In his classic style, here is Michael Moore’s letter:
Dear Gov. Snyder:I just wanted to let you know that, contrary to your declaration of denying Syrian refugees a home in our state of Michigan, I myself am going to defy your ban and will offer MY home in Traverse City, Michigan, to those very Syrian refugees you've decided to keep out. I will contact the State Department to let them know I am happy to provide a safe haven to any Syrian refugee couple approved by the Obama administration's vetting procedures in which I have full faith and trust.Your action is not only disgraceful, it is, as you know, unconstitutional (only the President has the legal right to decide things like this).What you've done is anti-American. This is not who we are supposed to be. We are, for better and for worse, a nation of descendants of three groups: slaves from Africa who were brought here in chains and then forced to provide trillions of dollars of free labor to build this country; native peoples who were mostly exterminated by white Christians through acts of mass genocide; and immigrants from EVERYWHERE around the globe. In Michigan we are fortunate to count amongst us tens of thousands of Arab and Muslim Americans.I'm disappointed in you, Governor Snyder, for your heartless and un-Christian actions, and for joining in with at least 25 other governors (all but one a Republican) who've decided to block legal Syrian refugees from coming into their states. Fortunately I'm an American and not a Republican.Governor, count me out of whatever you think it means to be a Michigander. I look forward to welcoming Syrians to my home and I wholeheartedly encourage other Americans to do the same.Michael MooreP.S. By the way, my 700-sq. ft. apartment in northern Michigan is a little small, but it's got cable, wi-fi and a new dishwasher! Also, no haters live on my floor! Stop by any time for a hot chocolate this winter.
Thank you, Michael Moore — for you fearless quest for truth and justice. You speak the words many can’t or are afraid to speak. We need moore.
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