
Thursday, July 7, 2016

The Terrorists We Face Wear Badges

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The Terrorists We Face Wear Badges
Denise Oliver Velez

For those of you who went to sleep peacefully last night, there are others who will never awaken — again.
For those of you who talk of terrorism as if it is somewhere else on the planet, think about the terror black people in America face, from those “public servants” called police, who become our judges, juries and executioners. 
Some of you may have been able to watch, yet again, the video of a young black man bleeding to death — execution by cop, while his girlfriend and her young child looked on.
Thanks to twitter and facebook, the traditional media is now covering the story.
Mother Jones has the full story:
“Philando Castile is soaked in blood as his girlfriend broadcasts the aftermath and her 4-year-old daughter offers comfort.”
Philando Castile, age 32, was shot by police during a traffic stop in Falcon Heights, MN, late Wednesday night, a fatal encounter whose gut-wrenching aftermath was broadcast on Facebook Live by the man's girlfriend.
An officer stopped Diamond Reynolds and Castile for driving with a broken taillight, Reynolds says in the video. The officer asked Castile for identification, at which point, according to her video account, he told the officer that he had a gun and a license to carry it, and that he was going to reach for his ID. Reynolds says the officer then told Castile not to move, and as Castile raised his hands back in the air, she says, the officer shot him four or five times in the arm. "He just shot his arm off," she says, horrified.
Reynolds' four-year-old daughter was also in the car at the time of the traffic stop, according to local TV news reporter Boau Xiong, who was at the scene.
The killing comes a day after a video of the fatal police shooting ofAlton Sterling sparked outrage and protests in Baton Rogue, La.
Just yesterday we had this from Joan Mar — on yet another execution.
There are really no words to convey my anger right now. 
I do want to say one thing. I don’t want to hear a f’cking word from the usual apologists who show up in these diaries like clockwork. 
I’m out of patience.
Black lives don’t matter to police — they should matter to us.

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