"Listen kid... Don't even think about winging him.
The sweet spot is right between the eyes."

"The Only Thing That Stops A Bad Guy With A Gun Is A Good Guy With A Gun"

Australian Gun Control After Port Arthur Massacre Left 35 Dead

Australian Comedian Nails 2nd Amendment Evangelists
Australian Comedian Nails 2nd Amendment Evangelists

The Number Of People Who Use Guns In Self-Defense Is Negligible
The Number Of People Who Use Guns In Self-Defense Is Negligible

Handguns At Home And The Scourge Of Suicide Among Young People
Handguns At Home And The Scourge Of Suicide Among Young People
Mormon "prophet" Joseph Smith's last act on earth was to fire his "pepperbox" pistol, blindly, into a crowd.

Mom Killed By 2 Year Old Child Described As "Responsible." NOT!

One Heartbroken Mother's Plea To Other Parents: Ask If There's A Gun In The House
One Heartbroken Mother's Plea To Other Parents: Ask If There's A Gun In The House

Why not me?
80% Of All Firearm Deaths In 23 Industrialized Countries Occurred In The U.S.

Another day in Somalia
“Toy Guns Outlawed At Republican Presidential Convention. Real Guns Allowed”

"Why Black Men Don't Open Carry"
Are we having fun yet?
"9 Year Old Girl Kills Shooting Instructor With Uzi"
"9 Year Old Girl Kills Shooting Instructor With Uzi"

"We Like War"

Stand Your Ground Laws And The Collapse Of Civilization
we can legally kill people if we "feel" threatened by them.

Gun Cartoons From The Washington Post
1 Small Town's Cops Have Killed More People Than Combined Police Of Germany And U.K.
Americans Are 9 Times More Likely To Be Killed By A Policeman Than A Terrorist
Americans Are 9 Times More Likely To Be Killed By A Policeman Than A Terrorist
American Cops Fire More Bullets At One NYC Man Than All German Cops Fire In A Year

Jesus Christ!

The Second Amendment
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
This amendment begins with the phrase "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state." The amendment begins with these words because none of The Founding Fathers believed in a "standing army," preferring instead local militias that could be quickly mustered into unified force.
The right to "keep and bear arms" derives from citizen participation in well-regulated militias.
Absent citizen participation in a "well-regulated militia" there is no constitutional right to bear arms.

"Christian Nationalism"
-- and its perennial insistence that violence is a solution to every problem -- would make Jesus puke.

down alarmists.

Obama enacted no gun control legislation even when he controlled both houses of congress for the first two years of his administration.
Under Obama, gun sales soared.

The reason we are unable to impose reasonable controls on especially lethal weapons

And another...

Hey! What a great idea!

I know no one who has used a gun in self-defense, but I do know someone who was killed while robbing a grocery store.
It is overwhelmingly likely that neither you -- nor anyone you know -- has successfully "defended themselves" with a firearm.
Americans refuse to heed "the numbers."
If you ask every friend and associate until the day you die, the chances are virtually nil that you will come across someone (outside the military) who has repelled an aggressor with a firearm.
The belief that Americans use firearms in self-defense is mostly Middle School fantasy conjured by essentially fearful people trapped in arrested development.
There are over 40% more firearm suicides than firearm homicides in the United States.

And why wouldn't the law-abiding citizen still have his gun?
No one is proposing it be taken away.
Although it may take decades to begin a definitive downward trajectory in violent crime -- by virtue of background checks and hard-time felony convictions for selling (or giving) guns to people without conducting background checks -- eventually the unbrideld slaughter will abate.
We know this is so from Australia's experience after the Port Arthur Massacre.
Port Arthur Massacre

166 Gun Cartoons (U.S. News And World Report)

"Here's how you do it kid.
Don't even think about winging him.
Always go for the sweet spot!
Right between the eyes!
And if you can't see his eyes,
blow his nuts off."

