
Monday, April 1, 2019

Is The Collapse Of American Empire A Bad Thing? (Or, Might It Be A Good Thing?")

No one ever accused Trumpistas of being the brightest bulbs in the closet.

Sure, they are smart enough to wreak havoc -- and sophomoric enough to think they're "saving" America.

But their real "genius" is destruction, not creation.

And so these deconstructionists are opposed cultural phenomena (like NPR and The National Endowment For The Arts) whose essence is uplifting rather than trashing.

Their motto is: "We are all in this... alone."

Dear F,

Eventually empires collapse under their own dead weight.

Who knows?

Demise of The American Empire could be the best thing that has happened to the planet since Uncle Sam began his 1.) continental... 2.) hemispheric... and 3.) global... swashbuckling.

1.) Native American genocide

2.) The Monroe Doctrine

3.) Dropping the Atomic Bomb twice - both times on deliberately chosen large civilian populations.

However, since empires do not surrender easily, the "only" question is whether Trump will orchestrate (whether consciously or unconsciously) a nuclear war - either out of hostility, or, to cover up his failure as a person, a president and a businessman. 

In the context of your recent email, why all the kerfuffle about Biden when there is trivial kerfuffle about this?

Image result for Pax on both houses, who are you going to believe trump's accusers

"In Her 1990 Divorce Deposition, Ivana Trump Accused Donald Of Raping Her"

Image result for Pax on both houses, who are you going to believe trump's accusers

(American "conservatives" admire the fact that Trump is rich enough to buy whatever "reality" he wants. They admire his self-deception because it confirms their own.)

Image result for Pax on both houses, consciousness is prior to being

On Sun, Mar 31, 2019 at 11:40 AM FV wrote:

...and we still have to consider and be concerned about Biden being to affectionate that it made one Bernie, Beto woman ,Lucy Flores ,uncomfortable in 2014..
Not abusive but inappropriate and admittedly a political claim.

This nutsism (my new word)is going to bury us. We don't need any more eggshells  to walk on. Dems giving fodder to hector is unconscionable. 


On Sun, Mar 31, 2019, 10:56 AM; wrote:
With astonishing frequency, American conservatives are not happy unless they’re being cruel.

It is to liberalism’s credit that we give the barbarians too much credit. They give none, not even to their own humanity which is eagerly sacrificed to prove that human beings are incorrigible fallen creatures who need to be stomped on and stomped down.

Make no mistake.

Legions of neo-Nazis — almost always white Christians (and often daily church-goers) are “inside the gates.”

Sent from my iPhone

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