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So then why exactly is this person still alive after going on a violent shooting spree, including pointing her gun at officers while wearing body armor?
A Tennessee woman is facing multiple charges including attempted first-degree murder for driving around shooting at people, leading a police chase, and pointing her gun at an officer.Shields is alleged to have driven around town shooting at people in other vehicles. Police were called and she was found in a parking lot, where she then led police on a chase and continued to point her weapon at passing cars,and at police during the chase. And if that isn't shocking enough here's the real kicker.
Julia Shields, 45, drove around a Chattanooga neighborhood Friday just before 4pm dressed in body armor, randomly shooting into vehicles, WRCB reports.Officers responded to a call from two victims who said Shields pulled up to their vehicle at a stop sign in a dark colored sedan and began firing into the car. No one was reportedly hurt.
Shields was taken into custody without incident or injury and charged with three counts of attempted first-degree murder, seven counts of aggravated assault, possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony, felony evading arrest, and felony reckless endangerment, according to WRCB.Without incident? Without injury? Now what on earth could be the reason for that completely unexpected result? How, pray tell, could this alleged perpetrator, who unlike all the previous examples was not only armed with a genuine real weapon - had used it multiple times - how is it this woman wasn't instantly dead as soon a police had a good clear shot at her? How's that even possible, because it seems to me we've been told over and over againthat if police don't react the way that they did with Garner, Brown, Rice, Crawford and Hunt, we'd being seeing more Cop Funerals, wouldn't we?
What could it be that's different about this case compared to those? Maybe I'm dumb, but I just can't figure it out.
We've been told that pointing out teeny, tiny, little discrepancies in policing like this is clearly the product of Cop Hate. That when Mayor Bill de Blasio refused to be baited by a right wing reporter into condemning all of the police violence protesters simply because a few of them did something shameful and disgusting, that simply because Mayor de Blasio admitted that he fears for the life of his own son when potentially confronted by policeand said the following...
This is profoundly personal to me. I was at the White House the other day, and the president of the United States turned to me, and he met Dante a few months ago, and he said that Dante reminded him of what he looked like as a teenager. And he said I know you see this crisis through a very personal lens. And I said to him, I did.This was apparently such a vicious affront to police, one that was so clearly "anti-Cop" that it was deserving of displays of disrespect such as this.
Because Chirlane and I have had to talk to Dante for years about the dangers that he may face. A good young man, law-abiding young man who would never think to do anything wrong. And yet, because of a history that still hangs over us, the dangers he may face, we've had to literally train him—as families have all over this city for decades—in how to take special care in any encounter he has with the police officers who are there to protect him.

The boos also came with a few cries of “traitor” and heckling during his brief remarks.Right, because it's all Mayor de Blasio's fault that people have distrust in the motives and actions of police, particularly when dealing with young African-American men. Mayor de Blasio did that. Just like Mayor de Blasio was responsible for these Officers who decided that someone literally Dancing the Street in response to a "dare" from Ellen Degeneris had apparently crossed a bridge too far in the personal affront category.
“Let’s be honest about the realities of our society. You will confront all the problems that plague our society — problems that you didn’t create,” de Blasio said.“You did!” someone then yelled, prompting laughter and applause.
“I challenge the viewers to sneak up behind perfect strangers, to dance behind them without them knowing it,” Degeneres said on her show. Previous “dance dares” have featured pregnant viewers, as well as viewers dancing at the Golden Gate Bridge and in front of JCPenney stores, among other settings.Yeah, that's sobering. If humorless, asshole, violent Cops like these are expecting the blind trust and support of the public, they've got another think coming.
BOK subsequently shot footage of himself dancing behind strangers inside Grand Central Station. In one scene, he dances behind a pair of officers without being caught, seemingly without incident.But when he approaches the other officer from behind a police vehicle, the encounter quickly escalates. The officer approaches him and asks, “What’s wrong with you, bro?” as two more officers immediately join him. The officer backs BOK into the vehicle and places his hand on his chest. BOK is turned around and seemingly frisked.At that point, a message appears on the screen saying, “After explaining what we were doing they kept going, insulting me … After endless attempts, realizing they cannot arrest me… they threw me on the ground.”
And none of it is Bill de Blasio's fault.
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