"Trump Is The Worst Enemy America Has Faced"

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Trump is crashing and burning as we speak.
Republican politicians are starting to bail.
Trump knows he's full of shite, and it's starting to show.
Here, learn something.
A Critical Mass Of American "Conservatives" Are Stupid, Ignorant, Hateful And Cruel
Republican politicians are starting to bail.
Trump knows he's full of shite, and it's starting to show.
Here, learn something.
A Critical Mass Of American "Conservatives" Are Stupid, Ignorant, Hateful And Cruel
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Here, learn something.
Here, learn something.
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The title of the article you link starts with the words "It Looks Like..."
If you jump to conclusions from "what it looks like... "
It looks like Trump is a traitor.
It looks like Trump is a cheat.
It looks like Trump lies more easily than he metabolizes.
It looks like Trump has cheated on all three wives.
It looks like Trump had to pay $25,000,000.00 to buy his way out of a long prison sentence for having ripped off middle class white people at Trump Uniiversity.
It looks like Trump is hiding his income tax returns because they will lead to proof of his felonious malfeasance. (What an irony when the mobster currently in the White House is convicted of tax fraud which, of course, is how the government finally nailed Al Capone.)
It looks like Trump is going to be overwhelmed by a Blue Wave in November.
It looks like Trump --- when no longer protected by Executive Privilege --- is going to prison once the Federal Court of New York's Southern District throws the book at him.
It looks like your scholarship, intellectual rigor, epistemology and research capabilities are shoddy.
It looks like you and most Trumpistas are going to have a hell of a time explaining to yourselves how you got suckered when Trump's "non-disclusure" documents are all disclosed.
Would you like more?
I got a million of 'em...
If you jump to conclusions from "what it looks like... "
It looks like Trump is a traitor.
It looks like Trump is a cheat.
It looks like Trump lies more easily than he metabolizes.
It looks like Trump has cheated on all three wives.
It looks like Trump had to pay $25,000,000.00 to buy his way out of a long prison sentence for having ripped off middle class white people at Trump Uniiversity.
It looks like Trump is hiding his income tax returns because they will lead to proof of his felonious malfeasance. (What an irony when the mobster currently in the White House is convicted of tax fraud which, of course, is how the government finally nailed Al Capone.)
It looks like Trump is going to be overwhelmed by a Blue Wave in November.
It looks like Trump --- when no longer protected by Executive Privilege --- is going to prison once the Federal Court of New York's Southern District throws the book at him.
It looks like your scholarship, intellectual rigor, epistemology and research capabilities are shoddy.
It looks like you and most Trumpistas are going to have a hell of a time explaining to yourselves how you got suckered when Trump's "non-disclusure" documents are all disclosed.
Would you like more?
I got a million of 'em...
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Just a note the octo arms are generally used to depict either the federal reserve or globalism. Their use here is nonsense.
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In "kid talk" this translates as "Psssst. Did you hear Trump's going down? And he's taking white "Christian" conservatism" with him?"
Recant soon.
If you don't, your descendants will be ashamed of you in perpetuity.
Recant soon.
If you don't, your descendants will be ashamed of you in perpetuity.
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No single conspiracy theory is subscribed to by more than 25% of the population. The "Big" conspiracies like birtherism; "devious federal reserve control of the world economy," and 9/11 being an inside job, are all minoritarian belief systems.
It's true that half of Americans believe in a "deep state."
But the deep state isn't really a conspiracy.
The deep state is what happens when knowledgeable, capable bureaucrats are in control of the government's day-to -day operation, unlike "The Shallow State" overseen by dimwit Dimwit Donald and his addlepated appointees who pretend to operate government and, in their chaotic disarray, embarrass themselves daily.
Therefore, it is not reasonable to say that octo arms "generally" depict the federal reserve or globalism since "generally" means that at least half the population subscribes to a given belief, policy, position or phenomenon.
Here, learn something...
Rather than just accept the echoing lunacy of the bubble you're in, actually conduct your own research.
