
Thursday, September 24, 2015

Follow-Up To "The Thinking Housewife's" New Idée Fixe: The Talmud's Treatment Of Yeshua

Religious Views Of Albert Einstein

"Jesus In The Talmud" By Peter Schafer... Brought To You By "The Thinking Housewife"

"The Thinking Housewife: 4 Consecutive Posts On Cover-Ups And Elaborate Gov't Falsifications"

The Thinking Housewife

The Talmudic Kat

September 16, 2015
MARK JAWS writes:
I commend your excellent work on exposing the essence of The Talmud. I can assure that while today very few Jews know what is in the Talmud, an unhealthy percentage of them nonetheless go into Ashkenazi Apoplexy when Gentiles merely mention the name, Talmud. It is like, “Oh stoot! Who let the Kosher Kat out of the bag?” I am only half Gentile and a practicing Catholic to boot, and my comparison of the Talmud to the Quran in a family email has branded me an outcast among my mother’s Jewish family circle. No more Bar Mitzvahs for me – which is a shame, because they are the only place you can get really good chopped liver.
Laura writes:
Thank you. Sorry about the chopped liver.
Deana writes:
I am sure that much work has been put into verifying the accuracy of all of this but frankly, with all that is going on right now, I feel that there are other things that are more demanding of time, attention and concern.
Laura, I understand that discussions about doctrine are important. Historical accuracy is important. But right this minute, Western Civilization is facing:
 – a Christian holocaust in the Middle East (NOT being performed by the Jews)
 – a Yazidi holocaust in the Middle East (NOT being performed by the Jews)
 – a political and religious invasion of Europe. I am assuming here you are of European descent. I simply cannot get my brain around the fact that the ancestral home of the greatest scientific, theological, medicinal, musical, and political achievements ever in the course of human history is suffering a MORTAL ATTACK and we are being reassured by the leftists that the attackers should be greeted with flowers and food and funds (of course). (This invasion is NOT being performed by the Jews. Indeed, the Jews are leaving Europe in droves and I do not blame them.)
 – a disastrous Iran deal that will haunt America, Europe, Israel and the rest of the Middle East and South Asia for generations. People are going to die and there will be enormous suffering stemming from this stupid deal. (Not only are the Jews NOT authoring this deal (I get the distinct feeling that Obama ordered the ayatollahs craft whatever they wanted), practically the entire nation of Israel has warned of its consequences. But we have “very smart” leftists here in the U.S. They know better. And so we are going to do this deal and just ignore the daily promises coming out of Teheran about destroying Israel in 25 years and attacking the U.S. main land.)
 – an invasion through our southern border and an immigration system that does not take our cultural values into consideration. (Jews are not coordinating all of this.)
 – a debt that is crushing us to death that we nor our children or even their great grandchildren will ever be able to repay. It is weakening us and making us vulnerable to our enemies. (Jews are not coordinating all of this.)
 – We have police officers being executed in the streets, cheered on by an ideology that is being embraced by people who are supposed to be in leadership positions (I just read that one of the leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement was offered a teaching position at Yale Divinity School. We have reached a point in this country where that no longer surprises me.)
 – The 10th video of Planned Parenthood is out. I watched it and you would think we would get accustomed to it all but nausea still sets in when I watch these women so casually talk about “procuring” brains and gonads and all.
 – a Pope that is espousing ideas I don’t even recognize! I am Protestant and do not spend time reading up on Papal issues but even I can see that he is supporting issues that are not consistent with the beliefs of the conservative, devoutly faithful Catholic people I know. We (meaning all of us who follow Christ) NEED a strong Pope. We can argue doctrine all day long but a strong Pope would revolutionize Christianity. I can’t believe what I am seeing coming out of Rome. It’s almost as if it is in competition with some of the liberal protestant churches we are having to deal with. Who will reach the bottom first??
 I could go on and on but you get the point.
Laura, please understand. It is not that I think that this is an issue that shouldn’t be discussed. Maybe this is more an issue of timing? I feel as if we are in a boat in the middle of the ocean and the boat is taking on water fast and we are focusing on whether the bolts in one of the rooms has rust on it.
 Do I think that the Jews are a particularly gifted people? Yes. Do I think they have an unusually high percentage of people who have come up with extraordinary ideas that have totally revolutionized the way we live our lives today? Yes. (I can not imagine working in health care today without the benefit of Jewish innovations alone. It would not be good.) Do I think that there have been a lot of Jews who have come up with spectacularly bad, if not down right evil, ideas that have caused a lot of people throughout history to suffer? Yes. But here is the thing: When I think of the Jews of the Soviet Union that helped implement communism or the George Soros and Saul Alinskys of history (both of whom fall in the evil camp, not just merely bad), they always were and continue to be surrounded by a lot of non-Jewish people who made sure those ideas became reality. The hideous ideologies that some Jews have come up throughout history would never have been more than a forgotten foot note of history had not a LOT of purportedly Christians/Catholics and atheists stepped up to the plate and helped activate those ideas.
Right now, the things I love are not being destroyed by Jews. Every day when I turn on the television or I look on-line, I do not see thousands of Jews stating that they are planning to kill me or anyone who follows Christ. Jews today by and large do not spend time blowing up old churches or Buddhist temples. Ninety percent of Jews in America probably don’t even have a Talmud in their home. Even the tiny percentage of Jews who follow the Talmud to the letter pretty much stick to themselves and even they aren’t trying to kill us. They pretty much just want to be left alone so I frankly don’t care what they believe.
