Dear Tig,
Thanks for your email.
Janet is in town and we very much look forward to seeing it.
As horrifying as priestly pederasty has been in the Catholic Church -- and as vigorously as I have assailed it from before "the news broke" -- Aquinas observed that sin is always accompanied by loss of perspective and proportion and so it is also necessary to mention the following:
Priests Commit No More Abuse Than Other Males
Apr 7, 2010 - The priesthood is being cast as the refuge of pederasts. In fact, priestsseem to abuse children at the same rate as everyone else. ... poll found that 64 percent of those queried thought Catholic priests "frequently'' abused children. .... (Fifty-one percent of all American adults are Protestant, but they belong to ...Catholic priests no guiltier of sex abuse than other clergy
blogs.denverpost.com/hark/2010/. ..catholic-clergy/39/
May 25, 2010 - Catholic priests, bishops and the pope have dominated national ... is being rocked by a succession of scandals over pedophile priests. ... Jenkins said there has been no formal study comparing denominations for rates of child abuse. ...risks in covering Catholic churches than Protestant denominations.
On Sun, Nov 29, 2015, NH wrote:
Spotlight is a powerful film and should be "must see" viewing for every Catholic. As good a film as All the Kings Men re: vigorous investigative journalism-true events, true story, sadly.
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