The Stunning Numbers Behind Laquan McDonald's Death
McDonald was shot 16 times in 14 seconds, and it took police 13 months to release the footage of the shooting
Laquan McDonald was shot to death by Officer Jason Van Dyke of the Chicago Police Department on October 20, 2014. On November 24, 2015, the department was finally forced to release its dashboard camera footage of the shooting, after losing a court battle to keep it private.
Here are the upsetting numbers behind McDonald's death.
3: The length, in inches, of the knife blade McDonald had in his hand when he was shot.
10: The approximate number of feet Officer Van Dyke was standing from McDonald when he began firing.
16: The number of bullets Van Dyke fired into McDonald's body.
14: The number of seconds it took Van Dyke to fire those 16 shots.
13: The number of those seconds McDonald was on the ground.
17: The age McDonald was the night he was shot.
86: The minutes of footage missing from security cameras at a nearby Burger King, after police officers were given access to the video, according to Burger King's district manager.
7: Roughly the number of minutes of dash-cam video that captured McDonald's death.
13: The number of months it took for the police to release the footage, and to charge Van Dyke with murder.
5 million: The number of dollars the City of Chicago has agreed to pay McDonald's family.
17: The average number of fatal police shootings in Chicago per year, from 2008 to 2014.
75: The percentage of those shooting victims who were black.
0: The number of other times a Chicago police officer has been charged with first-degree murder for an on-duty fatality in the last 35 years.
20: The number of years Van Dyke faces in prison, if convicted.
Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/the-stunning-numbers-behind-laquan-mcdonalds-death-20151125#ixzz3sZjNBlG4
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