It is this structure of plutocratic self-aggrandizement that Trump intends to save.
It is unregulated, winner-take-all, boom/bust Capitalism that Trump intends to save.
It is this oligarchy, designed to coddle "The Filthy Rich" that Trump intends to save.
The crumbs that plutocrats and oligarchs brush from their table are insignifcant. They mean nothing to The 1%. They constitute chump change with which to soborn-and-deceive docile dimwits.
If The System's servo-mechanism foot-soldiers -- benighted enough to applaud their own oppression -- were aware of their shameless brown-nosing, they would be more horrified at themselves than they are at liberals, progressives and "intellectual elites" combined.
These toadies would be horrified to realize they revere their oppressors, mostly meanspirited people who hold them in contempt and keep them in economic chains.
These fawning truckles would be horrified to learn of their abject alliance with cruel, selfish manipulators who reside "at the top" -- an uncaring, irresponsible aggregate of plutocrats, oligarchs and sociopaths -- who ravage earth's delicately interwoven ecosystems in order to transform their increasingly lethal contamination into personal profit.
It is unregulated, winner-take-all, boom/bust Capitalism that Trump intends to save.
It is this oligarchy, designed to coddle "The Filthy Rich" that Trump intends to save.
The crumbs that plutocrats and oligarchs brush from their table are insignifcant. They mean nothing to The 1%. They constitute chump change with which to soborn-and-deceive docile dimwits.
If The System's servo-mechanism foot-soldiers -- benighted enough to applaud their own oppression -- were aware of their shameless brown-nosing, they would be more horrified at themselves than they are at liberals, progressives and "intellectual elites" combined.
These fawning truckles would be horrified to learn of their abject alliance with cruel, selfish manipulators who reside "at the top" -- an uncaring, irresponsible aggregate of plutocrats, oligarchs and sociopaths -- who ravage earth's delicately interwoven ecosystems in order to transform their increasingly lethal contamination into personal profit.
Even more horrifying is that the lion's share of The System's profits goes to The 1%, people who already have money to burn.
Money to burn.
Money to burn.
"The Rich Aren't Just Grabbing A Bigger Slice Of The Income Pie.
They're Taking It All"
"Plutocracy Triumphant"
Cartoon Compendium
When our national system of elite profiteering "seizes up" (or becomes otherwise dysfunctional) there will be plenty of pain all around.
However, by virtue of that painful "seizure," we humans will have prevented a catastrophic extinction event.
Trump and his pathologically selfish "fellows" may be unaware of the momentous occurrence at hand, but "overnight" the cleansing of Venetian waterways has prompted the return of fish, dolphins and swans to those previously polluted canals. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-virus-brought-something-beautiful-clear-water-flows-through-the-venice-canals-amid-coronavirus-lockdown-2020-03-18
Overnight, citywide clouds of pollution that were previously visible from space have suddenly cleared.
Human beings - and other life forms - are breathing easier.
Overnight, citywide clouds of pollution that were previously visible from space have suddenly cleared.
Human beings - and other life forms - are breathing easier.
However, since the specific predictions of futurists rarely manifest with any measure of verisimilitude, I will not venture onto those shifting sands.
Instead, I will focus one certainty.
Currently, America's Cowboy Capitalist System -- every bit as deceptive and mendacious as Trump himself -- continues to propagate The Big Lie that Uncle Sam cannot afford high-quality universal healthcare for every single citizen because it would cause financial and economic disaster.
"The bank will break!!!"
"The bank will break!!!"
However, we know this is a lie because every other developed nation on earth has -- for fifty years or more -- supplied high-quality universal healthcare to all citizens, and not one of those countries is even close to the socio-political decadence and economic collapse that already pose an existential threat to the United States.
Trump and the Republican Party are committed to The Lie that the American economy will implode unless citizens pledge their allegiance to a plutocratic oligarchy in which modern day serfs are guaranteed crumbs from Lazarus' table if only they bow before their Overlords, selling their birthright for a mess of pottage. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mess_of_pottage

Benefits Of A Global Pandemic
Umair Haque
The bottom line is this.
Not only is accessible Universal Healthcare completely viable NOW, this moment of acute crisis is when the American people should demand the implementation of Universal Healthcare as a quid pro quo for ANYTHING the Republican Party wants by way of exiting the current financial and economic crisis.
Once the American people have renounced Uncle Sam's rogue state barbarism by demanding universal healthcare as a cornerstone of Civilization (the same civilization that currently exists all over Western Europe), the other characteristics of progressive "Democratic Socialism" (more accurately called "Socialized Democracy) will -- as night follows day -- fall in line.
Compendium Of Pax Posts: Bernie Sanders' Inestimable Achievement
"The Little Guy" And "The 1%"

"If It Feels Like Capitalism Is Killing You...
That's Because It Is"
Umair Haque

Umair - "Capitalism Is Literally Killing America: How Capitalism Is Adding Disaster To Catastrophe"
A Republican Tax Plan Built For Plutocrats
The reforms going through Congress clearly reflect the party’s priorities
Financial Times

"Trump Sees The Coronavirus Crisis As Clearly As If..."


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