
Thursday, August 1, 2019

Facebook Conversation With "Frog Hospital's" Fred Owens Re: Debate Format & Political Polling

Life-size bronze statues of Stephen A. Douglas (left) and Abraham Lincoln at the site of their 1858 debate in Alton, Illinois.
They didn't set the world on fire, but it was a good debate last night. The Biden-Harris conflict was mostly media hype. I am convinced they could work together to some degree. Andrew Yang spoke with refreshing candor. He brings a welcome contrast to the contest. I also am quite glad that Marianne Williams is still in the contest. She opens wide the dialog. We talk about being progressive -- well, how about the debate format itself which is straight out of the 19th century, with a mode of every man for himself and last man standing gets the prize. Why are we still doing it that way? So hurray for Andrew Yang and Marianne for showing us that we can include more kinds of people.
But just think -- we saw 20 candidates, all capable and genuine, all talented -- and one of those 20 candidates will be our next President. I am sure of that. I just don't know which one.
  • Alan Archibald The most famous debate in U.S. history -- "The Lincoln-Douglas Debates" -- were actually a series of 7 three-hour debates.

    I suggest a "debate format" that convenes at least two 2-hour-long debates during the last month before the Democratic National Convention. These debates would include the two, three or four statistical frontrunners as polled "down the homestretch."

    In similar vein, I had an epiphany several night ago (while chatting with Jimbo and F)..

    "Someone" -- perhaps the Democratic National Committee -- should contract with one of the most trustworthy polling organizations - perhaps Gallup -- to examine which Democratic candidates are most likely to defeat Trump in battleground states, particularly Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, the three states which decided the 2016 presidential outcome.

    I'm persuaded Trump MUST win every one of these states for re-election. 

    By God, I would LOVE to see the results of these three swing-state polls.

    So would everyone else! No crees?

    In the event that an overarching organization (like the DNC) is unwilling to undertake such polling, other agents -- perhaps candidates themselves -- should contract to do this crucial work. (Here's's ranking of U.S. polling firms.
    Lincoln-Douglas debates | United States history
    Lincoln-Douglas debates | United States history

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