Ask the next ten checkout clerks (or the next ten telephone agents) with whom you interact what "octo arms" generally depict.
It is vanishingly unlikely that even one of these people (chosen at random) will know what the "federal reserve" or "globalism" are, much less be aware that these phenomena have a symbolic relationship with "octo arms."
It appears you live in a confirmation bias bubble and therefore make ridiculous extrapolations from a wildly non-representative sample.
"Confirmation Bias And The Power Of Disconfirming Evidence"
But there's good news!
You don't have to live wrapped in illusion, sucking sludge from The Mad Man's excremental mouth.
Here's how you can plot your escape to freedom.
A Critical Mass Of American "Conservatives" Are Stupid, Ignorant, Hateful And Cruel
It's true that half of Americans believe in a "deep state."
But the deep state isn't really a conspiracy.
The deep state is what happens when knowledgeable, capable bureaucrats are in control of the government's day-to -day operation, unlike "The Shallow State" overseen by dimwit Dimwit Donald and his addlepated appointees who pretend to operate government and, in their chaotic disarray, embarrass themselves daily.
Therefore, it is not reasonable to say that octo arms "generally" depict the federal reserve or globalism since "generally" means that at least half the population subscribes to a given belief, policy, position or phenomenon.
Here, learn something...
Rather than just accept the echoing lunacy of the bubble you're in, actually conduct your own research.
Ask the next ten checkout clerks (or the next ten telephone agents) with whom you interact what "octo arms" generally depict.
It is vanishingly unlikely that even one of these people (chosen at random) will know what the "federal reserve" or "globalism" are, much less be aware that these phenomena have a symbolic relationship with "octo arms."
It appears you live in a confirmation bias bubble and therefore make ridiculous extrapolations from a wildly non-representative sample.
"Confirmation Bias And The Power Of Disconfirming Evidence"
But there's good news!
You don't have to live wrapped in illusion, sucking sludge from The Mad Man's excremental mouth.
Here's how you can plot your escape to freedom.
A Critical Mass Of American "Conservatives" Are Stupid, Ignorant, Hateful And Cruel
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Wrong again. Look at the political comics and art and memes of the past 10 years. It usually depicts globalism or central banks.
Around half of US citizens don't think we were told the real story of 9/11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polls_about_9/11_conspiracy_theories Some polls say over half.
The deep state is made up of individuals not elected that aren't accountable to US citizens who make life and death decisions. According to the 9th and 10th amendment they are illegal.
I find it hilarious that a leftist is telling me to check my sources. I always check my sources and I expose myself to all media outlets, even CNN. I find that very few are honest and of those few they mostly put a left leaning spin on those things. There are very few conservative news sources at all (Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, etc...etc...) I find that they generally tell the truth when reporting news (not their opinion pieces).
I don't have confirmation bias because I check the sources of information and find where the information originated and examine the original source. I find that 90% of the time its being misreported.
You name calling insulting link at the bottom is a joke. Conservatives are generally nice polite and willing to listen. I find that leftists are ignorant of facts, hate without cause, and do cruel things in every interaction. They tend to lie and deceive at every opportunity, sometimes when it won't advance their aims.
Around half of US citizens don't think we were told the real story of 9/11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polls_about_9/11_conspiracy_theories Some polls say over half.
The deep state is made up of individuals not elected that aren't accountable to US citizens who make life and death decisions. According to the 9th and 10th amendment they are illegal.
I find it hilarious that a leftist is telling me to check my sources. I always check my sources and I expose myself to all media outlets, even CNN. I find that very few are honest and of those few they mostly put a left leaning spin on those things. There are very few conservative news sources at all (Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, etc...etc...) I find that they generally tell the truth when reporting news (not their opinion pieces).
I don't have confirmation bias because I check the sources of information and find where the information originated and examine the original source. I find that 90% of the time its being misreported.
You name calling insulting link at the bottom is a joke. Conservatives are generally nice polite and willing to listen. I find that leftists are ignorant of facts, hate without cause, and do cruel things in every interaction. They tend to lie and deceive at every opportunity, sometimes when it won't advance their aims.
