
Monday, May 13, 2019

Fred Owens' Brilliant Idea For Collaboration Among The 4 Women Dems Who Want To Be Prez

Image result for kamala, warren, gillibrand klobuchar
FROG HOSPITAL -- May 12, 2019

By Fred Owens

Sisterhood. Let's talk about the four women in the Senate who each want to be president  -- Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, California Senator Kamala Harris, Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar and New York Senator Kirsten Gillebrand. One of them might be the next occupant of the White House. They are all qualified for this high office and I would vote for anyone of them in a minute. 

I'm trying to come up with a name for this group of female senators -- something like the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse, only not so terrifying, but more militant than a garden party. Right now they are going around giving speeches and doing the usual political routine and frankly I'm getting bored with the progress. Where is the innovation? Where is the creative difference in style?

Here's an idea. What if the four ladies work together at some level and show the power of sisterhood. For an example I am thinking of the tennis stars Venus and Serena Williams. They are loving sisters but fierce competitors on the tennis courts. So use your imagination and picture this -- Kamala and Elizabeth making joint appearances and riding on the same campaign bus, issuing a joint press release that they decided to ride together for a day as a way to save gas. They could debate each other most vigorously. They might dispute and challenge each other, but at the end of the day, they might enjoy a glass of wine as the bus rolls along from one town to another in rural Iowa.

How about the lesser known of the four -- Kirsten and Amy. What if Amy Klobuchar invited Kirsten Gillibrand to Minnesota for a day of canoeing on one of the beautiful lakes in that state? What a dramatic video that would make. Two female senators paddling together on a lake while discussing and disputing climate change issues. 

This spirit of competition blended with cooperation would set a new campaigning standard. It would be a lot of fun too. The problem that women have as presidential candidates is that they think they need to act seriously in order to be taken seriously. Not so. The truly confident candidate will make a joke at her own expense. And then make a dig at Trump. Trump is a truly frightening man so we need to laugh in his face and overcome the fear he generates.

One of these four women might become president -- but only if the other three candidates stand with her at the end of the day.

Well it's Monday morning here in Santa Barbara and that was my idea for the day.

Fred Owens
cell: 360-739-0214

My gardening blog is  Fred Owens
My writing blog is Frog Hospital

Image result for pax on both houses, elizabeth warren

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