
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The "Little Guy" And "The 1%"


Umair - "Capitalism Is Literally Killing America: How Capitalism Is Adding Disaster To Catastrophe"

"If It Feels Like Capitalism Is Killing You... 
That's Because It Is"

Umair Haque
"Benefits Of A Global Pandemic"
Umair Haque
Dear F,

Thanks for your email.

I don't look any gift horse in the mouth.

But we do ourselves a disservice when we spend time and energy to pay homage at the altar of "The Extraordinary" - when we "depend on heroism." 

What's truly extraordinary is the assiduously obscured fact that "a philanthropist is someone who gives a way what s/he should give back."

All "heroics" take place in a "bubble" and cannot be counted on.

What we need to do is hammer away -- relentlessly -- on the need for a better System, on the wisdom of a better System.

A system that can be put in place.

A system we can count on. 

A system we can build on and flesh out over time.

It's a question of "where" we actually focus our energy.

Leave the undeserving alone. 

Don't pick on labor unions. 

Don't pick on welfare queens.

Whenever we invest energy in getting huffy about the penny ante "crimes" of these marginal poor bastards we immediately become the allies of billionaires who use these little guys and the n'er-do-wells to enact age-old "divide-and-conquer" strategies, the same contempt for "los de abajo" that has kept "los de arriba" in power - forever. 

"Watch out! He's going to take your cookie!"

A Billionaire, A Worker, A Poor Man And 1000 Cookies

Billionaire Nick Hanauer's TED Talk: "Capitalism's Dirty Little Secret"

Leave "The Undeserving" Alone. Instead, Follow The Money And Lambaste Plutocrats Relentlessly

"Park Avenue: Money, Power And The American Dream": Why 400 People Control Half The Wealth

Image result for "pax on both houses", follow the money 
America's core problem has nothing to do with the little guys except to the extent that the little guys have been sufficiently dumbed down to think Fat Cats are their friends.

That's the whole ballgame.

Pax on both houses: A Field Guide: How The 1% Bamboozles The ...

Every time we find fault with the little guys -- even when they deserve criticism for their faults -- we become Trump's allies.

Welfare queens, labor union organizers and "the undeserving poor" are pawns, flunkies and fall guys.

Insignificant pieces on the plutocratic chessboard.

Bernie Sanders' genius -- and it is formidable enough to have changed American politics fundamentally and forever -- is that he NEVER, EVER goes off message. 

"Follow the money."

And Note Well.

The money always leads to the top.

It never leads to the pawns, the flunkies and "the undeserving poor."

They are sheer distraction.

A total waste of time.

And by letting ourselves be distracted - no matter how much satisfaction that distraction might provide... no matter what itch it scratches - we become Trump's allies.

We become the very people we criticize for "acting in their own worst interest."

Bernie Sanders' Inestimable Achievement 
Is His Normalization Of "Democratic Socialism" | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Compendium Of Pax Posts: Bernie Sanders' Inestimable Achievement

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