
Monday, November 4, 2019

Facebook Thread About Socialism, Capitalism And Martin Luther King's Hybridization

Image result for "pax on both houses" cowboy capitalism"
Over-simplified, but close enough for government work.
  • Zach Zimet Socialism isn't any of that. It's government ownership of the means of production and goods, and incredibly dangerous.

    I wish we had a term for the kinds of sharing of resources that works well (things like socialized medicine, infrastructure, etc.) which did not include that word.
    • Alan Archibald How about "Socialized Democracy?"

      And even though it will never float in The United States of Barbaria, "European Democracy" is perfect.

      After all, European Democracy is essentially what we're talking about.

      Plus, it's not just a theory: it has already been enacted.

      And it works.

      It works well.

      It just doesn't square with the vestigial pretensions of an empire in decline.

      In similar vein, I distinguish between benign forms of Capitalism (like cooperative, Distributist, or Mom-and-Pop varieties), and other intrinsically pathogenic forms of Capitalism by calling the latter "Cowboy Capitalism" which, in my mind, means unregulated, predacious, "putting profits ahead of people" as a basic operating principle --- i.e., any form of metastatically exploitive Capitalism that gives little or no thought to the integrity, health or survivablity of ecosystems and would happily destroy an entire ecosystem if such slaughter turned a profit.

      Anti-War Video Sent To Me By A Retired Neurologist Friend, Son Of A U.S. Air Force General

      "Cowboy Capitalism" is often operated by the same magnates now responsible for sequestering ungodly amounts of wealth and who view "growth" with the same ultimately dysfunctional eye as the capitalist mofos who brought us the Great Recession and will bring us another boom/bust doozie in the next few years (I predict within the next two).

      "The Rich Aren't Just Grabbing A Bigger Slice Of The Pie. They're Taking It All"

      Here is their portrait.

      Also, given the evolution of "socialism" over the last 50 years it does not necessarily mean "government ownership" of industry, but can also mean any "collective" ownership of industry such as cooperatives -- cooperative markets, credit unions (whose ethos I would love to see as a replacement for commercial banks) and Spain's Mondragon Cooperatives to name a few.

      Spain's Mondragon Corporation: A Non-Profit Cooperative That Embodies Catholic Social Thought(BTW... Mondragon cooperatives are alive and well. I saw them in action when I spent this past June in Catalonia.)

      If Trump "is" where "America" "comes to an end," I think we got here because it's where the essential degradation of "Cowboy Capitalism" leads.

      Fran Lebowitz: "People Love Their Hatred More Than They Care About Their Own Actual Lives"

      Socialism vs. Social Democracy: Usage Guide "In the many years since socialism entered English around 1830, it has acquired several different meanings. It refers to a system of social organization in which private property and the distribution of income are subject to social control, but the conception of that control has varied, and the term has been interpreted in widely diverging ways, ranging from statist to libertarian, from Marxist to liberal. In the modern era, "pure" socialism has been seen only rarely and usually briefly in a few Communist regimes. Far more common are systems of social democracy, now often referred to as democratic socialism, in which extensive state regulation, with limited state ownership, has been employed by democratically elected governments (as in Sweden and Denmark) in the belief that it produces a fair distribution of income without impairing economic growth."

      A few months ago, Karen Kolbinsky was similarly alarmist about my assertion that only Republicans (and non-partisan conservatives) would become contemporary klanners. She just couldn't achieve "escape velocity" because she clung to the "The Party of Lincoln" as it was founded and insisted that Obama and Clinton's Democratic Party deserved ALL the blame for the Klan in all of its manifestations.

      She just couldn't accept that definitions change.

      But facts on the ground are what they are, and often they are not bound by the constraints of history.

      The History Of "How Democrats And Republicans Switched Beliefs"

      "Plutocracy Triumphant"Cartoon Compendium

      "The Hard, Central Truth Of Contemporary Conservatism"
      Anti-War Video Sent To Me By A Retired Neurologist Friend, Son Of A U.S. Air Force General
      Anti-War Video Sent To Me By A Retired Neurologist Friend, Son Of…
      Anti-War Video Sent To Me By A Retired Neurologist Friend, Son Of A U.S. Air Force General

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