80 Percent Of All Firearm Deaths In 23 Industrialized Countries Occurred In The US
"A Well Regulated Militia"

The Low Lifes Who Oppose Smart Guns

Tom Toles Cartoon: The Second Amendment And Aggressive Ignorance

Isla Vista Victim's Father, Defense Attorney Richard Martinez, Strikes Back"

A Deadly Mix: Guns And Kids In The House

America's Premier Gun Journalist Banished For Questioning The Gospel Of Guns

SNL Clip: “Show Us Your Guns”

“Woman Shoots Thief Fleeing With Her Purse”

"It's Time To Face The Truth About Gun Violence," Fareed Zakaria
Gun Cartoons

Diane Rehm: Mass Shootings And Their Effect On The American Psyche

Florida Law Prevents Doctors From Discussing Firearm Safety
Bobbies and Violence

Gun Control in Israel, #2

Since 1973, the number of U.S. homes with firearms has declined by 35%
are over 40% more firearm suicides than firearm homicides in the United States.
David Frum

Guns in homes increase risk of death and firearm-related violence

Sandy Hook Kindergarten Carnage

The graphic above was tweeted by Donald Trump.
The Bushmaster AR-15: Adam Lanza’s Weapon Of Choice

Post Sandy Hook Republicans Cower On Gun Control

God and Gun Control: Shootings Prompt Religious Debate
Iranian Woman Asks: “Why Did Nancy Lanza Love Guns? Probably The Same Reason I Did.”

Are Israeli Teachers Armed?

A Story Of The NRA’s Influence – In Two Charts

Will Our Anger Be Buried Alongside Newtown’s Dead? – Jay Bookman

"Nuclear Weapons Don't Kill People. People Kill People."

Sandy Hook Parent, Lynn and Chris McDonnell, Live Through Grace

In 2016 Ted Nugent was Trump's "Special Guest" at Malignant Messiah's last campaign stop.
Diane Rehm: Mass Shootings And Their Affect On The American Psyche
Do Concealed Weapon Laws Result In Less Crime?
The Second Amendment: Would Jesus Pack?
Second Amendment Expansion; First Amendment Contraction

The Debacle of Gun Control
1968 handguns, not rifles have been used to kill one million Americans)

Have Gun, Will Travel

80% Of All Firearm Deaths In 23 Industrialized Countries Occurred In The U.S.

And at bedrock, do not forget that "stupid people are too stupid to know they're stupid."
Mark Twain, Adolf Hitler And The Dunning-Kruger Effect
Sane citizens can keep their six shooters.
They can buy single shot rifles.
They can own double barrel shotguns.
Such accessibility is beyond dispute.
(If Justice Scalia were to follow his own jurisprudential principles, he would praise this interpretation of the Constitution as consistent with "original intent.")
Such accessibility is beyond dispute.
(If Justice Scalia were to follow his own jurisprudential principles, he would praise this interpretation of the Constitution as consistent with "original intent.")

Obama enacted no gun control legislation even when he controlled both houses of congress for the first two years of his administration.
Under Obama, gun sales soared.
Mar 23, 2017 - Americans purchased more than $29.1 billion in firearms and $16.6 billion in ammunition during Obama's two terms in the White House. ... won election in November, gun sales appear to be going down. ... Trump, who has called for an end to gun-free zones, was endorsed by ... Sign up for our Newsletter.
Apr 12, 2016 - I've noted before that this growth in gun sales began long before President ... that began during and were backed by President Bill Clinton's administration. ... some jobs to Alabama where the politics are much more pro-gun and business friendly. ... “In response to that dynamic, we have increased our direct ...

The reason we are unable to impose reasonable controls on especially lethal weapons
that the people who own most of them are crazy enough to have them confiscated.
one of the crazies now...

And another...
Hey! What a great idea!
mother packs a semi-automatic assault rifle...
thus making it five times more likely her children will die from a bullet.)
Suicide in the Home in Relation to Gun Ownership, Arthur L. Kellermann, MD,
MPH; Frederick P. Rivara, MD, MPH; et al, The New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 327, No. 7, August 13,
1992, pp. 467-472. Key
Statistic: The
presence of one or more guns in the home increases the risk of suicide in the
home nearly five times. http://www.vpc.org/studies/whersuic.htm

