
Friday, April 6, 2018

The Thinking Housewife, A White Nationalist (Supremacist?) Blogger, Is Hoist On Her Own Petard

Image result for jordan peterson quotes

Alan: In this blog post about U. of Toronto Professor Jordan Peterson, don't miss the link to his article, "On The So-Called Jewish Problem."

Excerpt: "It hardly needs to be said that although conspiracies do occasionally occur, conspiracy theories are the lowest form of intellectual enterprise. Is there another, more credible explanation?"

Compendium Of Pax Posts: Persuading A Loved One That His Conspiracism Is Mostly Crazy

My Friends' Devoted Conspiracism Is As Crazy As Trump's Birtherism. What To Do With Lunacy?

Harvey/Irma Hurricane Conspiracy Reveals The Idiocy Of Most Conspiracism

Ongoing Correspondence With A Conspiracist Friend Re: The "Staged" Slaughter At Sandy Hook

"More On The Newtown Massacre": Professor David Ray Griffin And The Swamp Of Conspiracism

"Who Killed Sister Cathy?" Tom Nugent

How Rochester, New York Detective Fantigrossi "Leaned On Me" To Identify The Wrong Man

The Thinking Housewife's Conspiracism: Exploring The Falsehood

Discussion With 9/11 Truther Friend About Epistemology, Belief, Certainty And Purpose

The 9/11 Truth Movement: Where Does It Lead?

"More On The Newtown Massacre": Professor David Ray Griffin And The Swamp Of Conspiracism

Conspiracy Thinking, The Death Of Shared Identity And The Collapse Of Common Purpose

"Crisis Acting": A Standard Conspiracist Hoax That Supposedly Reveals Hoaxes (Snopes)

The Daily Show Goes To Trump Rally To Hear Conspiracy Theories: They Are Not Disappointed

"More On The Newtown Massacre": Professor David Ray Griffin And The Swamp Of Conspiracism

Trump Resurrects Clinton-Foster Murder Conspiracy

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