trumpery and brazen fabrication.
Nevertheless, they will "walk" as surely as Bo Brownstein in the photograph above.
Nevertheless, they will "walk" as surely as Bo Brownstein in the photograph above.
Not only will they walk, they will be revered as praiseworthy public servants, who took extraordinary measures to "protect The Homeland."
Despite "Hair On Fire" Intelligence Briefings, Bush Ignored Intel Re Imminent Attack
In addition to the dead, millions of maimed Iraqis are hidden from view by Uncle Sam's obsessive focus on "body counts."
Also hidden from view are tens of thousands of maimed GIs.
All for nothing.
Less than nothing.
Burnt offerings on the altar of Bush-Cheney's ego.
"For misleading the American people, and launching the most foolish war since Emperor Augustus in 9 B.C sent his legions into Germany and lost them, Bush deserves to be impeached and, once he has been removed from office, put on trial along with the rest of the president’s men. If convicted, they’ll have plenty of time to mull over their sins."
Israeli War Historian, Martin van Creveld, the only non-American on the U.S. Military Officer Corps' required reading list.
Still want to talk about 7000 black-on-black murders?
Anyone who thinks that reducing the number of murders committed by blacks from 7000 to 700 will improve the lives of white people needs IV thorazine.
Race is always a distraction from the real political work of "following the money."
Follow this...
If Iraq's principal export were broccoli, there would not have been a war in the first place.
Follow this...
If Iraq's principal export were broccoli, there would not have been a war in the first place.
The United States is the only country to drop "The Big One."
And not just once, but twice.
And both times upon civilian populations.
"Christian Just War Principles" Established c. 500 A.D.
Vs. America's "just war tradition"
Vs. America's "just war tradition"
Money -- not minority crime -- is the proper focus of social and political reform.
Every consideration other than money contributes to the carefully-crafted smokescreen that obscures the machinations of The 1% (actually, The 5%) whose single-minded determination to maintain (and preferably exacerbate) income inequality makes it impossible for many blacks -- and whites -- to escape the crushing weight of economic oppression.
Bottom line?
The moneyed class finances plenty of propaganda (including O'Reilly's) to divert American outrage from The Fat Cats, putting it instead on "reprehensible" minorities whom The Ungodly Rich deprive of dignity-and-resource just as they have always deprived "the undeserving poor."
"Divide and conquer." It's the oldest trick in the book.
The moneyed class finances plenty of propaganda (including O'Reilly's) to divert American outrage from The Fat Cats, putting it instead on "reprehensible" minorities whom The Ungodly Rich deprive of dignity-and-resource just as they have always deprived "the undeserving poor."
"Divide and conquer." It's the oldest trick in the book.
The process whereby The Filthy Rich draw our attention downward rather than upward (thus idolizing humankind's "lesser angels") is a kind of "cooptation," a frequently-used term in the 60s and 70s which dropped from radar when self-victimizing white Americans became the d___f___s they are now.
Never has it been so flamingly clear that "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing."
Blessedly, Pope Francis is not distracted by sidelight.
Furthermore, as a well-trained Jesuit, he knows more than enough to be dangerous to the plutocratic status quo.
Pope Francis Links
Marcuse and Cooptation
Modern politics is ostensibly permissive but fundamentally repressive.

"Plutocracy Triumphant"
A Compendium of Cartoons
It is essential to keep in mind that "nothing is perfect" and that The Body Politic is seriously injured when citizens (most often conservative citizens) insist that "Impossibly Pure Principles" are Mandatory Norms that all "good people" must champion while anyone who does not preach "perfection" deserves to die, or at least agonize before premature death.
"The terrible thing about our time is precisely the ease with which theories can be put into practice. The more perfect, the more idealistic the theories, the more dreadful is their realization. We are at last beginning to rediscover what perhaps men knew better in very ancient times, in primitive times before utopias were thought of: that liberty is bound up with imperfection, and that limitations, imperfections, errors are not only unavoidable but also salutary. The best is not the ideal. Where what is theoretically best is imposed on everyone as the norm, then there is no longer any room even to be good. The best, imposed as a norm, becomes evil.”
"Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander,” by Trappist monk, Father Thomas Merton
More Merton Quotes
"Is Perfectionism A Curse? Paul Ryan Tells The Truth"
Knowing that Lonnie C spent the better part of 20 years "on the bench" -- and from that seat-of-judgment had "seen it all" -- I once asked him what percentage of human beings he considered "n'er-do-wells."
His answer surprised me.
Bill O'Reilly and other angry whites who make up the increasingly desperate Party of Nope insist that everyone be outraged over the abuses of 3%, as if removing the splinter from the eye of racial minorities will take away the tree trunk protruding from their own.
"Yeshua Excoriates Fellow Pharisees"
But the most devious - and dangerous - premise of O'Reilly's politics (and this is true for Pharisees in every generation) is his determination to justify the oppression of a decisive majority of hard-working, responsible black people by making "angry white people" believe their outrage at a minority justifies prejudicial treatment of the whole group.
"Ferguson Is What America Has Always Been:
Our Dangerous Delusions On Race & Democracy"
"Watch John Oliver’s Take On Ferguson And The Police"
http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2014/08/watch-john-olivers-take-on-ferguson-and.html"Watch John Oliver’s Take On Ferguson And The Police"

Angry white guys will get their comeuppance and sooner than they think.
Furthermore, they are hoisting their own petard by letting relatively trivial "particulars" blind them to the contextualized understanding that is always required for proper valuation of "facts in the foreground."
As Aquinas pointed out, "sin" hinges on loss of proportion-and-perspective and it is the abandonment of these two prudential qualities that will prove the undoing of American "conservatism."
Time will tell if "the cons" manage to undo America first.
Furthermore, they are hoisting their own petard by letting relatively trivial "particulars" blind them to the contextualized understanding that is always required for proper valuation of "facts in the foreground."
As Aquinas pointed out, "sin" hinges on loss of proportion-and-perspective and it is the abandonment of these two prudential qualities that will prove the undoing of American "conservatism."
Time will tell if "the cons" manage to undo America first.
"Shark Attacks Rise Worldwide: Risk Assessment and Aquinas' Criteria For Sin"
"The Death Of Epistemology"
"The Death Of Epistemology"
"Republicans For Revolution: A Study In Anarchic Apocalypticism"
"Republicans For Revolution: A Study In Anarchic Apocalypticism"
"The Republican Party Is A Satanic Cult"

Bobby Jindal criticizes The Stupid Party
which "simply protects the rich so they get to keep their toys"

Not just good Christians, but "saved!" Bible Belt Christians.

- "Bank on it: The South Is Always Wrong"
- "Why The Bible Belt Is Christianity's Worst Enemy"
- Lynching Of African American Photos On Pinterest
Bill O'Reilly's sexual harassment lawsuit
On October 13, 2004, O'Reilly sued Andrea Mackris, a former producer for The O'Reilly Factor, with extortion charges, alleging that she had threatened a lawsuit unless he paid her more than $60 million. Subsequently that day, Mackris sued O'Reilly for sexual harassment, seeking $60 million in damages. Her lawsuit alleged two types of legally-cognizable sexual harassment claims that are not based upon physical contact: quid pro quo and hostile work environment. In her lawsuit, she filed a 22-page complaint with the Supreme Court of the State of New York[92] and produced quotations from alleged explicit phone conversations between herself and O'Reilly in which he "advised her to use a vibrator and told her about sexual fantasies involving her."[93] On October 15, 2004, Fox sought judicial permission to fire Mackris, but she was never dismissed. On October 19, 2004, Mackris filed an amended complaint seeking further damages for illegal retaliatory actions by O'Reilly, Fox News, and the News Corporation-owned newspaper The New York Post.[94] On October 28, 2004, O'Reilly and Mackris reached an out-of-court settlement and dropped all charges against each other. According to several published reports, as part of the settlement O'Reilly likely paid Mackris millions of dollars, but the terms of the agreement are confidential.[95]
Many of the following links duplicate URLs posted above.
I include the following list for the sake of completeness.