The Conservative Dream:
Absolute Safety vouchsafed by ubiquitous firearms.
(The impossible quest to make Reality safer than God intended is the core appeal of fascism.)
The Key Question
If ever more guns make America safer,
why are we not already the safest country in the the world?
Instead, we are the most dangerous "developed" nation on earth.
Please email your answer to:
Please email your answer to:
If you do not have an answer, ask yourself, "Why not?"
What Second Amendment Evangelists Fail To Understand About Their Opposition
It is an incontrovertible fact that if every citizen carries a firearm, some of those citizens will use those firearms to successfully prevent deadly (or damaging) attack by malefactors.
However, setting aside "wishful thinking," it is also incontrovertibly true that if every citizen carries a firearm, there will be far more firearm deaths than there would have been if citizens were required to undergo rigorous training and careful gun registration as prerequisites to owning a firearm.
Although it is grist for another mill, there are two different epistemologies in play: one statistical-and-scientific; the other anecdotal, with any favorable anecdotal outcome deemed sufficient reason to establish "A New Rule" even though anecdotes are almost always "exceptions to rules."
When Second Amendment Evangelists view the cartoon, "What might have happened on 9-11 if this were truly been The Land of The Free," they automatically believe -- as a faith-based obligation -- that every bullet fired "the good guys" will end up in the body of a terrorist, not the bodies of innocent passengers.
Even more to the point: anytime an evildoer "gets the drop" on "a good guy," it is overwhelmingly difficult for a good guy to "turn the tide."
"Wanting it so" (a desire conditioned by too many Super-Hero movies) has nothing to do with the factual Reality of increased carnage when everyone has access to a firearm.
If every airline passenger can "pack," then every terrorist would have a firearm and only a small percentage of citizens.
Would you, for example, take a firearm on board a plane?
Didn't think so...
Would a terrorist take a firearm on board a plane?
Would you, for example, take a firearm on board a plane?
Didn't think so...
Would a terrorist take a firearm on board a plane?
Those who think ubiquitous firearms solve any of life's problems contribute to the problem - inflame the problem by magnitudes of deadliness
The possibility that well-armed citizens will perform acts of sudden, salvific heroicism once a thug with murderous intent "has already pulled his gun" is vanishingly remote.
Such wishful thinking is the product of arrested development, the vestigial puerility of children playing "cowboys and Indians," "cops and robbers," "white hats and black."
Many more innocent Americans are killed by firearms "in the home" than the piddling number of Americans saved by domestic firearm heroics.
"The Number Of People Who Use Guns In Self Defense Is Negligible"
And when, at rare intervals, such heroics do occur, they frequently result in the death of property thieves who harbor no violent intent.
I know no one who has used a gun in self-defense, but I do know someone who was killed while robbing a grocery store.
It is overwhelmingly likely that neither you -- nor anyone you know -- has successfully "defended themselves" with a firearm.
Americans refuse to heed "the numbers."
Americans Think Foreign Aid Consumes One Third Of GNP.
This % Is Totally Hallucinated
If you ask every friend and associate until the day you die, the chances are virtually nil that you will come across someone (outside the military) who has repelled an aggressor with a firearm.
The belief that Americans use firearms in self-defense is mostly Middle School fantasy conjured by essentially fearful people trapped in arrested development.
I am 68 years old and have friends "on both sides of the aisle."
Yet I have never heard any of them say that a firearm saved their life.
I have never heard any of them say that they know someone who was saved by civilian use of a firearm.
And in those rare instances of "salvation-through-firearm," it remains over-archingly true that isolated anecdotes do not establish "general rules."
Yet I have never heard any of them say that a firearm saved their life.
I have never heard any of them say that they know someone who was saved by civilian use of a firearm.
And in those rare instances of "salvation-through-firearm," it remains over-archingly true that isolated anecdotes do not establish "general rules."
On the other hand, I have heard several friends say that firearms were used by family members to kill themselves and also have a friend whose neighbor's boy accidentally killed a friend by putting a bullet in his head.
Whether by accident... sudden eruption of anger... or by psychological disease... firearms in the home exact a terrifyingly high toll with correspondingly trivial benefit.
The belief that "individual heroes" will "save the day" is essentially self-ish, a subset of rugged individualism and the horrifying fear of living in All-American isolation.,
Yes, an occasional hero will "save the day."
Guns Save Lives
The Number Of People Who Use A Gun In Self-Defense Is Pretty Much Negligible
But choosing to arm an entire society only increases the cumulative carnage.
Gun Tweet In Wake Of Umpqua Slaughter
Opportunities for "gun-toting heroism" are vanishingly rare, and when they do present, they are likely to exacerbate the violence-in-progress.
Consider the following case in point.
Armed Veteran Explains Why He Didn't Confront Oregon Snhooter With His "Good Guy" Gun
The human psyche prefers "clutching at straws" to admitting that many threatening situations are simply "outside our control."
Furthermore, attempts to "control the uncontrollable" -- either by enhanced "security measures" "taken in advance" or "taken while an aggressive act is unfolding" -- do not contribute to security and routinely become risk factors in themselves.
Too much of anything - even a good thing - is too much.
Too much of anything - even a good thing - is too much.
Consider the flood of handguns in American homes, a deluge whose potential benefit pales alongside the actual number of American suicides and "domestic homicides" that would not have taken place except for the presence of handguns in the home.
The situation is analogous to the conservative desire to disenfranchise 11% of American voters in order to prevent several hundred cases of demonstrable voter fraud - a textbook illustration of "cutting off one's nose to spite one's face."
How Frequent Is Voter Fraud?
How Frequent Is Voter Suppression?
Voter I.D. Laws Could Disenfranchise 11% Of The Electorate
In the absence of firearms, most young people who attempt suicide do not succeed.
Keep in mind that the suicides I am focusing are not "potential threats" like an attack on your neighborhood school.
Rather, they are "done deeds" - dependable statistics year in, year out.
Needless statistics year in, year out.
Rather, they are "done deeds" - dependable statistics year in, year out.
Needless statistics year in, year out.
Lamentably, most Americans believe that "heroic last minute intervention" will prevent criminals from perpetrating carnage -- a highly unlikely outcome -- simultaneously ignoring the actual avalanche of carnage in American homes - carnage that would not take place if ready availability of handguns in the home did not facilitate suicide.
States. In the United States, only motor vehicle crashes and cancer claim more lives among children 5–14 years old than do firearms.
For young Americans, 15-24, suicide (60% by firearm) is the third leading cause of death
Firearm injury and death charts for the U.S. (and the world) are available at the following University of Pennsylvania
Suicide in the Home in Relation to Gun OwnershipArthur L. Kellermann, MD, MPH; Frederick P. Rivara, MD, MPH; et al, The New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 327, No. 7, August 13, 1992, pp. 467-472. Key Statistic: The presence of one or more guns in the home increases the risk of suicide in the home nearly five times. http://www.vpc.org/studies/whersuic

