
Saturday, November 10, 2018

Great Answers To Quora Question: "Why" Do Ever More Americans Permanently Leave The US?

Image result for american expatriots

Alan: I'm only posting the first Quora response. The other replies are also worthy of exploration. Just click on the link at the bottom of this post.

I have been meeting more and more Americans abroad who permanently left the U.S. and told me it was the best thing they did, or that they never want to go back. Why is that so? Is it due to POTUS?

100+ Answers

As an American who left the United States nearly four years ago, and is certainly not going to move back, I can state unequivocally that it was not because of this POTUS (although I sure am glad he has no real power over me).

Nor was it because of the previous POTUS (in fact I was a huge fan of Obama, the man, and could see the great deal of good he did as president, despite having my own grave misgivings about some of his decisions and actions) .
I left, not because of the American president, but because of the American people.
Any people that deny healthcare to another, simply because they feel that other is not deserving of it, is not a people I want to be a part of.
Any people that can systematically try to deny rights to others (rights that are guaranteed in their own founding documents, mind you), simply because they don’t like what those others do with their lives, is not a people I want to be a part of.
Any people that can stigmatize education and revel in their own ignorance, simply because they feel inferior, is not a people I want to be a part of.
Any people that can continually divide itself against itself, fomenting hatred of other Americans simply for the sake of money, is not a people that I want to be a part of.
Any people that can care so little about its own future that they can’t be bothered to even vote, is not a people I want to be a part of.
I could keep going with example after example, but I think most can see where I am coming from.
I will always love the United States, and I am immensely proud of my years as a US Marine, but I worry for the future, and I am truly thankful my son will be raised in a society that doesn’t do these things to itself.
Edit: Well, this answer got waaaay more attention than I thought it would when I posted it. Thank you to all of those who took the time to comment. Some of you have left truly beautiful and insightful comments, and I sincerely appreciate it.
A great many of you asked where I moved to; Denmark, and no, it was not easy. My wife is Danish, but she was not my wife when I managed to move here on my own merit. My son is Danish-American, because I believe he should someday have the choice to explore the country his father is from, served, and loves to this day.
To those of you who are angrily disputing what I wrote, or smugly telling me good riddance, or bitterly denouncing my “hatred” of Americans, I have two things to say:
  1. do not hate Americans. I hate what some Americans are doing/have done to American society. The United States could be so much more, yet, it isn’t. The United States is supposed to be so much more, yet…it isn’t.
  2. So many of y’all are simply proving my point.

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