Ronald Reagan's core message that "government is the problem" unleashed the obstructionism, dysfunction, incivility and decline that characterize contemporary "conservatism." No American president has so corroded America's collaborative purpose. Almost singlehandedly, Ronald Reagan seeded the demise of America's Social Contract and with it the principles of Common Good and General Welfare.
Future generations will despise this man.

All the above are quotations are verbatim.
Alan: Conservative Americans are impervious to historical and scientific truth. Neo-theocrats are fixated on personal salvation - and "God damn the rest of ya!" Only in recent years did I realize the essential egotism of "being saved,"
simultaneously pointing righteous fingers at "the God-damned."
simultaneously pointing righteous fingers at "the God-damned."
Gonna be some surprises at The Pearly Gate.

American conservatives have grown habituated to falsehood, trusting that kindred spirits will lie back at them, completing a self-reinforcing cycle propelled by aggressive ignorance.
If Ronald Reagan showed up at a Tea Party or on the floor of The House -- and actually said what was on his mind -- his ideological descendants would tar-and-feather him as a RINO.
"What Would Ronald Reagan Really Do?"
"Obama's Benghazi and Reagan's Beirut"
Lest we forget...
Family members in gun-owning households are five times more likely to experience gun-related injury or death.
"Gun Cartoons and Gun Violence Bibliography"

Why, it's the Prince of Peace!
,,, suffering the little children to come unto Him.

The Hard Central Fact Of Contemporary Conservatism
The hard, central "fact" of contemporary "conservatism" is its insistence on a socio-economic threshold above which people deserve government assistance, and below which people deserve to die.
The sooner the better.
Unless conservatives are showing n'er-do-wells The Door of Doom, they just don't "feel right."
To allay this chthonic anxiety, they resort to Human Sacrifice, hoping that spilled blood will placate "the angry gods," including the one they've made of themselves. http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2013/09/harvard-study-45000-americans-die.html
Having poked their eyes out, they fail to see that self-generated wrath creates "the gods" who hold them thrall.
Almost "to a man," contemporary "conservatives" have apotheosized themselves and now -- sitting on God's usurped throne -- are rabid to pass final judgment.
Self-proclaimed Christians, eager to thrust "the undeserving" through The Gates of Hell, are the very people most likely to cross its threshold.
Remarkably, none of them are tempted to believe this.
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