"Gun Cartoons and Gun Violence Bibliography"
Americans Are 9 Times More Likely To Be Killed By A Policeman Than A Terrorist
The make-believe heroicism that afflicts Second Amendment Evangelists recalls the bizarre supposition that the violent overthrow of Saddam Hussein (Ronald Reagan's geopolitical ally) would "make the world safe for democracy."
"Bush's Toxic Legacy In Iraq"
George Will Documents Reagan's Collusion With Saddam Hussein's Use Of Chemical Weapons
"If An Abundance Of Guns Makes Us Safe,
Why Isn't The United States The Safest Place In The World?"
I await your reply.


And why wouldn't the law-abiding citizen still have his gun?
No one is proposing it be taken away.
Although it may take decades to begin a definitive downward trajectory in violent crime -- by virtue of background checks and hard-time felony convictions for selling (or giving) guns to people without conducting background checks -- eventually the unbrideld slaughter will abate.
We know this is so from Australia's experience after the Port Arthur Massacre.
Bush Ally, Prime Minister John Howard Urges U.S. To Imitate Australia’s Gun Control Success: 60% Decline In Firearm Killings In 15 Years.
Port Arthur Massacre

166 Gun Cartoons (U.S. News And World Report)
Some of the good Christians
who make this possible.

We'll be safer when everyone packs.

Don't even think about winging him.
Always go for the sweet spot!
Right between the eyes!
And if you can't see his eyes,
blow his nuts off."

Guns Banned From NRA Event For Pence's Safety.
Parkland Survivors Ask, Why Not For Us?

What Second Amendment Evangelists Fail To Understand About Their Opposition

Gun Control For Dummies

There Is No Catastrophe So Ghastly That America Will Reform Its Gun Laws

Thirteen Killed At Umpqua Community College: Conservatives Call For More Guns

Michele Fiore is a Republican House representative from Nevada.
This Christmas greeting is real, not a parody.