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The fundamental meaning of a metaphorical octopus is that someone or some organization has lots of tentacles reaching into lots of places.
In your spare time, you can run the revelatory experiment I outlined. During the normal course of your life, ask strangers you meet how they interpret the tentacles of an octopus when they see them in a cartoon.
I don't deny there's a small minority of people who interpret octopods as the federal reserve, but it's not 25% and you can PROVE this to yourself by conducting your own informal survey. It's not hard. You just don't want to prove yourself wrong.
Remember: I said that NO SINGLE CONSPIRACY THEORY is subscribed to by more than 25% of the population.
9/11 conspiracists are "all over the map." But no SINGLE theory has a 25% following.
If you break the theories down into those who think Saddam Hussein was responsible, or that Massad was responsible; or that Rudy Giuliani was responsible; or that the owner of the Twin Towers was responsible, or this, or that, or the other... there is no one theory to which 25% of Americans subscribe. Sure, if you invite agreement with questions like "Do you believe Saddam Hussein was responsible" you get a bunch of affirmative answers. But if you ask "Do you hold a conspiratorial theory about 9/11? And if so, what is it?" you will discover that not even 25% of Americans subscribe to a SINGLE fixed conspiracy theory.
Notice that Bill Barr is not building a case around the 9th and 10th amendments to expunge the Deep State. Why? Because without these functionaries, government would collapse, and along
with it ALL semblance of constitutional law and order.
You say that Alex Jones generally tells the truth... Sorry to break the news, but Alex Jones is a nutritional supplement huckster who makes his living by blowing it out his ass.
You say you have no "confirmation bias" because you check your sources. Provide me with one link -- just one -- showing how you "checked" Alex Jones' trustworthiness.
Already you and I both know you're not going to send me such a link because you know you can't locate one, at least one that isn't laughable.
"Nice, polite people." It's not about being nice and polite!!!
For starters, it's about not tearing families apart. It's about the federal government supplying needed resources when states are immersed in overwhelming crisis.
I will follow up with a whole raft of links documenting right-wing mendacity starting with Trump's 18,000 falsehoods.
In your spare time, you can run the revelatory experiment I outlined. During the normal course of your life, ask strangers you meet how they interpret the tentacles of an octopus when they see them in a cartoon.
I don't deny there's a small minority of people who interpret octopods as the federal reserve, but it's not 25% and you can PROVE this to yourself by conducting your own informal survey. It's not hard. You just don't want to prove yourself wrong.
Remember: I said that NO SINGLE CONSPIRACY THEORY is subscribed to by more than 25% of the population.
9/11 conspiracists are "all over the map." But no SINGLE theory has a 25% following.
If you break the theories down into those who think Saddam Hussein was responsible, or that Massad was responsible; or that Rudy Giuliani was responsible; or that the owner of the Twin Towers was responsible, or this, or that, or the other... there is no one theory to which 25% of Americans subscribe. Sure, if you invite agreement with questions like "Do you believe Saddam Hussein was responsible" you get a bunch of affirmative answers. But if you ask "Do you hold a conspiratorial theory about 9/11? And if so, what is it?" you will discover that not even 25% of Americans subscribe to a SINGLE fixed conspiracy theory.
Notice that Bill Barr is not building a case around the 9th and 10th amendments to expunge the Deep State. Why? Because without these functionaries, government would collapse, and along
with it ALL semblance of constitutional law and order.
You say that Alex Jones generally tells the truth... Sorry to break the news, but Alex Jones is a nutritional supplement huckster who makes his living by blowing it out his ass.
You say you have no "confirmation bias" because you check your sources. Provide me with one link -- just one -- showing how you "checked" Alex Jones' trustworthiness.
Already you and I both know you're not going to send me such a link because you know you can't locate one, at least one that isn't laughable.
"Nice, polite people." It's not about being nice and polite!!!
For starters, it's about not tearing families apart. It's about the federal government supplying needed resources when states are immersed in overwhelming crisis.