Extrajudicial Execution By Killer Cops: Best Pax Posts
Extrajudicial Execution By Killer Cops: Best Pax Posts
Cop Arrested After Video Shows Her Shoot Unarmed Man in Back Lying Face Down in the Snow
Open Season On Unarmed American Black Men, A Compendium Of Pax Posts
Walter Scott’s Killing Is the Sum of Every Black Nightmare About White Cops
Killing Good Black People Over Dysfunctional Tail Lights
50 Police Officers Shot & Killed In 2014. Huge, Steady Decline Since 1970s
The Beginning Of The End For Cop-Killer Privilege: "#CrimingWhileWhite"
Open Season On Unarmed Black Men. White Cop Kills Another Innocuous Black Man
Americans Are 9 Times More Likely To Be Killed By A Policeman Than A Terrorist
The Beginning Of The End For Cop-Killer Privilege: "#CrimingWhileWhite"
Open Season On Unarmed Black Men. White Cop Kills Another Innocuous Black Man
Americans Are 9 Times More Likely To Be Killed By A Policeman Than A Terrorist
American Cops Fire More Bullets At One NYC Man Than All German Cops Fire In A Year
1 Small Town's Cops Have Killed More People Than Combined Police Of Germany And U.K.
The Caging Of America: Why Do We Lock Up So Many People?
Selma, "Glory" And America's Astronomical Incarceration Rate
Particularly For Blacks
There's Never Been A Safer Time For Cops Nor A More Dangerous Time For Criminals
Diane Rehm Guest Gets To The Nub Of Police Violence And How Easily It's Prevented
"Is The United States Still A Nation Of Law? Bad Cops And Bad Politicians Walk"
U.S. Murder Rate On Track To Be Lowest In A Century
"Is The United States Still A Nation Of Law? Bad Cops And Bad Politicians Walk"
U.S. Murder Rate On Track To Be Lowest In A Century
Killer Cops: Slow Motion Serial Killing By White People
Compendium Of Pax Posts On Violent Criminals And Violent Police
Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Miscarriage Of Justice And Misplaced Punishment
Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Miscarriage Of Justice And Misplaced Punishment
Blacks Arrested For Contraband Twice As Often Though Much Less Likely To Have Contraband
Alan: Blacks are arrested - and prosecuted - at least twice as often as whites for the "contraband" crimes that most often put Americans behind bars.
If white people were incarcerated as often as blacks for the crimes both commit with the same regularity, and if blacks were incarcerated for the crimes they commit as often as whites are for those same crimes, the "black prison time" figure of 32% (above) would be cut in half and the "white prison time" figure of 6% would double.
The situation is further complicated because it is much harder for released blacks to find work than it is for released whites, making persistent black unemployment a source of recidivism.
Are there any circumstances under which you would hire Jamal ahead of James?
Alan: Blacks are arrested - and prosecuted - at least twice as often as whites for the "contraband" crimes that most often put Americans behind bars.
If white people were incarcerated as often as blacks for the crimes both commit with the same regularity, and if blacks were incarcerated for the crimes they commit as often as whites are for those same crimes, the "black prison time" figure of 32% (above) would be cut in half and the "white prison time" figure of 6% would double.
The situation is further complicated because it is much harder for released blacks to find work than it is for released whites, making persistent black unemployment a source of recidivism.
Are there any circumstances under which you would hire Jamal ahead of James?
The situation is further complicated because it is much harder for released blacks to find work than it is for released whites, making persistent black unemployment a source of recidivism.
Are there any circumstances under which you would hire Jamal ahead of James?
The Future Of Race In America: TED Talk By Michelle Alexander, Author Of "The New Jim Crow"
Lists Of Americans Killed By Cops In 2013, 2014, 2015
50 Police Officers Shot & Killed In 2014. Huge, Steady Decline Since 1970s
"Non-Racist" Gringos Cheer Black Man Who Would "Ventilate Black Asses With M16s"
"Non-Racist" Gringos Cheer Black Man Who Would "Ventilate Black Asses With M16s"
Jesus Says: If Walter Scott Was Running Away Because He Was Guilty Of Something, Kill Him
Compendium Of Pax Posts: What's Wrong With Race Relations?
