
Thursday, December 10, 2015

Donald Trump Backs Out Of Israel Trip When Netanyahu Critizes His Stance On Muslims

Now Netanyahu calls Trump an asshole... for being an asshole.
Alan: Being critized by Netanyahu for being too hard on Muslims is like a Christian fundamentalist praying for the redemption of Hitler's soul.

Donald Trump: The Paranoid Style In American Politics And The Ongoing Festival Of Hatred

Evangelicals LOVE Donald Trump: 
We Are Known By The Company We Keep

The Self-Chosen Face Of The Republican Party: Not Any Old Asshole... An Asshole's Asshole

Evangelicals LOVE Donald Trump: 
We Are Known By The Company We Keep

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Donald Trump Backs Out Of Israel Trip When Netanyahu Critizes His Stance On Muslims
Donald Trump has announced he will postpone his trip to Israel and meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after the leader criticized his proposed ban on Muslims entering the United States. Meanwhile in an interview with CNN, Trump insisted, “I’m doing good for the Muslims.” And a new survey reveals some of the roots of Trump’s surprising endurance: a shrinking middle class that has become a minority in America.
As much as establishment Republicans have a Trump problem, their candidate problem may be even worse. Trump has both solidified his base of support and hardened the opposition against him, but a fractured field—that has no signs of coalescing—means he’ll remain on top for the foreseeable future. The candidates’ dilemma is as follows: Each believes that if they are the last person standing against Trump they will win the nomination (a fairly safe bet considering Trump’s unfavorables), and the not-Trump field has demonstrated fluidity, so why shouldn’t they just wait it out for a while to see if they can have their moment. This waiting game is all well and good now, but if goes on too long, may drag out the nominating fight for months.

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