
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Like Jesus Before Him, "The Apostle Paul Lived And Died A Dedicated Jew"

"The Apostle Paul Lived And Died A Dedicated Jew"

Paul’s vision was to make his brand of Judaism — with the recognition of Jesus as the Jewish Messiah — a world religion easily accessible to everyone. At no time did he repudiate Judaism or declare that he represented a new religion.

Alan: Secular scholars and Church historians are widely agreed that, following the crucifixion, the twelve apostles considered themselves members of a sect within Judaism.
It was not until 66 A.D. that "Jewish Christians," impacted by Roman oppression began to see themselves as members of an "independent" religion.
As for the apostles who died young (and tradition holds that all but John were martyred) it is likely that they went to their graves considering themselves Jewish followers of the Jewish messiah Yeshua, the carpenter's son.

The only apostles whose deaths are documented are James -- the son of Zebedee who was put to death by Herod Agrippa I  shortly before the day of the Passover, in the year 44 or about 11 years after the death of Christ (Acts 12: 1-2) -- and Peter who was martyred in 67 or 68 A.D.

Jesus Was An Observant Jew After The Crucifixion, His Apostles Continued Practicing Their Jewish Faith | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

John, The Apostle Jesus Loved, Rests His Head On Yeshua's Breast At The Last Supper

"When Did The Apostles Stop Observing Jewish Law"

Excerpt: "The book of Acts contains no evidence that the apostles ever stopped observing the Old Testament laws.  Instead it depicts Spirit-filled and grace-based Christians who continued to observe the laws of the Torah, not legalistically in order earn salvation, but in order to honor God as they walked out the Christian life in the footsteps of their Lord Jesus."

"Jewish Christian"

This blog post was inspired by two sentences in an article by "The Thinking Housewife" who, in her pontifical way, asserts that "Paul VI was one of the most noxious figures in modern history. He cannot possibly be a true saint of the Roman Catholic Church as he was not even Catholic." (The rest of The Thinking Housewife's article is found at
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