I will follow up with a whole raft of links documenting right-wing mendacity starting with Trump's 18,000 falsehoods.
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How about this pick a topic that Alex Jones covered in a news story (not an opinion piece) and I'll bring you sources for that story that back up what Jones said from the original source of the information.
I'm not saying he's correct all the time. I'm saying he's the most reliably correct and when he is wrong he issues a retraction.
Start with this one: https://www.snopes.com/news/2017/07/12/trump-lies/
Its an article debunking the 'lies' of Trump by snopes. If you accept that some people lie about Trumps lies we can look at this one: https://worldaffairs.blog/2016/10/31/20-trump-conspiraciesaccusations-debunked/
The comments of this article make some great points: https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2019/how-the-washington-post-tallied-more-than-10000-trump-falsehoods-in-less-than-three-years/
It turns out if you read the list of lies and their 'debunking' you find that they are based on future events (so they aren't lies), they are refuted by opinions not facts, or they are misquoted or spun in a way to make it look false when its not actually false (such as making artificial distinction between fences and walls along the border).
Here is a short list of actual fake news about Trump: https://710wor.iheart.com/featured/mark-simone/content/2019-10-09-a-list-of-some-of-the-fake-news-stories-by-the-media-against-donald-trump/
We can go further and look at the actual lies in the list if you want, but I think at this point the list is pretty much debunked.
I'm not saying he's correct all the time. I'm saying he's the most reliably correct and when he is wrong he issues a retraction.
Start with this one: https://www.snopes.com/news/2017/07/12/trump-lies/
Its an article debunking the 'lies' of Trump by snopes. If you accept that some people lie about Trumps lies we can look at this one: https://worldaffairs.blog/2016/10/31/20-trump-conspiraciesaccusations-debunked/
The comments of this article make some great points: https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2019/how-the-washington-post-tallied-more-than-10000-trump-falsehoods-in-less-than-three-years/
It turns out if you read the list of lies and their 'debunking' you find that they are based on future events (so they aren't lies), they are refuted by opinions not facts, or they are misquoted or spun in a way to make it look false when its not actually false (such as making artificial distinction between fences and walls along the border).
Here is a short list of actual fake news about Trump: https://710wor.iheart.com/featured/mark-simone/content/2019-10-09-a-list-of-some-of-the-fake-news-stories-by-the-media-against-donald-trump/
We can go further and look at the actual lies in the list if you want, but I think at this point the list is pretty much debunked.
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I do not dispute that even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Indeed, I myself have blogged admiringly of Trump's views on more than one occasion.
"I Applaud Donald Trump" http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2019/05/i-applaud-donald-trump.html
However, the Snopes article you sent strikes me as small-beans, spinning about in relative meaninglessness, focusing minutiae like Meals on Wheels and a lie about diarrhea on the golf course.
I mean if you have to spotlight a "potty lie" in your CONCLUSION, how significant can the rest of the article be?!?
Read Snopes "conclusion" again and tell me if you don't consider the issues it spotlights as relatively inconsequential in comparison to Trump's attempts to trash NATO; to badmouth our traditional allies -- including Canada!; to sing the praises of thug-dictators around the world.
Compare "Meals on Wheels" and "diarrhea on the golf course" to the real menace represented by COVID-19 whose mismanagement will be the fundamental cause of Trump's November defeat.
Consider Devious Donald's frighteningly autocratic policies at the Department of Justice: releasing Mike Flynn although he himself chose to plead guilty on a serious felony charge.
Consider Trump's insistence on "non-disclosure" and hiding financial records when he said of Hillary Clinton's associates - and I quote - "If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?"
Surely you see that Trump is hiding something. And since no major American bank has dealt with Trump since the mid-90s, he had to borrow money from German banks, and I'll bet you a thousand dollars "even money" that his financial records lead to incriminating evidence about illegal banking procedures with Russian oligarchs.
Here is Snopes' "conclusion" in its entirety.
