
Saturday, March 12, 2016

Black Cop Killer: "Presumed Guilty Until Proven Innocent"

"Use your White Privilege, Luke."

Dear F,

Thanks for the update.

Chesterton said that the most remarkable thing about the oppressed poor was how patient they are.

"Bad Black People." Why Bill O'Reilly's Wrong Even When He's Right"

There is always plenty of wrong to go around.

But the bottom line is this:

White people are favored in this culture.

And black people are generally despised and routinely held in suspicion.

This perpetual oppression-suspicion imposes a standard of "presumed guilt until proven innocent."

Couple this presumption of guilt with the fact that "people rise (or descend) to the level of expectation" and what do you get?

And lest we forget...

Pope Francis has already laid into the Mafia on two occasions. (It is said that the mob has a contract on Francesco.)

Black people never fucked up a culture like the Mafia fucked up Italy.



On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 2:00 PM, FV wrote:

Dear A

Last week Rochester had it's first killing of a police officer in over 50 years.  He was white.  The killer was wounded by the officer's partner and was released from the hospital today. He was black.



On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 4:49 PM, Alan Archibald <> wrote:

Patriotic Americans limbering up for daily "dominance-submission drill" with The Ruling Class.

Pass the K-Y.

Dear John,

Since drafting this email, friend Tom Magnuson, a retired Marine and military historian, sent me the following link.

I'm putting "the last first" because it's the "best part" and hope you watch Prince Ea's video even if you blow off the rest of this missive.

"Prophecy Of World's End," by Prince Ea, Sent By Retired Marine Friend Tom

Here are a couple other links - one from your native Pennsylvania and another about a guy who trashed your net worth.

"White Teen In BMW Hits Three Cars, Flees Scene, Assaults Cops, And Doesn't Get Shot"

"The Smirk-Smiley Face Of America's Most Despicable Felon"

Getting lathered over race is how The 1% distracts gringos from America's most dangerous and most damaging criminals, the unimpeachable plutocrats who screw everybody through direct economic exploitation, or by degrading the culture so that America's mean streets become demeaning places to live. This dependable mechanism of oppression is especially true for poor people and working class people -- usually people of color -- although it's probably time for middle class white folk to prepare for their own dispossession. 

The ungodly rich are running away with everything.

Picking on black guys is how dimwitted white guys prolong their own socio-economic sodomization.

"Bad Black Guys." Why Bill O'Reilly Is Wrong Even When He's Right

Tell a friend!

Pax vobiscum


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