
Thursday, July 2, 2020

Stephen King & "The Keepers," a Real Life Movie About "What Happened" To Sister Cathy Cesnik


Dear Willard, Norma and Byron,

As usual, I had fun with y'all on Zoom today.


Following up on the documentary series I mentioned...

I encourage you to read no more than the first paragraph of the following Wikipedia article about Sister Cathy Cesnik. 

Unless the first paragraph does not interest you at all, I encourage you not to "erode the suspense" but rather stream the first episode on Netflix to see if it piques your interest.  

I think "The Keepers" (despite its lousy name) tells a great, true story, and I will be surprised if you, Willard, do not end up watching the whole series.  

I think this documentary will also appeal to you Norma and Byron, but Willard's "Catholic connection" -- combined with his fondness for "murder mysteries" -- almost ensures that he will be captivated.

While writing this email, it occurs to me that "The Keepers" bears a certain kinship to another extraordinary Netflix documentary series about an "occurrence" right here in Durham - "The Staircase." (Not long ago, I chatted for the better part of an hour --  over a mountainous platter of jumbo shrimp at a post-funeral "social" -- with lawyer David Rudolf who developed the increasingly attractive "raptor theory." Do not look up "Rudolf" until after you've seen "The Staircase.") 

Pursuant to our conversation about Netflix recent filmatic rendition of Stephen King's "Gerald's Game" -- DEFINITELY not a movie for everybody -- here are four great movies based on novels by Stephen King, although I must say that my regard for "The Shining" is much less than most Kubrick fans. (An aside... I recently re-watched Kubrick's "Dr. Strangelove: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb," and because I thought it would not stand up well the test of time, I was most pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed it even more than the first time!) 

Although the fifth of these exceptional King movies -- "Hearts in Atlantis"-- is not considered a great movie, I do think it is a VERY GOOD movie.    

"Hearts In Atlantis" (with Anthony Hopkins)

"The Green Mile"

"Shawshank Redemption"

"The Shining"

"Stand By Me"

Hasta la pasta!



... not as long as people vote ...



This statement is substantively true, if not literally true.
Pilate -- and a handful of centurion oppressors -- were white.





"Millions Of Deplorables Voted For Trump Because He Was The Only Candidate As Crazy As They"

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