"It is plain as potatoes that since January, many of Trump’s opponents, and even lukewarm supporters, have found considerable fault with his policies and behavior, based on accurate facts. There have been many occasions when Trump himself, undistorted and unfiltered, contributed mightily to the five personas we have outlined.
Donald Trump: International Embarrassment
Trump the Tyrant
Donald Trump: Bully Baby
Trump the Buffoon
Trump the Cruel Bigot
(...continued below...)
Indeed, I myself have blogged admiringly of Trump's views on more than one occasion.
"I Applaud Donald Trump" http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2019/05/i-applaud-donald-trump.html
However, the Snopes article you sent strikes me as small-beans, spinning about in relative meaninglessness, focusing minutiae like Meals on Wheels and a lie about diarrhea on the golf course.
I mean if you have to spotlight a "potty lie" in your CONCLUSION, how significant can the rest of the article be?!?
Read Snopes "conclusion" again and tell me if you don't consider the issues it spotlights as relatively inconsequential in comparison to Trump's attempts to trash NATO; to badmouth our traditional allies -- including Canada!; to sing the praises of thug-dictators around the world.
Compare "Meals on Wheels" and "diarrhea on the golf course" to the real menace represented by COVID-19 whose mismanagement will be the fundamental cause of Trump's November defeat.
Consider Devious Donald's frighteningly autocratic policies at the Department of Justice: releasing Mike Flynn although he himself chose to plead guilty on a serious felony charge.
Consider Trump's insistence on "non-disclosure" and hiding financial records when he said of Hillary Clinton's associates - and I quote - "If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?"
Surely you see that Trump is hiding something. And since no major American bank has dealt with Trump since the mid-90s, he had to borrow money from German banks, and I'll bet you a thousand dollars "even money" that his financial records lead to incriminating evidence about illegal banking procedures with Russian oligarchs.
Here is Snopes' "conclusion" in its entirety.
"It is plain as potatoes that since January, many of Trump’s opponents, and even lukewarm supporters, have found considerable fault with his policies and behavior, based on accurate facts. There have been many occasions when Trump himself, undistorted and unfiltered, contributed mightily to the five personas we have outlined.
Donald Trump: International Embarrassment
Trump the Tyrant
Donald Trump: Bully Baby
Trump the Buffoon
Trump the Cruel Bigot
(...continued below...)
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Indeed, in many instances the false claims against Trump carry a grain of truth. The president’s plan to scrap the Community Development Block Grant was real, and could very reasonably be expected to have significant consequences across a number of services and programs, including Meals on Wheels. All this is true, but it makes it no less false and no more acceptable to claim, on this basis, that he had singled out Meals on Wheels for elimination. He had not.
In some ways, these sorts of massive exaggerations and gross distortions are even more corrosive and destructive than fake news about diarrhea on the golf course, because they bear some distant relationship with the truth."
Alan: In the big scheme of things, ripping families apart and then failing to keep track of the whereabouts of the children is tantamount to kidnapping and human trafficking.
Also consider Trump's routine belittlement of women, John McCain, Gold Star parents, black people and disabled people and I say that something is psycho-spiritually deranged in those Americans who admire His Toxicity. To be clear, these admirers are the same people who exhibit the traitorous and treacherous flags of Nazi Germany and the Confederacy.
Then there's the matter of giving respect and "world standing" to thugs like Dutarte, Putin and Kim Jung Un as witnessed in Trump's open (and sometimes lavish) admiration for these brutal dictators.
Keeping in mind that Trump will tell any lie to get out of jam, I say that his interaction with Putin in Helsinki was manifestly traitorous, even though he swore the very next day that he actually meant to say THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT HE SAID.
WTF is THAT?!?!
Spare me the bullshit.
Trump already force-feeds me more than I can swallow.
Couple Trump's high regard for real sons-of-bitches in Korea, the Phillipines, Russia and Kentucky with Trump's meanspirited disrespect for America's traditional allies, and we end up with a litany of grotesque behaviors that range from major scandals through manifestly barbaric acts that fit the definition of "crimes against humanity."