The NRA Opposes Smart Guns Because They Work
This Christmas greeting is real, not a parody.

The NRA Opposes Smart Guns Because They Work
The Last Thing A Chaotic Crime Scene Needs Is More People Carrying Guns

Gun Crazed: America Sacrifices Civilization To Satisfy The Paranoia Of These People

"I Love My Guns." Gun Owner Creates "Must See" Video For Responsible Gun Owners

Ben Carson Envisions Guns In Kindergartens. Boasts Of Imagined Bravery

Ben Carson: "Body With Bullet Holes Preferable To Gun Control"

The Simple Truth About Gun Control: It Works In Those Countries That Have It
(Remember: Gun Control Is Not Gun Elimination)

The Number Of People Who Use A Gun In Self-Defense Is Negligible
Handguns At Home And The Scourge Of Suicide Among Young People

Legislation In Several States Bans Pediatricians From Talking About Gun Safety With Parents

Handguns At Home And The Scourge Of Suicide Among Young People

1 Small Town's Cops Have Killed More People Than Combined Police Of Germany And U.K.

Handguns At Home And The Scourge Of Suicide Among Young People

One Heartbroken Mother's Plea To Other Parents: Ask If There's A Gun In The House
American Cops Fire More Bullets At One NYC Man Than All German Cops Fire In A Year

1 Small Town's Cops Have Killed More People Than Combined Police Of Germany And U.K.

"The Lost History Of The NRA," Originally A Sane Organization

Mom Killed By 2 Year Old Child Described As "Responsible." NOT!
80 Percent Of All Firearm Deaths In 23 Industrialized Countries Occurred In The US
Diane Rehm Guest Gets To The Nub Of Police Violence And How Easily It's Prevented

Cleveland Police Shoot And Kill 12 Year Old With Toy Gun

"Thoughts and Prayers"
has become an obscenity.
"See The Correlation Between Gun Laws And Gun Deaths"
"A Well Regulated Militia"
"Thoughts and Prayers"
has become an obscenity.
"See The Correlation Between Gun Laws And Gun Deaths"


"GunFAIL: Weekly Tabulation Of Needless Injury And Death Due To Guns"
The Low Lifes Who Oppose Smart Guns

Tom Toles Cartoon: The Second Amendment And Aggressive Ignorance

Isla Vista Victim's Father, Defense Attorney Richard Martinez, Strikes Back"

A Deadly Mix: Guns And Kids In The House
America's Premier Gun Journalist Banished For Questioning The Gospel Of Guns

Wayne LaPierre’s All-American Dream

“The Good, The Bad and The Crazy”: Jon Steward Analyzes NRA
Bill Maher Redefines “The War on Terror” as “The War on Losers”
Stewart: Gun Control

SNL Clip: “Show Us Your Guns”

“Woman Shoots Thief Fleeing With Her Purse”
Harvard: "Virtually no
armed criminals report being wounded by a law-abiding citizen"

"It's Time To Face The Truth About Gun Violence," Fareed Zakaria
Gun Cartoons

Diane Rehm: Mass Shootings And Their Effect On The American Psyche

Control and The Second Amendment
Make Homes More Dangerous, Not Less

Firearms - Guns in home increase risk of death, injury and mental disease

Florida Law Prevents Doctors From Discussing Firearm Safety
Of All Firearm Deaths In 23 Industrial Countries Occurred in The United States

Used In Sandy Hook Slaughter Especially Deadly Due To Firing Speed

Ally, Prime Minister John Howard Urges U.S. To Imitate Australia’s Gun Control
Success: 60% Decline In Firearm Killings In 15 Years.

