
Tuesday, September 25, 2018

NPR: "Tracking Down Deep-Fake Videos"

Image result for "Fake Videos"

Alan: There is something new under the sun.

Photographic evidence can be assembled pixel by pixel.

And with enough computer memory and sufficient technical sophistication, it is possible to generate a completely persuasive, "foolproof" photograph (or video) of Ronald Reagan "rolling in the hay" with Mother Theresa.

No joke.

Furthermore, because there is inherent "noise" in the routine compression of digital imagery, it is impossible, even for experts, to distinguish between genuine digital images and faked digital images, particularly faked video. 

In effect, the inherent "noise" hides all evidence that "fake videos" have been faked. 

In essence, deep-faked video is clear enough to be convincingly "true," and intrinsically "foggy" enough that falsification can not be proven

This process of creating "fake" pictographic and videographic evidence -- which intellectually rigorous experts will swear is genuine -- is illustrated in the instructional video embedded in the following webpage.

"Deep Fake" Videos Created By Artificial Intelligence Just Got Even More Terrifying

It is well known that people routinely "believe what they want to believe." 

Please reflect -- however briefly -- on the fact that one third of Americans are as certain that Donald Trump is a Godsend (literally a Godsend) as another third is certain that Trump is this generation's P.T. Barnum, in cynical search of those precious (voting) suckers born every minute.

Notably, the very nature of digital photography and digital videography makes all photographic and videographic "evidence" of such uncertain origin that everyone can justifiably believe their expert-of-choice. 

From now on, any debate concerning the authenticity of photograhic and videographic evidence is literally "six of one, half dozen of another."

Forevermore, bona fide attempts to determine "what is true" will depend on the intellectually rigorous use of language, epistemologically sound research, and textual documentation. 

And the resonance of "informed conscience."

Forevermore, our determination of "what is true" will NOT (and MUST NOT) depend on pictographic images which can already be indetectably falsified. 

Tommy, can you hear me?

Indetectably falsified.

Now, gnosh on this. 

The incremental improvement of "Deep Fake Video" techniques will only get "better" over time.

Geometrically better.

The Bible's Two Versions Of The Decalogue Are Different. The 1st Commandment Is All About The Confusion Of Crafted Images With Reality

"Idolatry: Why The First Commandment Forbids It"

Unlike the evidentiary precision provided by photography and videography, verbal-and-written determinations of truth will never be perfect. 

They won't even appear to be perfect.

It is ironic that in the future our "epistemological salvation" will depend on such evident imperfection.

"The perfect is enemy of the good."

"The terrible thing about our time is precisely the ease with which theories can be put into practice.  The more perfect, the more idealistic the theories, the more dreadful is their realization.  We are at last beginning to rediscover what perhaps men knew better in very ancient times, in primitive times before utopias were thought of: that liberty is bound up with imperfection, and that limitations, imperfections, errors are not only unavoidable but also salutary. The best is not the ideal.  Where what is theoretically best is imposed on everyone as the norm, then there is no longer any room even to be good.  The best, imposed as a norm, becomes evil.”  
"Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander,” by Trappist monk, Father Thomas Merton

Tyranny's Best-Kept Secret: It's All About Epistemology

That Big Brother Is Watching You Is Nothing: The Horror Is His Redefinition Of Trumpery As Truth

Fortunately, just as we can determine the "cloud" in which 98% of an atom's electrons orbit (with no way to determine the location of the other 2%), so too does the "cloud of truth" (like Yahweh's indeterminate, "cloudy" shekhinah) lend itself to remarkably precise, albeit imperfect, definition.

"Tracking Down Fake Videos"
With increasing frequency, photographs and videos are subject to total fabrication.
Furthermore, it's becoming ever harder to detect their falsification.
Indeed, it has become so much harder that even professional technicians will dispute the veracity/falsity of well crafted "images."

Here Come the Fake Videos, Too - The New York Times

SenseTime's AI generates realistic deepfake videos | VentureBeat

Lawmakers Want US Intelligence Assessment On Fake Videos
Voice Of America

Alan: Good friend Frances (my traveling companion for over fifty years) has only one surviving sibling, sister Mary, a dedicated Facebook user. 

To render the following account in meaningful context, I must point out that Frances and Mary both supported Hillary Clinton at the beginning of the 2016 presidential campaign.

Then a flabbergasting thing happened.

There came a day when Mary, evidently disturbed, contacted Frances to say she had just seen a video of Hillary berating a staff member in such an insulting, degrading way that she would never be able to vote for such a mean-spirited person.

My regular readers know that I am a "data hound," that I have the "nose" of an adept researcher and that I am unusually skilled at finding online information.

However... I was unable to find anything bearing remote resemblance to the video Mary swears she saw. 

At intervals over the course of a year, I did my level best to find this video that "made Mary want to puke" and could find no trace of it - not a hint of the video that was directly responsible for Hillary losing Mary's vote.

These events -- Mary's testimony concerning her viewing of an "abusive video" and her subsequent renunciation of Hillary -- took place long before I knew anything about "Deep Fake Videos." 

And although the rules of evidence prevent the conclusion that Putin-Russia were responsible for this "deep fake dirty trick," we do know that 1.) Putin wanted Trump to win The Oval Office and 2.) Putin's hackers used Facebook extensively to sow dissention and doubt by saturating cyberspace with cleverly-produced falsehood and inflammatory manipulation of popular sentiment.

You Still Don't Get It? Trump Colludes By The INACTION Of NOT Obstructing Putin's Meddling

While I acknowledge that there is no actionable proof that Mary was bamboozled by Russian operatives, "all the pieces fit" - and they fit with a remarkable degree of particularity.  

Deepfakes - Real Consequences - YouTube

"Frog Hospital's" Fred Owens Asks: "Are Trump's Days Numbered?"

"It Has Now Become Clear Exactly How Republicans Might Try To Overturn Biden's Victory In November"

"Will He Go? Amherst Law Professor Fears A Meltdown This November," Vox

Trump Will Go Full-Throttle Fascist Following The First Major Terror Attack.
Putin Knows This. (He Also Knows How To Hack The United States.)

What The Bible Has To Say About Deep Fake Video 

The Bible's Two Versions Of The Decalogue Are Different. 
In Both Versions, The 1st Commandment Is All About The Confusion Of Crafted Images With Reality

"Idolatry: Why The First Commandment Forbids It"

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