
Saturday, August 3, 2019

Facebook Exchange WIth Xtian Fundamentalist Friend About "Truth" And Reagan's "Racism"

Image result for reagan monkey shoes
I yield the floor to my friend Karen.

Nixon, Reagan And Trump's In-Your-Face, Out-In-The-Open Racism
  • Karen Kolbinsky So much propaganda.. you choose LIES over TRUTH.. that's very sad really since only knowing the TRUTH will set you free. It's not about men it's about humbling yourself to obey the Law of God Himself. Any man or woman who can believe and promote such lawless and barbaric behavior as slaughtering innocent babies in the name of a "human right" is deaf, dumb and blind suffering from deception and delusion. There is no way you can believe yourself able to point a finger, cast a stone or judge any other human in this world as morally inferior.
  • Alan Archibald Karen, you spend your life pointing accusatory fingers.

    And the information you use to point your finger comes from QAnon and Alex Jones.
    See More
  • Karen Kolbinsky too funny.. TRUTH matters and every LIE will be exposed for what it is. Truth will prevail eventually because anyone who has eyes to see, ears to hear and a brain capable of processing what we witness for ourselves can't be fooled by blind guides who have no light at all but insist they know better the RIGHT WAY.. I put my trust in Jesus not in any man but I do trust that whoever "Q" is believes in the SAME JESUS I do and he is not the LIAR or the FAKE.. just a very short time now and TRUTH will prove itself exactly as Light does.. those who have eyes aren't in need of guides and those who are blind or hoodwinked will hopefully choose to follow good and honest men who aren't out to use anyone else or to abuse power to rule over us.
  • Karen Kolbinsky I can see and hear for myself and I know who it is I have believed who will never mislead or teach me to disobey the Law of God Himself. Anyone who calls himself a servant or follower of Jesus who teaches another in this world to rebel and act out lawlessly is not walking in Truth or Light .. if we love others as He has loved us we aren't going to promote what he hates or despise what He loves. His Law is perfect converting the souls of men (and women) from darkness to LIGHT..
    • Alan Archibald You blather on about "truth" and "lies" and "the Law of God" but remain silent about my original post - that Reagan was a disgusting racist mouthing the Republican "Party Line" which the GOP took over whole cloth from The Democratic Party.

      The History Of "How Democrats And Republicans Switched Beliefs" 

      Mark my words. Within a week you will again be spreading the lie that the Democratic Party is America's racist party, as indeed it was prior to the sea change -- and Total Ideology Shift -- that began under FDR.. 

      It is flabbergasting that you cannot admit this rudimentary, provable truth.
      The History Of "How Democrats And Republicans Switched Beliefs"
      The History Of "How Democrats And Republicans Switched Beliefs"

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