Don't miss the second image at:
"Roger Stone: Members Of Trump's Inner Circle Are Unusually Likely To Be Convicted Felons"
There is always a measure of stupidity, ignorance, deception and mendacity across the entire political spectrum.
(... continues below...)
In some ways, these sorts of massive exaggerations and gross distortions are even more corrosive and destructive than fake news about diarrhea on the golf course, because they bear some distant relationship with the truth."
Alan: In the big scheme of things, ripping families apart and then failing to keep track of the whereabouts of the children is tantamount to kidnapping and human trafficking.
Also consider Trump's routine belittlement of women, John McCain, Gold Star parents, black people and disabled people and I say that something is psycho-spiritually deranged in those Americans who admire His Toxicity. To be clear, these admirers are the same people who exhibit the traitorous and treacherous flags of Nazi Germany and the Confederacy.
Then there's the matter of giving respect and "world standing" to thugs like Dutarte, Putin and Kim Jung Un as witnessed in Trump's open (and sometimes lavish) admiration for these brutal dictators.
Keeping in mind that Trump will tell any lie to get out of jam, I say that his interaction with Putin in Helsinki was manifestly traitorous, even though he swore the very next day that he actually meant to say THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT HE SAID.
WTF is THAT?!?!
Spare me the bullshit.
Trump already force-feeds me more than I can swallow.
Couple Trump's high regard for real sons-of-bitches in Korea, the Phillipines, Russia and Kentucky with Trump's meanspirited disrespect for America's traditional allies, and we end up with a litany of grotesque behaviors that range from major scandals through manifestly barbaric acts that fit the definition of "crimes against humanity."
Don't miss the second image at:
"Roger Stone: Members Of Trump's Inner Circle Are Unusually Likely To Be Convicted Felons"
There is always a measure of stupidity, ignorance, deception and mendacity across the entire political spectrum.
(... continues below...)
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But when it comes to cruelty, ineptitude and stupidity Trump's administration is in a class by itself. And all three of these traits merge in the pandemic currently unfolding around us - a pandemic that has been successfully contained in several other countries where national economies are now open and with little prospect of spiking and recrudescing which Trump's own epidemiologists deem likely in the United States.
I have a source inside the White House -- a medical care provider who has treated Trump and his family for decades. Tthis fellow says -- and I quote -- "Trump doesn't know anything. And he doesn't want to know anything."
So, for the sake of argument, lets say that half of Trump's nearly 19,000 alleged lies do not qualify as lies.
That still leaves nearly 10 lies (or significant deceptions) per day!?!
The mind boggles even after we cut the number in half!
"Trump Is A Traitor By Virtue Of Normalizing Falsehood And Teaching Americans To Do The Same"
Even so, if you don't want to credit me, read the scathing things generals Mattis, Kelly and McMaster have said about this ignorant, ill-informed dolt after they had opportunity to inter-act with him close-up for over a year.
It is perhaps most notable that these three honorable, accomplished, revered gentlemen were among the many "best people" forced to leave Trump's employment even though they were hand-picked by Trump's "great brain."
Trump is a man continually embroiled in legal troubles.
There have been two MAJOR sanctions against him since 2016.
In one instance, he paid a "get out of jail" settlement of "$25,000,000.00 dollars for defrauding mostly white, middle class Americans who fell for the Trump University Scam - http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2017/05/donald-trump-felon-re-visiting-trump.html
And the other huge court sanction, imposed on Trump just six months ago, was for seriously malfeasant abuse of his self-created "Charity." https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/nov/07/donald-trump-charity-foundation-misuse-lawsuit
And you want to talk about "Meals on Wheels" and a false report of diarrhea on a golf course.
Even though I have studied cult psychology, you seem smart enough to understand that Trump is an industrial strength scam artist.
(... continued below...)
I have a source inside the White House -- a medical care provider who has treated Trump and his family for decades. Tthis fellow says -- and I quote -- "Trump doesn't know anything. And he doesn't want to know anything."
So, for the sake of argument, lets say that half of Trump's nearly 19,000 alleged lies do not qualify as lies.
