
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

What Happened When Dutch Interviewers Disguised The Cover Of The Bible As The Qur'an

"Is The Bible More Violent Than The Quran?"

Mistakes In Scripture: When The Bible Gets The Bible Wrong

What's Wrong With The Abrahamic Religions: Absolutism, Scriptural Inerrancy, Bloodlust

Pastor John Piper "discusses the vexing problem of God ordering the mass killing of every Canaanite man, woman, and child."

"God Enjoys The 10 Plagues Way Too Much"

ISIS And The Inquisition: The Shadow Side Of Religion. Why Does Belief Do This?

"What ISIS Really Wants" And How The Patriarch Abraham Appears To Be The Instigator

Christianity's Bedrock Commitment To Torture: Remaking "The Faithful" In God's Image

Time For Catholicism To "Shelve" Traditions And Texts That Represent God As A Terrorist

How Do People React To "The Word Of God" When The Bible Is Disguised As The Qur'an

The following video clip (with subtitles) is from Holland and demonstrates how easily we find fault in another person’s beliefs, but also how “God’s word” spoken to people of another time and culture, if taken as “irrefutable Gospel” that should (or must) be applied "as is" today, readily results in dangerous thinking and ungodly actions.

A “Koran” cover is placed on a Bible and violence advocating excerpts are read to passers-by who are then asked for their thoughts before they are told about the cover-disguise. 

Also, to see violent aspects of misguided Christians, we do not have to go far from home.

As a Christian, myself, and as someone who believes most faiths are looking at (or for) the same thing, I hope I can learn from the mistakes of others more regularly, but also learn from my own mistakes every time … and may my mistakes become less frequent.

On the banks of denial - C

Psychological Projection

The Evangelical Persecution Complex (Projection's Finest Hour?)

Psychological Projection Indicts "The Good Christians," Not The People They Indict
Psychological Projection, "The Shadow" And American Conservatism's Hatred Of Islam

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