Dear Fred,
Reading your email I mostly wagged my head in assent.
Our views diverged over details.
Except for one thing.
In three generation families (an extraordinarily stabilizing social arrangement exploded by the transience and uprootedness of capitalism) grandparents can do as good a job raising kids as parents themselves - sometimes better.
Obama is an example of this.
Family of Barack Obama
If grandparents are still "together" and "reasonably happy," the children of single parents have three parents!
One garden-variety parent.
And two GRAND parents!
Because (unsocialized) capitalism constitutes the air we breathe, we are mostly unaware of it.
Even as it fucks us in the ass with barbed-wire condoms, we are as eager as teenage bucks in a whorehouse to give "job creators" carte blanche, clasping our ankles, spreading our cheeks, begging to be sodomized.
Like you - and to some extent like Laura - I am mostly a traditionalist when it comes to family life.
That said, it bears mention that King David had seven wives, one of whom he purchased with 200 Philistine foreskins and another whose husband he killed so he could get in her pants, making it permanently problematic to define "the traditional family" with any degree of precision.
King David: Common Criminal Or Uncommon Criminal?
To the extent that feminism is an "enemy" of the traditional family (and more importantly an enemy of "the distilled essence" of the traditional family) the presumed detriments of feminism are not The Issue.
Mostly, these perceived detriments derive from the unsettling nature of Capitalism itself with its depersonalization, uprootedness, devious degradation of "value" by "price" and ceaseless profiteering through the propegation of vice -- envy, greed, lust, vanity/pride, and anger/wrath by way of The Military-Industrial Complex.
Dear Fred,
Reading your email I mostly wagged my head in assent.
Our views diverged over details.
Except for one thing.
In three generation families (an extraordinarily stabilizing social arrangement exploded by the transience and uprootedness of capitalism) grandparents can do as good a job raising kids as parents themselves - sometimes better.
Obama is an example of this.
Family of Barack Obama
If grandparents are still "together" and "reasonably happy," the children of single parents have three parents!
One garden-variety parent.
And two GRAND parents!
Because (unsocialized) capitalism constitutes the air we breathe, we are mostly unaware of it.
Even as it fucks us in the ass with barbed-wire condoms, we are as eager as teenage bucks in a whorehouse to give "job creators" carte blanche, clasping our ankles, spreading our cheeks, begging to be sodomized.
Like you - and to some extent like Laura - I am mostly a traditionalist when it comes to family life.
That said, it bears mention that King David had seven wives, one of whom he purchased with 200 Philistine foreskins and another whose husband he killed so he could get in her pants, making it permanently problematic to define "the traditional family" with any degree of precision.
King David: Common Criminal Or Uncommon Criminal?
To the extent that feminism is an "enemy" of the traditional family (and more importantly an enemy of "the distilled essence" of the traditional family) the presumed detriments of feminism are not The Issue.
Mostly, these perceived detriments derive from the unsettling nature of Capitalism itself with its depersonalization, uprootedness, devious degradation of "value" by "price" and ceaseless profiteering through the propegation of vice -- envy, greed, lust, vanity/pride, and anger/wrath by way of The Military-Industrial Complex.
Capitalist Pigs And Avarice: The Pathognomic "Deadly Sin" Of Our Age
Capitalism, The Greatest Productive Engine Ever, Is Destroying The United States
Capitalism, The Greatest Productive Engine Ever, Is Destroying The United States
Chesterton: Plenty Of Books Denounce Lust But What Of Those That Encourage Greed
Carnival Lust, Capitalist Greed And Counter-Productive Christian Finger Wagging
Chesterton: Plenty Of Books Denounce Lust But What Of Those That Encourage Greed
Carnival Lust, Capitalist Greed And Counter-Productive Christian Finger Wagging
Carnival Lust, Capitalist Greed And Counter-Productive Christian Finger Wagging
"Politics And Economics: The 101 Courses You Wish You Had"
"Politics And Economics: The 101 Courses You Wish You Had"
"War, Peace And Political Manipulation: Quotations"
"Plutocracy Triumphant"
Cartoon Compendium
"Pope Francis Links"
Follow the money!
Pax tecum
Follow the money!
Pax tecum
On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Fred Owens <> wrote:
Being a single parent.... Probably the worst form of child-rearing ever devised by human kind -- the single mother and the single father are unwelcome martyrs to the cause of freedom. Sure, you had to throw the bum out, or he never showed up to begin with, or you drifted a part and you find yourself alone with the little brats -- the darlings, the source of all the joy in your life .... I just mention this because the topic of marriage has come up, same sex and traditional, and those types can be argued and discussed as far as child-rearing goes, but in any event, I am quite certain that almost any two people can raise children better than any one person.
Second worst way to raise children is two people working full-time, eating take out food, spending "quality time" with the children, by appointment. Of course, you both have to work full-time, otherwise you will be poor. But, in my judgment, it's better to be poor and have time for children, then to have a little more money and no time.Children don't care whether you are fulfilled or not, they just want you around and on the job. You're tired, you're bored, you have no life -- your kids don't care -- they just want you around. Grumpy they can live with, gone they don't like. They wake you up in the middle of the night -- do you think they feel guilty about that?The best way to raise children is a 60-hour week -- One of you works full-time with benefits -- what they call a real job -- and getting scarcer all the time, i know -- but one of you does the full-time.... the other does the part-time flex, work at home thing.Me, I am totally old-fashioned and sexist, so think the home-maker should be the .....and for infant care -- I've noticed -- well theoretically a man can do this as well as a woman......but the point is, if there are two, you can work it out -- but with the single parent, there ain't nobody to work it out with -- it's a terrible way to raise a family.... just ask Pres. Obama -- his whole life is about how he was raised and making sure that doesn't happen to his kids.
My writing blog is Frog Hospital
send mail to:
Fred Owens35 West Main St Suite B #391Ventura CA 93001
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