Hatred, Cops And The Law
Here's The News Report We'd Be Reading If Walter Scott's Murder Wasn't On Video
Pax On Both Houses: Compendium Of U.S. Prison System Posts
"Cops Kill Eric Garner For Selling Cigarettes"
(No Indictment)
"Jon Stewart Blasts Fox News:
"No F*cking Idea" How To Discuss Ferguson"
Republican Party Is "Full Of Racists," Colin Powell's Chief Of Staff
"Cops Kill Eric Garner For Selling Cigarettes"
(No Indictment)
"Jon Stewart Blasts Fox News:
"No F*cking Idea" How To Discuss Ferguson"
Republican Party Is "Full Of Racists," Colin Powell's Chief Of Staff
Ain't No Racism In America: LA Cop Would "Pull A Ferguson" On "Nigger Chimps"
"The System Makes It 350% More Likely That People Of Color Do Time For Same Crime"
Whites Think Discrimination Against Them Is A Bigger Problem Bias Against Blacks
American Police Shoot An Unarmed Black Man Every 72 Hours
(Taking police and vigilante shootings together, we find that an unarmed black man gets shot every 29 hours.)
"Cops Killing Kids:
John Oliver And A Bereaved White Dad's Initiative"
Whites Think Discrimination Against Them Is A Bigger Problem Bias Against Blacks
American Police Shoot An Unarmed Black Man Every 72 Hours
(Taking police and vigilante shootings together, we find that an unarmed black man gets shot every 29 hours.)
(Taking police and vigilante shootings together, we find that an unarmed black man gets shot every 29 hours.)
"Cops Killing Kids:
John Oliver And A Bereaved White Dad's Initiative"
"Cops Killing Kids:
John Oliver And A Bereaved White Dad's Initiative"
Cleveland Police Shoot And Kill 12 Year Old With Toy Gun
Diane Rehm Guest Gets To The Nub Of Police Violence And How Easily It's Prevented
"Non-Racist" Gringos Cheer Black Man Who Would "Ventilate Black Asses With M16s"
"Given FL's "Stand Your Ground Law," Can This Black Woman Kill The White Cop Who Assaulted Her?"
"Video: WalMart Shopper John Crawford Didn't Aim Toy Gun At Anyone Before Police Shot Him Dead"
(Imagine Crawford as a young white guy. Maybe your son...)

"Video: WalMart Shopper John Crawford Didn't Aim Toy Gun At Anyone Before Police Shot Him Dead"
(Imagine Crawford as a young white guy. Maybe your son...)
(Imagine Crawford as a young white guy. Maybe your son...)
"Diane Rehm: Georgetown Law Professor's Revealing Account Of Police Harassment"
"Minnesota Man Tased For Refusing To Identify Himself"
The Adverse Effect Of A Single Arrest On Job Prospects Often Lasts A Lifetime
"How Criminal Records Make It Impossible To Get One's Life Back"
Black Kids Get Shot For Their Mistakes. White Kids Get Psychologized
"Actor Jesse Williams Gets Real About Relentless Dehumanization Of Black Men"
"The Talk." How Black Parents Tell Their Sons To Be Safe
"Attorney General Eric Holder Recalls Being Hassled By Cops"
Paul Ryan On Ferguson: "Let Law Enforcement Do Their Job"
WalMart Video Shows Man Shot Dead, Without Warning For Leaning On Toy Gun
White Man Jaywalks With Assault Rifle. Guess What Police Do
Cops Handcuff "Django Unchained" Actress Because They Assumed She Was A Hooker
"Minnesota Man Tased For Refusing To Identify Himself"
The Adverse Effect Of A Single Arrest On Job Prospects Often Lasts A Lifetime
"How Criminal Records Make It Impossible To Get One's Life Back"
"How Criminal Records Make It Impossible To Get One's Life Back"
Black Kids Get Shot For Their Mistakes. White Kids Get Psychologized
"Actor Jesse Williams Gets Real About Relentless Dehumanization Of Black Men"
Black Kids Get Shot For Their Mistakes. White Kids Get Psychologized
"Actor Jesse Williams Gets Real About Relentless Dehumanization Of Black Men"
"The Talk." How Black Parents Tell Their Sons To Be Safe
"The Talk." How Black Parents Tell Their Sons To Be Safe
"Attorney General Eric Holder Recalls Being Hassled By Cops"
Paul Ryan On Ferguson: "Let Law Enforcement Do Their Job"
WalMart Video Shows Man Shot Dead, Without Warning For Leaning On Toy Gun
White Man Jaywalks With Assault Rifle. Guess What Police Do
Cops Handcuff "Django Unchained" Actress Because They Assumed She Was A Hooker
"White Teen In BMW Hits Three Cars, Flees Scene, Assaults Cops, And Doesn't Get Shot"
A Cop's Take On Ferguson
Former Prosecutor Reflects On "Good Cops," Bad Cops" And Ferguson, Missouri
"120,000 Black And Hispanic Teens Stopped And Frisked In NYC Last Year"
Open Season On Unarmed Black Men. White Cop Kills Another Innocuous Black Man
"I Understand The First Bullet. And The Second Bullet. And The Third Bullet. And The..."
