
Friday, July 10, 2020

Sequel To Online Discussion With Trump Cultist About Trump's Unimpeachable Goodness

Pax on both houses: One Guess: Why Does Trump Have A Shit-Eating Grin

Online Discussion With A "Conservative" Concerning Bill Clinton's Alleged Pederasty

The easiest place to start proving you wrong is "servile prostration before the object of their cult adulation."

Had you paid any attention at all, you would know I am an ex-Democrat. I voted for Clinton both times and Obama both times and before regarded Trump as a slightly conceited TV show host.

Oops. Sorry to utterly burst your bubble so rapidly and expose it for the desperately wishful thinking and denial system it is.

Trump did not run for office out of ego, however, but because the swamp does in fact run deeper than you dream, and good people in the system were desperate for an outsider who was sincere about fixing it and could not be controlled. Enter DJT.

The "pussy grab" talk was when he was a Democrat, and it was crickets from all of you until he became a true threat to the Establishment. He since evolved into something quite a bit more responsible. But you'll never grasp this so long as you are chump enough to believe Pravda and Izvestia - excuse me, the New York Times, the Washington Post, MSDNC, NPR, and the rest of the tools of the deep-state-directed corporatocracy.

You seriously think Billy Jeff Clinton committed only one rape and no underage crap? My, you are the wishful one. No pederasty? He was on Epstein's Lolita Express 27 times. But he must have just really really really liked the beaches out there and probably never set foot inside that weird island temple. Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt.

I think Carlin had much more to say about your "side" than the other you cast it on. Especially today in the age of exploding national debt, and BLM, and shutting down even gay conservatives from even the chance to articulate in free speech, to infanticiding children on the day of delivery. (Even out to two years after, according to some of your chosen ilk.)

Sheriff's deputies brought him hundreds, and I doubt they were all consensual. There is certainly a trail of far from statistically normal homicides behind Bill and Hillary too. But no doubt you still make yourself believe that the woman you probably voted for in 2016 had absolutely nothing to do with people like Seth Rich (ridiculous to call that a robbery homicide) or Jeff Epstein. I was memeing how he was doomed even before their FIRST unsuccessful attempt on him in prison. And of course just a coincidence the cameras mysteriously went off the second time, the successful "suicide."

Not even close.

I see no courage from you first.

Alan Archibald: The thought crossed my mind that you might be a former Democrat, but the issue is not your ancient history but rather your current support for a despicable example of homo "sapiens" whom you refer to as "quite a bit more responsible." 

And you praise his "responsibility" -- apparently with a straight face -- even though His Malevolence denies ANY responsibility for all outcomes that don't result in lickspittle adulation.

Then, piling self-victimization and moaning whinyness, Trump shields his life from appropriate scrutiny by wrapping himself in the demonic darkness of non-disclosure. 

You seem to think you're going to elicit a scandalized "Aha!" reaction from me, when I break down blubbering that my "beloved Bill Clinton" may have participated in pederasty. 

Sure, it's possible he participated in pederasty.

I would never deny the existence of any behavioral possibility, neither in Bill's life, nor in Trump's life where we witness a decades-long kinky fondness for girls, including his own daughter!?!

"Don't Forget: Donald Trump Wants To Bang His Daughter"
Trevor Noah

"Donald Trump Describes His 1-Year-Old Daughter In Most Cringe-Worthy Video Clip Yet"

"Must See" GIPHY Of Trump Partying With Jeffrey Epstein At Mar-A-Lago

If Clinton is implicated in pederaasty and subsequently convicted of a crime, I will delight that the book got thrown at the bastard. 

It often seems to me that American "conservatives" are the snowflakes, getting all worked up over unsavory human behaviors, when it seems plenty that the legal system should take care of these people, sending down the river for a few decades.

Speaking of "throwing the book at people," what's your rationalization for Trump-Barr NOT "locking Hillary up?" 

If Hillary committed only a fraction of the crimes y'all lay at her door, I want that MONSTER locked up - and you should too, by God!  

Indeed, if Hillary is guilty as alleged, Trump and Barr not only fail to support their constituional oath but are utterly reprehensible for NOT "throwing the book at her." 

Instead Trump and Barr let a repeat offender -- and one of the worst repeat offenders! -- roam the streets!

Jesus Effin Christ! 

Furthermore, you are equally reprehensible for not demanding Hillary be indicted. 

