Tripp and Bristol Palin
Dear J,
Per capita, there
are more violent heterosexuals than homosexuals.
Personally, I am more
concerned with people's use of weapons (including words) than their bed
If Tripp is getting a
"Christian" upbringing, it is not the Christianity I believe in.
The longer I live, the more
I'm convinced that mere "proclamation" of "Jesus Christ as Lord
and Savior!" is dubious qualification. (Fifty years ago, Thomas Merton
observed that a "roman collar" was an superb disguise for scoundrels.)
As for "stern
discipline" in Evangelical and fundamentalist families, notice that none
of the putative "grown ups" in the Palin family bother to correct
Trigg's potty mouth.
They have bred a hateful
little bigot and don't even see it.
Homophobia has been so
normalized that for many Americans -- especially those who cling to guns and
bad religion -- it does not show on radar.
Over time "Righteous
Christians" have propagated disparagement of gays and, by God, they're
getting their comeuppance now.
These nominal
"Christians" may not care about justice, but fortunately secular
society does.
The situation recalls
"the secular press" "breaking the story" on priestly
pederasty while "the church" (in its infinite wisdom) deliberately
recycled these predators to unsuspecting flocks. (Did
you read anything about this in NC Catholic?)
And where was "The
Catholic Press" during those hundred years when
"everyone" knew about priestly predation but spoke not a word.
The Ethos Of The Time:
"If you can't say something nice about the priests who are f_______ our
children in the a__, then don't say anything at all..."
Many "Christians"
will take greater umbrage at this honest appraisal than the pederasty itself!
Other "Christians"
(like Bill Donohue of The Catholic League) implicitly defend these predators.
It is "late in the
day" for "traditional" Christianity -- beset by unworkable
sex/gender agendas -- to seize the "high moral ground." (But, by God,
they'll do their best to whack the nation's nuns!
Have you read about the
recent Vatican bank scandal?
Not the scandal of "the
butler's theft," but the scandal of Vatican "banking practices"
and the ugly, hierarchical infighting they occasioned.
Do you remember Il
Banco Ambrosiano?
What goes around comes
Pax on
both houses,
PS Not long ago, mainstream
Christianity would have reacted to Bristol's out-of-wedlock pregnancy by making
her wear a scarlet "A." Back then, "The Good Christians" would
have felt righteous calling Tripp a "bastard." The official sanction
of bigotry and cruelty has a long history. The Apocalypse -- which is to say
"The Revelation" -- is upon us. Increasingly, gays and lesbians are
treated as fully equal humans and now the church, formerly in possession of
every trump card, will have to decide how long it will "preach slavery
from the pulpit."
JULY 23, 2012

Tripp Palin’s gay slur
Where did Bristol Palin's 3-year-old pick up a homophobic insult?
Updated below:
Bristol Palin’s son Tripp is 3 years old. And at an age when most children are mastering bowel control, the correct application of the indoor voice, and the distinction that Cheerios go in the mouth and not up the nose, young Master Palin has also clearly been working on his vocabulary. In a new clip from his eponymously titled Lifetime reality show “Life’s a Tripp,” Tripp pitches a meltdown as only a 3-year-old can, smacking his Aunt Willow, declaring “I hate you” to her and his mother, and capping it off by telling Willow, “Go away, you faggot. I don’t like you.” You what?
It’s a word the Palin family already knows its way around. We noticed it nearly two years ago, when the sisters Palin leapt into a Facebook fight to defend her family’s honor after a mutual friend named Tre critiqued “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” as “failing so hard.” First, Bristol declared Tre a “typical shit talker.” Then, the then-16-year-old Willow had a few choice – and misspelled – words of her own, informing him that “Haha your so gay. I have no idea who you are, But what I’ve seen pictures of, your disgusting … My sister had a kid and is still hot … Tre stfu. Your such a faggot.” See, when you lob the word “faggot” at someone on Facebook, eventually, someone who sleeps on Bob the Builder sheets is going to throw it right back in your face.
Reality TV is built on dysfunction and judgment, so it’s hard not to feel it’s just taking the bait to call out Bristol and her sister for exposing Tripp to that revolting insult. Yet it’s not just the way the kid blurts out the word he’s clearly picked up around the homestead that’s so stomach turning – it’s the whole framing of that incendiary remark. Behold how the sisters can’t stop cracking up as the devilish munchkin tells them “I hate you.” Note how Willow threatens to wash the kid’s mouth out with soap. (Child-rearing note: This is abusive. Don’t do it.) And for the kicker, observe Bristol and Willow’s mutual response of shocked, barely stifled giggles to Tripp’s outburst. Was it just a nervous reaction? Maybe. But what you don’t see is any indication of either of them pausing for a moment to tell the child, “That word is used to hurt people. I don’t ever want to hear you say again.” It’s just that simple, ladies.
Mary Elizabeth Williams is a staff writer for Salon and the author of "Gimme Shelter: My Three Years Searching for the American Dream." Follow her on Twitter: @embeedub.
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