If Trump Wins And Your Kids Google "First Lady," Here's What They'll Get
The New York Post Just Covered Melania Trump's X-Rated Photo Shoot

Melania And Donald Watch Pornography Together. Melania Brought Machado Sex Tape To Trump

Donald Trump Describes His 1-Year-Old Daughter In Most Cringe-Worthy Video Clip Yet
Don't Forget: Donald Trump Wants To Bang His Daughter

On The First Anniversary Of His Candidacy, "The Week" Re-Publishes 95 Trump Headlines
141 Things Trump Has Said And Done That Make Him Unfit To Be President

Although this photo is not "softcore," it is bizarre by any measure.

First Lady, Melania Trump, Is A Slovenian Immigrant
Melania Trump (née Knauss, born Melanija Knávs,[1]
Germanized to Melania Knauss; April 26, 1970)
What goes on behind these masks?
First Lady, Melania Trump, Is A Slovenian Immigrant

Melania Trump (née Knauss, born Melanija Knávs,[1]
Germanized to Melania Knauss; April 26, 1970)
Germanized to Melania Knauss; April 26, 1970)

What goes on behind these masks?
Compendium Of Pax Posts About Donald Trump, Updated June 3, 2016
http://paxonbothhouses. blogspot.com/2016/06/ compendium-of-pax-posts-about- donald.html
The Seven Deadly Sins Mapped And Measured By Kansas State University Geographer
Alan: Personally, I do not consider Melania's photos sexually offensive.
However, their underlying focus on "voluptuary appearances" is dubious.
Melania and Donald's relentless dedication to hedonic pleasure is also consistent with the plutocratic values of people who have normalized greed, traditionally one of "The Seven Deadly Sins."
Melania and Donald's relentless dedication to hedonic pleasure is also consistent with the plutocratic values of people who have normalized greed, traditionally one of "The Seven Deadly Sins."
The Seven Deadly Sins
The Seven Deadly Sins Mapped And Measured By Kansas State University Geographer
Capitalist Pigs And Avarice
Alan: In passing, I will note that "anger/wrath," "lust," "envy" and "pride/vanity" are four of the remaining six "deadlies." Ring any bells Christians?
The purpose of this post is to "yank the chain" of "Christian" "conservatives" who -- just a year ago -- could not have conceived supporting Trump or his wife.
Now, despite persistent protestation of adherence to "immutable, absolute values," they treat vulgarian Trump as if he were The Messiah come back.
"Christian" "conservatives" should be ashamed of their pandering pragmatism, an ideologically slavish posture that will justify any damn thing to advance their intrinsically fearful politics.
"Christian" "conservatives" obsess" over "enduring values" because they don't have any.
Or, it might be said that the "values" they do have are constantly under attack from their own faithless psyches so that they continually feel urgent need to compensate "fear of losing those values" with "absolutist chatter" whose purpose appears to be "converting others," but whose real aim is "the conversion of themselves."
I hope this post afflicts their small minds with enough cognitive dissonance to "push them over the edge."
If there is a God you would think he would have sent a Christian that at least knows the fundamentals of the Bible. When Trump was asked what his favorite book was he said that it was "The Bible" , and that it even beat out "Art of the Deal" for his favorite book. Then when asked what his favorite verse was, he couldn't think of a *single* one! Months later when asked again he had an answer ready, he said " An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth' ! Any Christian worth their salt knows that that was one of a few verses from the Old Testament that Jesus *specifically repudiated*. Also I have a hard time figuring out where Trump sets any kind of example as a "Christian"? I notice the right wing was really quiet about "family values" not to mention "Christian values" this election cycle. I thought that was one of the "unwavering core values" of the right wing ? My guess is that even the right knew that Trump didn't hold up well to close inspection when when comparing him to those "values". "Two Corinthians"? Any "christian" who's favorite book is the Bible knows better ?
ReplyDeleteEverybody out there who thinks they are ABOVE it all, need to think again.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what you mean. Please provide more explanation. Thanks.
Deletethanx for the pics.This is what the g.o.p. has become.Godless Old Perverts.
ReplyDeleteTrump is a " DOG ",stuck in 13 year-old boy bullshit even at his current age ! His wife ,Melania,being the least effective first lady in History. His daughter,Ivanka,no words can express my displeasure regarding her behavior. I wouldn't borrow a dime from anyone in the Trump family. Truly- one of the lowest phases in World History.
ReplyDeleteToday Trump visits Dayton,Ohio and El Paso,Texas. How sickening it is while families bury their loved ones in those two cities,Trump arrives to spew his inane thought. Trump,Moscow Mitch , Evangelical Pence--have got to go--period !