
Sunday, August 7, 2016

Agent Orange

Compendium Of Pax Posts About Donald Trump, Updated July 31, 2016

To Expose Our Children To Donald Trump Is Not Just Child Abuse, But Egregious Child Abuse

Despicable Donald Impugns Father And Mother Of U.S. Muslim War Hero Killed In Iraq

Trump Asks Hostile Foreign Power To Conduct Espionage Against U.S. Government

Donald Trump's Ghostwriter Ashamed Of Benign Portrayal Of Man Who "Could End Civilization"

Melania Trump's Softcore Porn Photos

The New York Post Just Covered Melania Trump's X-Rated Photo Shoot

Nude Photos Of Melania Trump Raise Questions: "Did She Come To The United States Legally?"

Trump Family Fortune Began With Booze And Prostitution

Donald Trump Describes His 1-Year-Old Daughter In Most Cringe-Worthy Video Clip Yet

Compendium Of Pax Posts About Trump "University" Scam

VIDEO: Pulitzer Prize Winner Reveals Evidence Of Trump's Extensive Mafia Ties

Fact-Checking Donald Trump's Acceptance Speech At The RNC (Ken Kessler, Washington Post)

Is Trump A Sociopath? Taking His Official Biographer's Claim Seriously

Are Corporate Leaders Egotistical Psychopaths?

Borowitz: "Seemingly Decent Human Beings' Involvement In 2016 Election Confuses Voters"

"There is no fear in love. 
But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. 
The one who fears is not made perfect in love."
1 John 4:18

"Any Religion That Needs Fear To Thrive Is Bad Religion"

My First 200 Memes


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