
Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Guardian's Coverage Of Ben Carson's "Believe Anything You Want To Believe" Speech

Ben Carson promises law to protect religious objectors from same-sex marriage

The Republican presidential candidate defends his anti-evolution stance at a Christian university in Virginia: "Everybody believe what you want to believe"

Alan: 175 years ago Christian ministers believed they had a divine mandate to preach the sinfulness of miscegenation. Had they prevailed in "believing what they wanted to believe," Carson could be picking cotton.

Christian Defence Of Slavery Preached From The Pulpit
I believe in freedom of religion.

I do not believe that religious conviction imbues citizens with the right to obstruct, compromise or cripple the majoritarian will of a democratic electorate.

That said, one can always follow the individual path of civil disobedience and conscientious objection which may require people to quick their government jobs.

"Indiana: A Great Place To Be A Bigot"
Excellent Video Spoof

The "general rule" is revealed by the following particular:

Don't want an abortion?

Don't have one.

Again, I go to the heart of the matter: If conservative Christians are entitled to legal considerations that protect the inviolability of their conscience on matters that run counter to "the law of the land," then everyone who disagrees (or disagreed) with The Iraq War, The Vietnam War, The Contra War, The Granada War or the overthrow of democratically-electred governments in Chile, Guatemala and Iran should be to insist on the inviolability of their conscience by withholding that portion of the taxes that enable Uncle Sam's repeatedly unjust wars and military interventions.

Pope Benedict XVI's Question: 'Can Modern Warfare Ever Be Just?'

By my lights, exemption from unjust war taxes is incalculably more important -- as a matter of conscience -- than refusing to bake a cake for a gay couple or signing a marriage license when The Law (and a person's job description) require that a civil clerk do so.

Ben Carson Is A Member Of The Seventh Day Adventist Church: Its History And Beliefs

Ben Carson's Truth-Fiction File Fact-Checked By Politifact. 57% Of Carson's Statements Are Lies

Ben Carson Admits Fabricating His West Point Scholarship

Ben Carson Believes Pyramids Were Built By Abraham's Great Grandson Joseph To Store Grain

"Dr. Ben Carson and the Seventh Day Adventists: Remarkably Adept At Holding Illogical Beliefs"

Ben Carson's Dire Warning: Loss of Keystone Pipeline Leaves U.S. With No Place to Store Grain

"Ben Carson Hopes Debate Will Focus On Lost City Of Atlantis," The Borowitz Report

"The Victim Card: Joe Scarborough Slams Ben Carson For Claiming Unfair Media Scrutiny"

"Alan, I Like Ben Carson... How Do You Feel About Him?"

Carson Made Big Money With Help of a Felon Convicted of Health Care Fraud: His "Best Friend"

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