
Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Bloomberg Article As Springboard For Discussion Of Homeschooling And "Factory Schooling"

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I don't want to give much energy to Bloomberg campaign because his candidacy is an undeserving backwater which is "in the news" only because massive amounts of money buy influence.
However, this particular article is useful for its focus on the whole spectrum of schooling - private, public and charter - and the essential failure of America's education process which, like it or not, is the bedrock reason Trump got elected.
  • Zach Zimet "Whole spectrum" would include homeschooling ;)
    • Alan Archibald Yes, to me "whole spectrum" includes homeschooling.

      After I left (was "eased" out of) Orange County Schools, I spent a number of years teaching Spanish to "clustered homeschoolers" - groups coordinated by parents who were smart enough to want their kids to actually 
      learn a foreign language.

      I taught one such class in the home of an IBM executive - a dwelling large enough to contain an in-house classroom.

      Many years later, one of the three children in that family said to her brother: "You realize that homeschooling has ruined us for life."

      Clearly this assessment does not have anything like universal applicability.

      However, homeschooling is one more way in which the encompassing milieu of unbridled Cowboy Capitalism advances the atomization and privatization of American life.

      Clearly, there is a massive struggle taking place between the forces of Rugged Individualism and what we might call Communitarianism.

      It is equally clear that people get to decide on one or the other of these philosophical choices -- at least for a while.

      We will see whether Rugged Individualism and Cowboy Capitalism is compatible with the long-term survival of enough biomes to make life "worth living," or -- what is much the same thing, before irrepressible throngs of climate refugees number in the hundreds of millions.

      However that sorts out, Illinois Senator Dick Durbin threw down the gauntlet when he observed that "the motto of the Republican Party has become "We are all in this.... alone."

      Although somewhat off-topic you may be interested in my proposal for "cross-border charter schools."

      "Proposed Cross Border Charter School"
      Proposed Cross-Border Charter School: Half year in the U.S., the other half in Mexico
      Proposed Cross-Border Charter School: Half year in the U.S., the…
      Proposed Cross-Border Charter School: Half year in the U.S., the other half in Mexico

    • Zach Zimet "However, homeschooling is one more way in which the encompassing milieu of unbridled Cowboy Capitalism advances the atomization and privatization of American life." This is an opinion statement unsupported by fact.

      Putting kids in a semi-prison, grou
      ped by age, segregated in fact in many places, under authoritarian supervision w/ little accountability, and pretending it teaches them "community" is odd.

      In fact, we can look around us and see the results of factory schooling because that's what 95% of people get.

      The homeschooling with which I'm familiar includes community engagement, cross-age, cross-ableness, play and activities, etc.

      I know many, many kids grateful that they were able to maintain some individuality by not being forced into the ideological pyramid scheme that is most public schooling.
    • Alan Archibald I know the rap.

      In the mid-nineties I collaborated briefly with John Taylor Gatto.

      I also know that rugged individualism and Cowboy Capitalism work to the advantage of right-wing dolts whose show-case culmination is Donald Trump.

      "Homeschoolers emerge as Republican foot soldiers"

      It is also true that public instruction works exceedingly well in many European countries, and the people who emerge from those educational systems live happy, communitarian lives which, I believe, put Uncle Sam to shame.

      At bottom, America lacks political imagination. And such imagination is largely absent from our national discourse because public instruction (molded by political clamor) won't permit an honest discussion of politics, history and civics.

      "Reprise: Trump Is The Symptom Of A Broken Educational System."

      We cannot even imagine high-quality universal healthcare even though ALL other 31 developed countries have had it for 50 years.

      "The Truth About High-Quality Universal Healthcare"
      John Taylor Gatto - Wikipedia
      John Taylor Gatto - Wikipedia
      John Taylor Gatto - Wikipedia

    • Zach Zimet You say this, "I also know that rugged individualism and Cowboy Capitalism work to the advantage of right-wing dolts whose show-case culmination is Donald Trump," in the context of homeschooling as if it has something directly to do with it. Guilt by association is a logical fallacy.

      You do realize that at least 9 out of 10 people supporting DJT are schooled, right? What % of homeschoolers are DJT supporters and how does that compare to the general population? Oh, you don't know? Maybe you should consider the "factual" assertions you make.

      No doubt, homeschoolers (and almost all people of schooling age) share the values of their parents.

      "It is also true that public instruction works exceedingly well in many European countries, and the people who emerge from those educational systems live happy, communitarian lives which, I believe, put Uncle Sam to shame."

      No doubt if the US educational system worked fewer people would homeschool.

    • Zach Zimet Can you summarize your point in like 500 words or less?
      No photo description available.
    • Zach Zimet In addition to those links being broken, it doesn't really encourage me to read MORE of what you've written when you make such glaring logical leaps and slippery associations as part of a point.
    Write a reply...

  • Alan Archibald Apparently Facebook links don't cut and paste.

    "Homeschoolers Emerge As Republican Foot Soldiers"
    See More
    Homeschoolers emerge as Republican foot soldiers
    Homeschoolers emerge as Republican foot soldiers
    Homeschoolers emerge as Republican foot soldiers

  • Alan Archibald I don't think I exceeded 500 words (footnotes apart).

    But if you ask me to comment, I will use the number of words I think I need.

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