Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Pax on both houses: Future Generations Will Despise Reagan. And Here's Why
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Ronald Reagan - Pax on both houses - Blogger
Pax on both houses: Reagan's a RINO now
Pax on both houses: Priceless Reagan Quotations
Pax on both houses: Ronald Reagan: "Facts Are Stupid Things"
Pax on both houses: Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher
Pax on both houses: Unelectable RINO, Ronald Reagan
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Pax on both houses: Reagan Spotlights Class Warfare. Mitt
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Pax on both houses: Ronald Reagan: The Smile That Could
Ronald Reagan's core message that "government is the problem" unleashed the obstructionism, dysfunction, incivility and decline that characterize contemporary "conservatism." No American president has so corroded America's collaborative purpose. Almost singlehandedly, Ronald Reagan seeded the demise of America's Social Contract and with it the principles of Common Good and General Welfare.
Future generations will despise this man.
All the above are quotations are verbatim.
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