That still leaves nearly 10 lies (or significant deceptions) per day!?!
The mind boggles even after we cut the number in half!
"Trump Is A Traitor By Virtue Of Normalizing Falsehood And Teaching Americans To Do The Same"
Even so, if you don't want to credit me, read the scathing things generals Mattis, Kelly and McMaster have said about this ignorant, ill-informed dolt after they had opportunity to inter-act with him close-up for over a year.
It is perhaps most notable that these three honorable, accomplished, revered gentlemen were among the many "best people" forced to leave Trump's employment even though they were hand-picked by Trump's "great brain."
Trump is a man continually embroiled in legal troubles.
There have been two MAJOR sanctions against him since 2016.
In one instance, he paid a "get out of jail" settlement of "$25,000,000.00 dollars for defrauding mostly white, middle class Americans who fell for the Trump University Scam - http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2017/05/donald-trump-felon-re-visiting-trump.html
And the other huge court sanction, imposed on Trump just six months ago, was for seriously malfeasant abuse of his self-created "Charity." https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/nov/07/donald-trump-charity-foundation-misuse-lawsuit
And you want to talk about "Meals on Wheels" and a false report of diarrhea on a golf course.
Even though I have studied cult psychology, you seem smart enough to understand that Trump is an industrial strength scam artist.
(... continued below...)
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Is it just that "the browning of America" means that white nationalists, white supremacists and people who just want their white privilege back would never again win The White House (if they played fairly) that y'all are prepared to perp whatever treachery is necessary to eke out a felonious/traitorous win in November?
Admittedly, there are few saints in this world, but there are many "critical thresholds."
For example, when ambient temperature rises from zero degrees Fahrenheit to 32 degrees, the solid state of water suddenly becomes a liquid... and when ambient temperature continues to rise to 212 degrees, liquid water suddenly becomes gaseous.
And so it is politics...
Whereas most politicians sin by way of pecadillos, Trump routinely "goes beyond the pale" to indulge malfeasance that would put you, or me, or anyone we know in the slammer - quite possibly for the rest of our lives.
"Donald Trump, Felon: Re-Visiting Trump University"
"Trump Ordered By Judge To Pay $2 Million To Eight Charities For Illegal Use Of Foundation"
I'll close with 3 more resources that probe-and-reveal Trump's provable vility, cruelty, mendacity and stupidity -- even after we write off ten thousand lies and pretend that his handling of the coronavirus pandemic does not leave him with blood on his hands.
"There Is Neither Nobility, Nor Kindness Nor Uplift In Trump's America"
A Critical Mass Of American "Conservatives" Are Stupid, Ignorant, Hateful And Cruel
Core Truths That Dependably Dismantle Attractive-But-Bogus Right-Wing "Arguments"
Admittedly, there are few saints in this world, but there are many "critical thresholds."
For example, when ambient temperature rises from zero degrees Fahrenheit to 32 degrees, the solid state of water suddenly becomes a liquid... and when ambient temperature continues to rise to 212 degrees, liquid water suddenly becomes gaseous.
And so it is politics...
Whereas most politicians sin by way of pecadillos, Trump routinely "goes beyond the pale" to indulge malfeasance that would put you, or me, or anyone we know in the slammer - quite possibly for the rest of our lives.
"Donald Trump, Felon: Re-Visiting Trump University"
"Trump Ordered By Judge To Pay $2 Million To Eight Charities For Illegal Use Of Foundation"
I'll close with 3 more resources that probe-and-reveal Trump's provable vility, cruelty, mendacity and stupidity -- even after we write off ten thousand lies and pretend that his handling of the coronavirus pandemic does not leave him with blood on his hands.
"There Is Neither Nobility, Nor Kindness Nor Uplift In Trump's America"
A Critical Mass Of American "Conservatives" Are Stupid, Ignorant, Hateful And Cruel
Core Truths That Dependably Dismantle Attractive-But-Bogus Right-Wing "Arguments"
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2 replies
Nice Gish Gallop fallacy. I don't have time to respond to even a 10th of what you said, most of it is nonsense or unrelated.
