
Saturday, April 28, 2018

Remains Of 140 Children Who Had Their Hearts Ripped Out Suggest Largest Child Sacrifice Ever

A child’s skull, the rope used to lead the llama to the site, and the remains of the llama. Thestrange burial positions and lack of any grave goods associated with them suggest that was not a typical Chimu burial ground.

Remains Of 140 Children Who Had Their Hearts Ripped Out Suggest Largest Child Sacrifice In History
National Geographic

Alan: When parents sacrifice children to "the gods," they do do so not because they hold their offspring in low regard but because children are their most precious "possession" and therefore represent the greatest sacrifice.

Even so, parents sacrifice their children - ultimately - for their own self-seeking benefit.

In the Old Testament, the pagan god who remained Yahweh's chief competitor for the affection of ancient Jews was Moloch, a god who demanded child sacrifice. 

Here is Wikipedia's "Moloch" entry:

This Old Testament Exhortation Is Egregiously Immoral
Deuteronomy 21:18-21

Solitary Confinement

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