
Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Why Trumpistas Can't Escape Trump's Orbit: A Quora Question, Answer And Comment

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Patrick McCabe
Patrick McCabe, former US Army (Retired) & Combat Veteran (RTO Vietnam) (1965-1986)

I have a rather successful Airbnb which because of where I live attracts a number of Europeans and Australians each year. I usually get the opportunity to talk with them and it always seems politics, at least since Trump came into the picture, is something that comes up… followed, almost every time, by President Obama. Trump makes our political system a laughing stock of the world, and by extension, American’s in general. To a person, in these conversations, Trump's predecessor comes up, and President Obama, while not perfect (what President was) gets glowing reviews as a human being, a man and a President. I’m sure there are those who are not fans of President Obama but I can only relate to you the respect for him I’ve encountered.
Alan: Although Trump's devotees are so badly bamboozled by the bilious billionaire that their shredded integrity obliges them to “keep The Lie alive,” we will soon learn what life-long Republican Robert Mueller has discovered about the bullshit artist whom Pulitzer-Prize-winner and Trump biographer, David Cay Johnston, calls “a traitor in the White House.” 
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A lucky few will escape their bamboozlement as Ann Coulter did: Ex-Trumpista Ann Coulter Lambastes Trump's "Joke Presidency Scam" - "No Legacy Whatsoever" 

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Mostly diehard Trumpistas will shun Truth as a raw-nerve reminder of how dimwitted they were to get suckered in the first place. Mark Twain, Adolf Hitler And The Dunning-Kruger Effect

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