American Plutocracy: Who's Punished And Who's Not
After My Mugging c. 1970, The Police Pressured Me To Give False Testimony
Frontline: A Rape-Murder Case Involving A Daisy Chain Of 4 False Confessions
Why Is False Confession So Common. 20% Of Capital Crime Confessions Are False
Why Is False Confession So Common. 20% Of Capital Crime Confessions Are False
NC Man Found Innocent Of Fatal Stabbings After 37 Years In Prison

Fact: "Two hundred people confessed to the Linbergh kidnap-murder."
"Why Would You Confess If You Didn't Do It?"
Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Miscarriage Of Justice And Misplaced Punishment
Miscarriage of Justice
More DNA Exonerations: 20% Of People Who Confess To Capital Crimes Are Coerced
More Evidence That Gov. Rick Perry Executed An Innocent Man. "Oops!"
American Justice: How Michael Brown And Henry McCullom Have Changed Minds
More Evidence That Gov. Rick Perry Executed An Innocent Man. "Oops!"
Compendium Of Pax Posts On Violent Criminals And Violent Police
"The Caging Of America: American Prisons Routinely Used To Incarcerate The Mentally Ill. 500,000 Behind Bars"
The Caging Of America: Why Do We Lock Up So Many People?
"The Caging Of America: American Prisons Routinely Used To Incarcerate The Mentally Ill. 500,000 Behind Bars"
The Caging Of America: Why Do We Lock Up So Many People?
"The Caging Of America: American Prisons Routinely Used To Incarcerate The Mentally Ill. 500,000 Behind Bars"
"The Caging Of America: American Prisons Routinely Used To Incarcerate The Mentally Ill. 500,000 Behind Bars"
Compendium Of Pax Posts On Violent Criminals And Violent Police
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Pax On Both Houses: Compendium Of U.S. Prison System Posts
There's Never Been A Safer Time For Cops Nor A More Dangerous Time For Criminals
"Bad Black People." Why Bill O'Reilly Is Wrong Even When He's Right
"Bad Black People." Why Bill O'Reilly Is Wrong Even When He's Right

Blacks Arrested For Contraband Twice As Often Though Much Less Likely To Have Contraband
Alan: Blacks are arrested - and prosecuted - at least twice as often as whites for the "contraband" crimes that most often put Americans behind bars.
If white people were incarcerated as often as blacks for the crimes both commit with the same regularity, and if blacks were incarcerated for the crimes they commit as often as whites are for those same crimes, the "black prison time" figure of 32% (above) would be cut in half and the "white prison time" figure of 6% would double.
The situation is further complicated because it is much harder for released blacks to find work than it is for released whites, making persistent black unemployment a source of recidivism.
Are there any circumstances under which you would hire Jamal ahead of James?
Here's how this "works":
Alan: Blacks are arrested - and prosecuted - at least twice as often as whites for the "contraband" crimes that most often put Americans behind bars.
If white people were incarcerated as often as blacks for the crimes both commit with the same regularity, and if blacks were incarcerated for the crimes they commit as often as whites are for those same crimes, the "black prison time" figure of 32% (above) would be cut in half and the "white prison time" figure of 6% would double.
The situation is further complicated because it is much harder for released blacks to find work than it is for released whites, making persistent black unemployment a source of recidivism.
Are there any circumstances under which you would hire Jamal ahead of James?
The situation is further complicated because it is much harder for released blacks to find work than it is for released whites, making persistent black unemployment a source of recidivism.
Are there any circumstances under which you would hire Jamal ahead of James?
Here's how this "works":
The Future Of Race In America: TED Talk By Michelle Alexander, Author Of "The New Jim Crow"
Two groups that couldn't be farther apart politically announce a partnership on criminal justice."Usually bitter adversaries, Koch Industries and the Center for American Progress have found at least one thing they can agree on: The nation’s criminal justice system is broken. ... The coalition plans a multimillion-dollar campaign on behalf of emerging proposals to reduce prison populations, overhaul sentencing, reduce recidivism and take on similar initiatives. Other groups from both the left and right — the American Civil Liberties Union, Americans for Tax Reform, the Tea Party-oriented FreedomWorks — are also part of the coalition, reflecting its unusually bipartisan approach." Carl Hulse in The New York Times.
Two groups that couldn't be farther apart politically announce a partnership on criminal justice."Usually bitter adversaries, Koch Industries and the Center for American Progress have found at least one thing they can agree on: The nation’s criminal justice system is broken. ... The coalition plans a multimillion-dollar campaign on behalf of emerging proposals to reduce prison populations, overhaul sentencing, reduce recidivism and take on similar initiatives. Other groups from both the left and right — the American Civil Liberties Union, Americans for Tax Reform, the Tea Party-oriented FreedomWorks — are also part of the coalition, reflecting its unusually bipartisan approach." Carl Hulse in The New York Times.
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