0 ups, <1h div="">
In this instance, I'm not aspiring after statistical validity because, as you say, you don't have time or resources to conduct a proper trial.
Instead, I'm trying to get you to look at the evidence that you yourself can generate in the course of your own daily life.
FACT: People chosen at random are NOT going to confirm your assertion that "octo arms are generally used to depict either the federal reserve or globalism." This is NOT the general understanding.
And because you know that your misrepresentation of "the generalty" is egregiously false -- or if you're only terrified that it's false -- you REFUSE to do what's easily achievable in order to avoid confronting Truth.
It's where Trump Cult (at least in its conspiratorial manifestation) lives.
As for Gish Gallop fallacy...
When an individual is COMPLETELY WRONG, ALL THE EVIDENCE turns against that person... resulting in a mountain of evidence.
Structurally, all this mountainous evidence may look like Gish Gallop.
But in fact the mountains of evidence I provide, well -- imagine this if you can -- are mountains of damning evidence.
You're the kind of "confirmation bias addict" who would look at 25 of Ted Bundy's severed heads and say: "That doesn't mean a thing. It's just Gish Gallop fallacy.
The sludge you slurp within your Confirmation Bias Bubble is the essence of what Gish Gallop is actually getting at.
"Confirmation Bias And The Power Of Disconfirming Evidence"
Instead, I'm trying to get you to look at the evidence that you yourself can generate in the course of your own daily life.
FACT: People chosen at random are NOT going to confirm your assertion that "octo arms are generally used to depict either the federal reserve or globalism." This is NOT the general understanding.
And because you know that your misrepresentation of "the generalty" is egregiously false -- or if you're only terrified that it's false -- you REFUSE to do what's easily achievable in order to avoid confronting Truth.
It's where Trump Cult (at least in its conspiratorial manifestation) lives.
As for Gish Gallop fallacy...
When an individual is COMPLETELY WRONG, ALL THE EVIDENCE turns against that person... resulting in a mountain of evidence.
Structurally, all this mountainous evidence may look like Gish Gallop.
But in fact the mountains of evidence I provide, well -- imagine this if you can -- are mountains of damning evidence.
You're the kind of "confirmation bias addict" who would look at 25 of Ted Bundy's severed heads and say: "That doesn't mean a thing. It's just Gish Gallop fallacy.
The sludge you slurp within your Confirmation Bias Bubble is the essence of what Gish Gallop is actually getting at.
"Confirmation Bias And The Power Of Disconfirming Evidence"
0 ups, 3w
Cop out.
Get back to me after you've asked 10 randomly chosen people what they think of when they see an octopod in a cartoon.
I realize you won't run this real life experiment because it will prove you wrong.
Even more specifically, if you run the experiment, you will prove yourself wrong. (Ouch!!!)
And since losing one's religion is often construed as a fate worse than death, you won't risk it.
You might have enough courage to find out why you think the way you do -- a gentle start to your deprogramming
Short Form:
How The Values Of "Strict Father" -- Or "Nurturant Parent" -- Control Our Political Views
Long Form:
"Strict Father" And "Nurturant Parent": The Two World Views That Determine Our Political Values
Get back to me after you've asked 10 randomly chosen people what they think of when they see an octopod in a cartoon.
I realize you won't run this real life experiment because it will prove you wrong.
Even more specifically, if you run the experiment, you will prove yourself wrong. (Ouch!!!)
And since losing one's religion is often construed as a fate worse than death, you won't risk it.
You might have enough courage to find out why you think the way you do -- a gentle start to your deprogramming
Short Form:
How The Values Of "Strict Father" -- Or "Nurturant Parent" -- Control Our Political Views
Long Form:
"Strict Father" And "Nurturant Parent": The Two World Views That Determine Our Political Values
0 ups, 3w
Asking 10 random people would be too small a sample size. There results would be + or - 99%.
You would need to ask over 4k people to get a valid sampling.
You would need to ask over 4k people to get a valid sampling.
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