
Saturday, May 2, 2020

Michael Moore's "Planet Of The Humans" And Cowboy Capitalism's Unacknowledged Death Wish

Planet of the Humans (2019)

Dear Ed,

Thanks for your email.

It is fitting that it should arrive on May 1st.

"May Day! May Day!"

In your correspondence with Dr. Miller, you make a thorough, cogent, well-presented case.

The coronavirus crisis brings into high relief the manifest suicidality of Cowboy Capitalism and the jaw-dropping stupidity-ignorance-cruelty-barbarism of sludge-suckers like His Toxicity.

In the past, I have written piecemeal about "puzzle pieces" that strongly suggest how an arguably critical mass of "conservative" "Christians" actually cheerlead Armageddon as the "biblically-prescribed way" to elicit The Second Coming

Pax on both houses: For 3 Years "Deaths Of Despair" Have Cratered ...

If you think these "Christians" are too few to be of existential concern, remember that they -- almost single-handedly -- are responsible for electing Malignant Messiah.

Frank Zappa Prophesied A Fascist Theocracy. Barry Goldwater Agrees

This "Christian" suicidality, weirdly disguised as "salvation," must be seen in the context of plutocracy's urge to strip, sequester and seize as much resource as magnates can rip off in anticipation of what now (more than ever) seems to be a quasi-conscious determination to kill off "the undeserving poor;" a "die-off" that the coronavirus pandemic facilitates, boosted by Trump's (strategized?) bungling, inaction and counter-productivity.

People who "have Trump's ear" -- most notably Steve Bannon -- are smart enough (and evil enough) to know that when ecosystems reach "carrying capacity," massive die-offs ensue. Furthermore, these die-offs manifest with stunning rapidity, typically killing about one third of the species that has exceeded the carrying capacity of its ecosystem. 


Without further ado, please visit the following post which links to "Planet Of The Humans," a just-released Michael Moore-produced documentary freely accessible on YouTube.

"Planet Of The Humans," A Michael Moore Production That Savages The Illusion Of Green Energy

Like anything, "Planet Of The Humans" is far from perfect.

But its central premise that "greens" have been significantly co-opted by capitalist corporatism -- most especially by the Green Movement's bogus focus on insanely-defined "bio-fuels" -- is, to my mind, spot on.

I am confident "Planet Of The Humans" will evoke an animated, fertile, fruitful conversation.

Paz contigo


PS I must say that I cannot bring myself -- at least not yet -- to draw Maria and Daniel's attention to this Moore-Gibbs documentary. Until I am able get a better handle on my "response," asking them to watch "Planet Of The Humans" feels like a betrayal of the hopefulness and passionate dedication they now enjoy. In fact, "Planet Of The Humans" might wisely come with a generalized public health warning: "This Documentary May Be Dangerous To Your Psychological Well-Being."

PPS If you watch this documentary, be sure to watch the terminal credits all the way to the end to see how "our" environmental heroes - and a host of "white knight" environmental agencies - put their tail between their legs, repenting their grotesque malfeasance within two weeks of the documentary's release.

Pax on both houses: Trump: It's A Fine Line

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