Gun Control After Port Arthur Massacre: 35 Dead

Shooting: “Isolated Incident” or “Social Pattern”

Gun Control in Israel, #2

Guns Outlawed At Republican National Convention: Real Guns Allowed

Since 1973, the number of U.S. homes with firearms has declined by 35%
For young Americans, 15-24,
suicide (60% by firearm) is the third leading cause of death

injury and death charts for the U.S. (and the world) are available at the
following University of Pennsylvania webpage.
In the United States, only motor
vehicle crashes and cancer claim more lives among children 5–14 years old than
do firearms
University of Utah Medical
School: Guns, Public Health and Safety

How Japan Has Virtually
Eliminated Shooting Deaths
The Most Violent Culture In The History Of The World
Gun Violence Map

in the Home in Relation to Gun Ownership
Arthur L. Kellermann, MD, MPH; Frederick P. Rivara, MD, MPH; et al, The New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 327, No. 7, August 13, 1992, pp. 467-472.
Key Statistic: The presence of one or more guns in the home increases the risk of suicide in the home nearly five times. http://www.vpc.org/studies/whersuic.htm
Arthur L. Kellermann, MD, MPH; Frederick P. Rivara, MD, MPH; et al, The New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 327, No. 7, August 13, 1992, pp. 467-472.
Key Statistic: The presence of one or more guns in the home increases the risk of suicide in the home nearly five times. http://www.vpc.org/studies/whersuic.htm

Guns in homes increase risk of death and firearm-related violence
Access Is A Risk Factor For Suicide

in home increase likelihood of violent death: http://aje.oxfordjournals.org/content/160/10/929.full

Sandy Hook Kindergarten Carnage

The graphic above was tweeted by Donald Trump.
The Bushmaster AR-15: Adam Lanza’s Weapon Of Choice

Toles: "Arguments In Favor Of Gun Control"

Post Sandy Hook Republicans Cower On Gun Control
Takes Down Facebook Page

God and Gun Control: Shootings Prompt Religious Debate

Iranian Woman Asks: “Why Did Nancy Lanza Love Guns? Probably The Same Reason I Did.”

Stores Are Selling Out Of The Rifle Used To Kill 27 People In Connecticut

Are Israeli Teachers Armed?

of Kids Armored Backpacks Soar

A Story Of The NRA’s Influence – In Two Charts
It Time To Distribute Handguns At The Entrance Of Every Public Place?
Killing Of American Children Has Become An American Norm – Richard Cohen

Will Our Anger Be Buried Alongside Newtown’s Dead? – Jay Bookman

"Nuclear Weapons Don't Kill People. People Kill People."
Killing Of Children; Our National Shame – Richard Cohen

Sandy Hook Parent, Lynn and Chris McDonnell, Live Through Grace

In 2016 Ted Nugent was Trump's "Special Guest" at Malignant Messiah's last campaign stop.
Diane Rehm: Mass Shootings And Their Affect On The American Psyche
Do Concealed Weapon Laws Result In Less Crime?
Text: Fresh Air's Assault-Style Weapons In The Civilian Market

The Second Amendment: Would Jesus Pack?
Second Amendment Expansion; First Amendment Contraction

The Debacle of Gun Control

Stopped CDC Research On Gun Violence
Have Gun, Will Travel

Senators More Deadly Than Al Qaeda

More Guns Won't Make Us Safer”

Save Lives

Guns Save Lives 2

I Don't Get This Gun Cartoon...

Given Florida's "Stand Your Ground Law," Can This Black Woman Kill The White Cop Who Assaulted Her?"
"Bad Black People." Why Bill O'Reilly Is Wrong Even When He's Right

Gun death rates are always highest in blood red states and lowest in dark blue states.
(Looks like conservatives are projecting fear of themselves.)
I Don't Get This Gun Cartoon...
"Bad Black People." Why Bill O'Reilly Is Wrong Even When He's Right

Gun death rates are always highest in blood red states and lowest in dark blue states.
(Looks like conservatives are projecting fear of themselves.)
Gun death rates are always highest in blood red states and lowest in dark blue states.
(Looks like conservatives are projecting fear of themselves.)

Handguns At Home And The Scourge Of Suicide Among Young People
Handguns At Home And The Scourge Of Suicide Among Young People
Mom Killed By 2 Year Old Child Described As "Responsible." NOT!

One Heartbroken Mother's Plea To Other Parents: Ask If There's A Gun In The House

One Heartbroken Mother's Plea To Other Parents: Ask If There's A Gun In The House
80% Of All Firearm Deaths In 23 Industrialized Countries Occurred In The U.S.

“Toy Guns Outlawed At Republican Presidential Convention. Real Guns Allowed”

And at bedrock, do not forget that "stupid people are too stupid to know they're stupid."
Mark Twain, Adolf Hitler And The Dunning-Kruger Effect

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