
Thursday, August 8, 2019

Facebook Exchange With Xtian Fundamentalist Friend About The NRA And "The Clinton Devils"

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What’s most remarkable about this article is how our politicians can be bought for chump change - in this instance a total of about $850,000.00.
I am as embarrassed as I am horrified.
Home of the brave? Land of the free?
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Of the top 85 members of Congress with the most National Rifle Association contributions, 82 are Republicans, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
  • Karen Kolbinsky The NRA has a right to exist.. good people aren't killing innocents in this world. They should not be punished or targeted by those who accuse them falsely for acts carried out by criminals.
  • Alan Archibald Neither I — nor anyone I know — is arguing against the NRA’s right to exist. 

    That said, it increasingly seems that the NRA is determined to commit suicide - an all too frequent occurrence in homes where depressed teenagers use a parent’s gun to blow their brains out
  • Karen Kolbinsky yep. and nobody is more guilty than the Clinton gang when it comes to the buying and the selling.
    • Alan Archibald We're talking about the NRA Karen, not the Clintons. 

      Please post a link that references "the Clinton gang buying and selling" NRA influence. 

      For those of us "on the left side of the aisle," the Clintons are rapidly approaching the status of "Ancient History." 

      Conservatives on the other hand - particularly "Christian" "conservatives" -- need to have a devil in your worldview and so you confer deathless diabolical status on Bill and Hil.

      But you confer that status not because you can demonstrate any substance behind your largely vapid assertions, but because you have a neurotic psychological need to "scratch that itch." 

      Beating up on The Clintons is a self-serving psychological relief valve, having almost nothing to do with reality.

      As Trump himself acknowledges, it was Bush-Cheney's thoroughly bogus Iraq War that wasted trillions; killed a million; maimed an indeterminate multiple of a million; reduced an ancient culture to rubble; laid the groundwork for 9-11; and radically destabilizedthe Middle east and -- by extension -- the rest of the world. 

      Even if everything you allege about the Clintons is true, their sum-total "burden of culpability" would be trivial in comparison to what Bush-Cheney did - and what Trump passionately accuses them of doing.

      Tell me Karen, did "Your Infallibility" support the run-up to The Iraq War? 

      And, why -- for the bizillioneth time -- am I reasonably certain I'll get no answer? 

      Would an honest answer crash your house of cards?

      Would an honest answer create an unavoidable need to contrast your "wrongness" with Trump's "rightness?" 

      Or vice versa?

      Anyhow, you will go to your grave unable to say a good word about the Clintons.

      And although you routinely put words in my mouth that aren't there, I will say that...

      "I Applaud Donald Trump"

      "Spot-On Truth-Teller Donald Trump: The Most Important Thing Said At The Republican Debate"

      "Why We Fight," Excellent Documentary With Ike's "Military-Industrial Complex" As Springboard 

      I will also say that "on the baby killer side of the aisle," during the run-up to Bush-Cheney's Iraq War, ALL of us saw that their war drums were COMPLETELY bogus just as we now see that Trump's presidency is COMPLETELY bogus.
      I Applaud Donald Trump
      I Applaud Donald Trump
      I Applaud Donald Trump

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