Pope Francis: What Christianity Looks Like When Believers Realize "God Is Love"
"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction."
Devout Christian, Blaise Pascal
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My Correspondence With A Christian Fundamentalist: "The Best... Becomes Evil"
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Merry Christmas! How Saint Nicholas Saved Three Sisters From A Life Of Prostitution
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Rich Cohen
Christian "Just War Principles" Established c. 500 A.D. Vs. America's "just war" Tradition
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Mistakes In Scripture: When The Bible Gets The Bible Wrong
"Amish Grace: How Forgiveness Transcended Tragedy," A Glimpse Of True Christianity
Mistakes In Scripture: When The Bible Gets The Bible Wrong
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Images Of Yeshua, A Nazarene Carpenter
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"Trial By Ordeal: The Bloody Old Testamental Roots Of Modern Justice"
"Trial By Ordeal: Alive And Well Into The 17th Century"
Images Of Yeshua, A Nazarene Carpenter
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Americans, Especially Catholics, Approve Of Inquisitorial Torture
"The Catholic Voice In The Torture Debate," John A. Coleman S.J.
Christianity's Bedrock Commitment To Torture: Remaking Themselves In God's Image
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Americans, Especially Catholics, Approve Of Inquisitorial Torture
Christianity's Bedrock Commitment To Torture: Remaking Themselves In God's Image
Americans, Especially Catholics, Approve Of Inquisitorial Torture
"The Catholic Voice In The Torture Debate," John A. Coleman S.J.
"The Christian Paradox: How A Faithful Nations Gets Jesus Wrong"
Bill McKibben
The Last Time Christians Had Balls They Believed In Martyrdom
"The Rapture" And The Enforcement Of Happiness
"The Christian Paradox: How A Faithful Nations Gets Jesus Wrong"
Bill McKibben
The Last Time Christians Had Balls They Believed In Martyrdom
"The Rapture" And The Enforcement Of Happiness
Bill McKibben
The Last Time Christians Had Balls They Believed In Martyrdom
"The Rapture" And The Enforcement Of Happiness
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Biblical Literalism And The Cultivation Of Hatred
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Divine Desperation: Feeling Hopeless Makes People Stop Doing What They Can
"Are Highly Religious People Less Compassionate?"
"Are Highly Religious People Less Compassionate?"
"Pax On Both Houses: A Compendium Of Martin Luther King Jr. Quotes"
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Deism And Founding Father Links
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Sola Fide
Pope John XXIII: "Pacem In Terris" And World Government
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Deism And Founding Father Links
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"First Stone: It Is Not Enough To Do What Is Right..."
Sola Fide
Pope John XXIII: "Pacem In Terris" And World Government
The Inquisition Executed Its Last Victim In 1826, A Spaniard Who Taught Deism
American Divorce: Mainstream Christians Divorce More Often Than Mainstream Atheists"
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Christian Defence Of Slavery Preached From The Pulpit
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Ayn Rand Really Hated C.S. Lewis And Championed Child Murderer, Dismemberer, Edward Hickman
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Saint Peter Was Not Pope
Despite Disclaimer, The Thinking Housewife Still Carries Torch For Ayn Rand
Compendium Of "Pax" Posts On "The Thinking Housewife," Laura Wood
Saint Peter Was Not Pope
Saint Peter Was Not Pope
St. Thomas Aquinas, Natural Law, and the Common Good /// Aquinas Quotations
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John Ford, John Wayne, Aquinas And Theosis (Christian Divinization)
John Ford, John Wayne, Aquinas And Theosis (Christian Divinization)
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"Apocalypse: Greek For "Removing The Veil"
"Theological Implications Of Ebola: Praying For A Cure? Creating A Scientific Cure"
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ
"Just Thinking About Science Triggers Moral Behavior"
Scientific American
G.K. Chesterton Reviews Martin Scorsese's "Wolf Of Wall Street"
G.K. Chesterton Reviews Martin Scorsese's "Wolf Of Wall Street"
"Pope Francis Links"
"Pope Francis Links"
Pope Francis Believes Global Warming Is Mostly Man-Made
"Love Your Enemies. Do Good To Those Who Hate You," Luke 6: 27-42
"Do You Know What You're Doing To Me?"
Jesus of Nazareth
"Love Your Enemies. Do Good To Those Who Hate You," Luke 6: 27-42
Jesus of Nazareth
Yeshua Excoriates Fellow Pharisees: "The Woe Passages"
"The Politics Of Horror In Conservative Evangelicalism," '09 Outstanding Academic Title"
The Evangelical Persecution Complex (Projection's Finest Hour?)
The United States Is A Singularly Cruel, Vengeful Nation. Solitary Confinement For Kids
G.K. Chesterton: "The Anarchy of The Rich"
G.K. Chesterton and Warren Buffett's Class War
G.K. Chesterton On Charity, Hope And Universal Salvation
G.K. Chesterton Quotations... And More
G.K. Chesterton: "The Anarchy of The Rich"
G.K. Chesterton and Warren Buffett's Class War
G.K. Chesterton On Charity, Hope And Universal Salvation
G.K. Chesterton Quotations... And More
Pax On Both Houses: Compendium Of G.K. Chesterton Posts
"Any Religion That Needs Fear To Thrive Is Bad Religion"
"Any Religion That Needs Fear To Thrive Is Bad Religion"
"Bad Religion: A Compendium"
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"Terror And The Other Religions"
"Santorum, Savonarola And The Pending Apocalypse Of The Republican Party"
"Bad Religion: A Compendium"
"Thomas Aquinas On American Conservatives' Continual Commission Of Sin"
"Terror And The Other Religions"
"The terrible thing about our time is precisely the ease with which theories can be put into practice. The more perfect, the more idealistic the theories, the more dreadful is their realization. We are at last beginning to rediscover what perhaps men knew better in very ancient times, in primitive times before utopias were thought of: that liberty is bound up with imperfection, and that limitations, imperfections, errors are not only unavoidable but also salutary. The best is not the ideal. Where what is theoretically best is imposed on everyone as the norm, then there is no longer any room even to be good. The best, imposed as a norm, becomes evil.”
"Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander,” by Trappist monk, Father Thomas Merton
More Merton Quotes
Religion and Perfectionism
"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment.
The one who fears is not made perfect in love."
1 John 4:18
"Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect."
Matthew 5:48, King James Version
(Modern translators agree that the word "perfect" is more accurately rendered as "complete.")
Religion and Perfectionism
"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment.
The one who fears is not made perfect in love."
1 John 4:18
"Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect."
Matthew 5:48, King James Version
(Modern translators agree that the word "perfect" is more accurately rendered as "complete.")
(Modern translators agree that the word "perfect" is more accurately rendered as "complete.")
"Is Israel The World's Worst Terror State? An Israeli General's Son Thinks So"
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Compendium Of Pax Posts On Abortion
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"Totalitarian Absolutism And The Thinking Housewife"
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If Our Founding Fathers Were All Good Christians,
Why Did They Say These Things?
Jefferson's Advocacy For Protection Of Jew, Gentile, Mahometan, Hindu And Infidel
TED Talk: Algorithms, Islam And The Anti-Christ
"You can safely assume you’ve created God in your own image
when it turns out God hates all the same people you do."
Tom Weston S. J.
Santa Claus Is More Real Than You Are
"You can safely assume you’ve created God in your own image
when it turns out God hates all the same people you do."
Tom Weston S. J.
Santa Claus Is More Real Than You Are
Tom Weston S. J.
Santa Claus Is More Real Than You Are
The Real Story Of Saint Nicholas
who tossed gold through the open windows of poor people
so they didn't sell their daughters into prostitution
Love Covers A Multitude Of Sins
It Came Upon A Midnight Clear
Music by Unitarian Minister, Richard Storrs Willis
Lyrics by Unitarian Minister, Edmund Sears
Written in 1849, it has long been assumed to be Sears' response to the just ended Mexican-American War. Sears' pacifism would take second place to his commitment to abolishing slavery in the Civil War, but his carol remains, repeated all over the world every year. Probably more than any other Christmas carol, it talks about today — his day or our day. It says that the call to peace and goodwill to all is as loud on any other day as it was on that midnight of old, if we would but listen "in solemn stillness."
"Good Romans" Considered Jesus' Torture Necessary For Imperial Safety
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The Seven Deadly Sins
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Chesterton: Plenty Of Books Denounce Lust But What Of Those That Encourage Greed
Consumerism: Thrift And Thriving. Vice And Viciousness
Consumerism: Thrift And Thriving. Vice And Viciousness
The Seven Deadly Sins
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The Seven Deadly Sins Mapped And Measured By Kansas State University Geographer
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Capitalist Pigs And Avarice: The Pathognomic "Deadly Sin" Of Our Age
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Capitalism, The Greatest Productive Engine EVER, Is Destroying The United States
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New York Times: It's Official. Mormon Founder, Joseph Smith, Had Up To 40 Wives
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A Friend Thinks This Is The Most Important Christmas Song Ever Written
The Road To Hell Is Paved With Paralytic Fear Precluding Experience Of Heaven
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"The Idea Of Christ Is Much Older Than Christianity."
"The Soul Is By Nature Christian."
Jesus Walks Back Comments On Poor
Making Money Off Miracles: The Gospel Of Televangelists
"The Idea Of Christ Is Much Older Than Christianity."
"The Soul Is By Nature Christian."
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What Second Amendment Evangelists Fail To Understand About Their Opposition
The Lost Art Of Catholic Drinking
What Second Amendment Evangelists Fail To Understand About Their Opposition
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Mercy Is Not Fair
Which Do You Value More? Mercy? Or Justice?
Abraham Lincoln And Pope Francis Agree On The Roles Of Mercy And Justice
Mercy Is Not Fair
Which Do You Value More? Mercy? Or Justice?
Abraham Lincoln And Pope Francis Agree On The Roles Of Mercy And Justice
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Text Of Pope Francis' Address on the White House Lawn
Pope Francis' Address To The United Nations
(Full Text)
In His Congressional Address, Pope Francis Recommends Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Dorothy Day And Thomas Merton
Video Of Pope Francis' Address on the White House Lawn
Text Of Pope Francis' Address on the White House Lawn
Pope Francis' Address To The United Nations
(Full Text)
In His Congressional Address, Pope Francis Recommends Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Dorothy Day And Thomas Merton
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Are Highly Religious People Less Compassionate?
"The Poor Are More Than Twice As Charitable As The Rich"
"Most Of The Rich Think The Poor Have It Easy," Washington Post
Are Highly Religious People Less Compassionate?
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What Catholic Traditionalists -- And Other Christian Conservatives -- "Don't Get"
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We Are Known By The Company We Keep
We Are Known By The Company We Keep
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J.B. Priestley's Mystical Experience?
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"War, Peace And Political Manipulation: Quotations"
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Pastor John Piper "discusses the vexing problem of God ordering the mass killing of every Canaanite man, woman, and child."
Pastor John Piper "discusses the vexing problem of God ordering the mass killing of every Canaanite man, woman, and child."
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Time For Catholicism To "Shelve" Traditions And Texts That Represent God As A Terrorist
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UNC-CH Professor Bart D. Ehrman:
Biblical Exegete And Former Christian Evangelical
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