"New Michael Brown Shooting Witnesses Describe Scene"
Video Of Missouri Cop Threatening To Kill Protestors
Jon Stewart Blasts Fox News: "No "F*cking Idea How To Discuss Ferguson"
"Ferguson Isn't About Black Rage Against White Cops. It's About White Rage Against Progress"
Injustice In Ferguson Long Before Michael Brown
A Cop's Take On Ferguson
Former Prosecutor Reflects On "Good Cops," Bad Cops" And Ferguson, Missouri
"120,000 Black And Hispanic Teens Stopped And Frisked In NYC Last Year"
Open Season On Unarmed Black Men. White Cop Kills Another Innocuous Black Man
"I Understand The First Bullet. And The Second Bullet. And The Third Bullet. And The..."
"New Michael Brown Shooting Witnesses Describe Scene"
Video Of Missouri Cop Threatening To Kill Protestors
Jon Stewart Blasts Fox News: "No "F*cking Idea How To Discuss Ferguson"
"Ferguson Isn't About Black Rage Against White Cops. It's About White Rage Against Progress"
Injustice In Ferguson Long Before Michael Brown
Jon Stewart Blasts Fox News: "No "F*cking Idea How To Discuss Ferguson"
"Ferguson Isn't About Black Rage Against White Cops. It's About White Rage Against Progress"
Injustice In Ferguson Long Before Michael Brown
Ferguson: Chain Email From Right-Wing Friend Who Says There's No Racism
"Suppression Of The Press By Ferguson Police"
"Suppression Of The Press By Ferguson Police"
"The US Murder Rate Is On Track To Be Lowest In A Century"
U.S. Murder Rates
"America's Real Criminal Element: Lead"
"More Americans Killed By Police Than By Terrorists Even Though Crime Is Down"
"Ferguson Is What America Has Always Been:
Our Dangerous Delusions On Race & Democracy"
"Watch John Oliver’s Take On Ferguson And The Police"
U.S. Murder Rates
"America's Real Criminal Element: Lead"
"America's Real Criminal Element: Lead"
"More Americans Killed By Police Than By Terrorists Even Though Crime Is Down"
http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2014/03/more-americans-killed-by-police-than-by.html"More Americans Killed By Police Than By Terrorists Even Though Crime Is Down"
"Ferguson Is What America Has Always Been:
Our Dangerous Delusions On Race & Democracy"
"Watch John Oliver’s Take On Ferguson And The Police"
http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2014/08/watch-john-olivers-take-on-ferguson-and.html"Watch John Oliver’s Take On Ferguson And The Police"
"Why Would You Confess If You Didn't Do It?"
Fact: "Two hundred people confessed to the Linbergh kidnap-murder."
Frontline: A Rape-Murder Case Involving A Daisy Chain Of 4 False Confessions
NC Man Found Innocent Of Fatal Stabbings After 37 Years In Prison
"Is The United States Still A Nation Of Law?
Bad Cops And Bad Politicians Walk"
"Why Would You Confess If You Didn't Do It?"
Fact: "Two hundred people confessed to the Linbergh kidnap-murder."
Frontline: A Rape-Murder Case Involving A Daisy Chain Of 4 False Confessions
NC Man Found Innocent Of Fatal Stabbings After 37 Years In Prison
"Is The United States Still A Nation Of Law?
Bad Cops And Bad Politicians Walk"
Bad Cops And Bad Politicians Walk"
On Thu, Aug 14, 2014, JT wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: BTSent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 12:42 AMSubject: Fwd: Provocative subjectMaybe these thoughts should be voiced more globally.BillThis guy is "spot on" this time!Mark
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