"March Against Police Brutality...
... Results In Police Brutality"
"Bad Black People." Why Bill O'Reilly Is Wrong Even When He's Right
"Bad Black People." Why Bill O'Reilly Is Wrong Even When He's Right
Diane Rehm Guest Gets To The Nub Of Police Violence And How Easily It's Prevented
Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Miscarriage Of Justice And Misplaced Punishment
Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Miscarriage Of Justice And Misplaced Punishment
Part Two, Act Two is extraordinary, plenty strong enough to change the minds of Americans who think "those g.d. niggers got it comin."
It is strong enough to change Americans minds because it shows how the Las Vegas Police Department -- notorious for "shooting first, asking questions later" -- changed its own mind.
And not only its mind but its behavior.
To the benefit of everyone.
N.B. I have posted Part Two first - and Part One last.
548: Cops See It Differently, Part Two
FEB 13, 2015
Our second hour of stories about policing and race. We hear about one city where relations between police and black residents went terribly, and another city where they seem to be improving remarkably. And one of our producers asks: Why aren't police chiefs talking about race after incidents where unarmed black men are wrongly killed by officers? (Here is the bleeped version.)
- This American Life producer Robyn Semien watched the Eric Garner video with a friend who's a New York cop. Robyn's black. Her friend's white. Robyn says she'd assumed they'd at least find some common ground in how they view the video. They find none. (5 1/2 minutes)
- Miki Meek reports on how bad things got for black residents of Miami Gardens, Florida – and why they got so bad – by telling the story of two men, a convenience store owner and one of his employees. (29 minutes)Fusion: "Florida city’s ‘stop and frisk’ nabs thousands of kids"
Miami Herald: "In Miami Gardens, store video catches cops in the act" - FBI Director James Comey gave a speech this week calling for law enforcement to redouble its efforts to serve the black community, and calling for a conversation about race in policing. Producer Robyn Semien has noticed that local big city police chiefs do not think race is a factor in the newsmaking incidents where white officers kill unarmed black men. She and Sean Cole visit a police department that's doing a good job fixing the problem of cops killing black men: the Las Vegas PD. (21 minutes)
547: Cops See It Differently, Part One
FEB 6, 2015
There are so many cops who look at the killing of Eric Garner or Mike Brown and say race didn't play a factor. And there are tons of black people who say that's insane. There's a division between people who distrust the police — even fear them — and people who see cops as a force for good. Stories of people living on both sides of that divide, and people trying to bridge it. (If you prefer, here's a bleeped version.)
- Ira tells the story of Lisa Mahone, who was pulled over by a police officer who she says was acting really weird. When he pulled a gun on her, Lisa decided to call 911 — on the cop. WBEZ has been covering this story since it happened in the fall. Here's their original story from October 2014. (7 1/2 minutes)
- In 2008, the Milwaukee Police Department, which has a long history of tension with black residents, got a new chief named Ed Flynn. One of his big goals when he came to the city was to try and improve the relationship between cops and black Milwaukeeans. Producer Brian Reed shadows some Milwaukee officers, to see what the department is trying. Brian also tells the story of Derek Williams, who died in police custody, and asks Chief Flynn why his officers ignored Williams even though he kept saying, "I can't breathe." (20 minutes)
- Brian continues his story. Chief Flynn implements Milwaukee's version of stop and frisk, but some officers start illegally searching residents. An officer shoots and kills a black man in a park across from City Hall. And tensions erupt at a monthly Fire and Police Commission Meeting. Plus, Brian tags along as officers try to solve a shooting case. (31 minutes)
Milwaukee police officers, photographed by Brian Reed
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