Pierre Teilhard de Chardin S.J.
De Chardin's Wikipedia Entry
Teilhard de Chardin
For Jesuit paleontologist, Teilhard de Chardin, science and prayer were intimately
connected. "There is less difference than people think between Research
and Adoration."
Or more directly: "Adoration’s real name … is Research."
In a letter from South
Africa, he confided to a friend, ‘I am … in close contact with old mother Earth:
and you know that for me there is no better way for rejuvenation and even
De Chardin claimed that without research "there can be no
possibility … of real mystical life."
The entire text of "Scientific Research as Adoration: Pierre Teilhard de Chardin SJ (1881-1955)" by Thomas M. King is available at: http://www.theway.org.uk/Back/443King.pdf
Many people do not realize -- and many others do not focus - the central truth that Christian monks routinely devote themselves to research and scholarship.
"Just Thinking About Science Triggers Moral Behavior"
Scientific American
Scientific American

The prophet Muhammad is quoted as saying:
"The ink of the scholar is holier than the blood of the martyr."

I can imagine.
And I cannot imagine.
And I cannot imagine.

Teilhard de Chardin

Lest we forget...
"The Word was made Flesh"
And "God so loved the world"
that he sent "Himself" into it.
The entire thrust of divinity - at least as we know it -- is in the direction of incarnation, enfleshment, not in the direction of hurrying back to the transcendent Logos.
N.B. The quotation in the above meme is disputed.

"There is neither spirit nor matter in the world; the stuff of the universe is spirit-matter."
Alan: When I was young it occurred to me that matter is spirit seen from the outside
and that spirit is matter seen from the inside.

"Since God Doesn't Heal Amputees, Humankind Will. The Future Of Christian Theology"
Needed: A New "Christian Science"
Compendium Of Pax Posts On Theosis, The Limits Of Religion And A New "Christian Science"
Compendium Of Pax Posts About Coronavirus: Trump's Denial, Ineptitude And Mismanagement
Compendium Of Pax Posts About Conservative Stupidity, Ignorance And Denial

A shout-out to newly-launched http://teilhard.com/
(April, 2013)

Alan: It has always struck me as the most miraculous -- and most mundane -- "thing" that love exists.

The American Teilhard Association

Alan: I have not had opportunity to validate all these quotes.
Teilhard de Chardin
Thank you for sharing the paper by Thomas King, S.J. and these wonderful quotes from Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Teilhard is a favorite of mine and I have started a blog honoring his intellectual and spiritual legacy.
W. Ockham