What's that about? Just standing idly by while the president of the United States lets a criminal go free. 

Shades of Willie Horton I would say.

And worse!

Here, let me buy you a clue... 

There is no actionable evidence against Hillary for any of her alleged crimes, certainly no more than Trey Gowdy could track down after three years of dogged pursuit. Meanwhile, he and his fellow "conservatives" conducted a nightly circle jerk around the undying "promise" that "we'll get the goods on her any day now." 

Gowdy's blustery routine was like General William Westmoreland making his daily appearance on the nightly news,--  month after month, year after year -- lauding the "worthy sacrifice" of all those GI's brought home from Nam in body bags. 


All bullshit. 

100% bullshit.

And in the end there was no more evidence that Hillary had done ANYTHING illegal in Benghazi, certainly no more evidence than ass-lick Kris Kobach could find in support of Malignant Messiah's ridiculous allegations of "massive voter fraud." 

"Trump Panel Finds No Voter Fraud" 

Court filings show that in spite of the president’s claim that millions of people voted illegally, his recently disbanded commission found no evidence of voter fraud. 

U.S. News and World Report

Whether in Benghazi or in Kobach's witch hunt, there was simply NO THERE, THERE."

Nada. Niente. Nihil. Zilch. 

Trump and Barr don't indict Hillary because they know there is NO actionable evidence to convict her.

They'd both end up lauging stocks - and Hillary would laugh at the dimwits in public. 

Hillary is a bit player in Trump's deconstructionist, autocratic scheme to trash the United States cheered on by crazed "Christian" "conservative" theocrats, a convenient whipping girl to inflame the passionate addelpates who -- like you -- will not bother to respond to the documented evidence I set forth.

Instead, the smarty pants on Team Trump will proclaim: "Why, I wouldn't believe that even if it was true."


Once again, I am blogging your nonsensical, undocumented comment, followed by this reply of mine.

If you comment again, and do not supply any links in support of your ass-plucked assertions, I will deal summarily with your circuitous nonsense.

I know you cannot tell the truth because it is not in your nature to tell the truth. You only have it in you to pretend that "conspiratorial allegations" and "alternative facts" comprise a Third Testament. 

Still, I wonder if -- in your "private moments" -- you are fully aware that Hillary will never be indicted, and that Trump and Barr are just lawless "power drunks" with no intention of bringing her to court because she's of no personal use to them in a court which would only inflict the politic damage of acquitting her. 

Here's what we've come to.

The Party of Family Values, headed by a whoremonger-cheat-liar -- joined at the hip to The Party Of Personal Responsibility in which Trump's inner circle is indistinguishable from a criminal network of hit-men mobsters representing themselves as the last chance for goodness, virtue and godliness to prevail. 

I encourage you to look at the first graph embedded in:

"Roger Stone: Members Of Trump's Inner Circle Are Unusually Likely To Be Convicted Felons"

Are you aware that Trump is going down? 

Are you aware that The Republican Party is going down with him? 

Are you aware that the GOP will NEVER AGAIN win the Oval Office, although Donald - aided by his dictatorial pals all over the world -- will do his damndest to concoct a Doozy of an October Surprise. 

Who knows what might happen?

Trump could arrange a false flag attack to blow up the top two floors of Trump Tower.  

He could plant a briefcase bomb on an Amtrak train between DesMoines and Duluth, killing a hundred to a hundred and fifty people? 

The sonofabitch is capable of doing anything. 

And whatever one thinks about 9/11, right-wingers and conspiracists never mention that if the worst case scenario is true the toppling of the Twin Towers was perped by a Republican administration in cooperation with the Republican mayor of New York City, a sleazeball who is now Trump's consigliere. 

"Un-Potty-Trained-74-Year-Old" is sufficiently diabololical that I can see him triggering nuclear Armageddon just to cover up the fact that he's a gargantuan failure as a person, a husband, a president and a businessman.

If you have not seen the following Scottish-made documentary about Trump (completed 5 years before Trump's presidential bid), you owe it to yourself -- as you owe it to Truth -- to learn what a chthonically vile man pussy grabber is. 

"You've Been Trumped" (made in 2011, 4 years before Trump's presidential campaign) is the most revealing Trump documentary.
It was produced, directed, filmed and financed in Scotland where Malignant Messiah presumed he could push around an entire native community whose ancestors lived in that place for hundreds if not thousands of years.
This film reveals "The Asshole" at his most loathesome.

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