We are ON FIRE right now. We are facing a MORTAL THREAT by a political movement disguised as a religion and few here are paying any attention because LOOK! Caitlyn Jenner has put on a new shade of lipstick!! And as if that were not enough, we here in the U.S. (and elsewhere in the west) are starting to see the full consequences of disregarding God’s laws. We have flouted what we know to be right for decades. How long will The Lord let this go on? Our arrogance is boundless. We are staring into the abyss and yet so many of our country men are urging that we hit the gas to get there faster.
 Again, please understand – I do not believe that there are things that should not be discussed. Everything is up for discussion. Everything. I just feel like this is somewhat akin to listening to a global warming discussion in which everyone is concerned about what the effects on the climate will be 300 years from now if the temperature increases 0.0001%. It could happen. It could be real. But right now there are other more pressing issues.
Laura writes:
Oh my dear goodness, you are gravely misinformed about current events.
Let me try to enlighten you further in the future. I feel partly to blame for your ignorance. I am partly to blame.
Let me just say that all of the problems you mention, from the refugee crisis in the Middle East to open borders in America to the execution of millions of American babies in the womb to the outrageous silence of the heretics who have taken over the infrastructure of the Catholic Church, all of these problems and more, would not exist without the decisive influence of Talmudism, a toxic ideology of revolution, deception and world racial supremacy. Of course, the cowardice and faithlessness of Catholics must take a great share of the blame. Jewish racial supremacy and revolution, the work of a very small number of Jews, enter the breach in civilization caused by indifferent Catholics.
Wake up. You are blind.
Muslims do not control our banks and their system of debt slavery. Muslims do not control our media. Muslims do not control our government. There are no Muslims on the Supreme Court mandating “gay marriage.” Are you blind? The refugee crisis was caused by the wars in the Middle East, by ourintervention, which would likely not have occurred without the influence of Israel. The Iran deal is not a disaster. It is a glimmer of hope. The American government has shaken off a small portion of the chains which strangle it. The Jews leaving Europe have a country to go to which is taking no refugees other than Jews, in fact it bars non-Jews from entering, and is happy to have them. The most dangerous country in the Middle East and in the world is Israel, bar none, and if anything should keep you awake at night it should be that a state built on racial pride and vengeance, already abundantly and breathtakingly exhibited on 9/11 and in Palestine, possesses nuclear weapons.
Lydia Sherman writes:
The bankers never appear to be behind it all, but their money and propaganda are. So your commenter needs to follow the financing and find out the reason for it. Many times strife is staged to cause nations to go to war and be forced to borrow from these bankers. If you look at countries that were not in debt and that threw out the international banker lending and usury schemes, and the countries that don’t use banks but pass money from hand to hand (some Arab countries) they were all targeted for war: example – Ukraine, which paid off its national debt. Watch Iceland. They got rid of their debt.
Type in: “All wars are banker wars” for further education.
Sept. 18, 2015
L.B. writes:
The thinly disguised smug of Mark Jaws’ comments is easily dismissed.
“I commend your excellent work on exposing the essence of The Talmud. I can assure that while today very few Jews know what is in the Talmud, an unhealthy percentage of them nonetheless go into Ashkenazi Apoplexy when Gentiles merely mention the name, Talmud
“Ashkanazi Apoplexy.”  How very clever, Mark.  You should be in advertising.  I would think Depends is right up your alley—or should be.
 “when Gentiles merely mention the name…”
Yeah, right, Mark.  Lots of Gentiles have read the Talmud.  Lots of Gentiles go around “merely mentioning…”  Besides yourself, name one.
“I can assure you…”  Oh, yes, I am so assured by your assurance.  You assurances are based on what?
“an unhealthy percentage..”  What percentage would that be, Mark?
“essence of the Talmud…”
Six books has an essence. They address everything from washing your hands to burying the dead, but there is AN essence.  The rabbis contradict one another every other line, but there is an essence.  And you—having read the Talmud–know what that essence is. Right, Mark. The essence of your remarks starts with idi and rhymes with necrotic.
And you compared the Talmud to the Koran.  How scholarly.  Did you also study Catholic writings during the inquisition?  You know?  Well-rounded is good.
How about lines from Thomas Aquinas?
“If forgers and other malefactors are put to death by the secular power, there is much more reason for putting to death one convicted of heresy.”
Oh, how Christian.
I wonder how many Catholics are guided by that line?
Did it occur to you, Mark, that all religions have hideous writings in their histories?
Your comments, Thinking Housewife, require a few more lines.
Now we see the real Laura Wood.
Get it all down to one enemy who has been working inside the walls for centuries.  Yeah, that’s how it is.
Erect an incoherent self-celebratory rant that asserts one preposterous generalization after another, none supported by evidence and most easily defeated.
How exactly is Talmudism at the bottom of Communism when the Jews who pushed it never read the Talmud?
How many Jews have read the Talmud?  Even if not read, how are the dozen anti-Christian lines propagated anywhere else?  Name some Jew TV programs that denigrate Christ. Name a Jew-owned newspaper that speaks of Mary as a whore.
How many Jews would not be ashamed of the anti-Christian lines?
Do you think any Jews who read those lines take them seriously? “Oh, yeah, that’s JUST what we believe.”
Have you asked a single Jew?  Or are you one of those gnostics who just knows?
Ignore the obvious in order to sustain the litany of toxic drivel.  The Iran deal is a good idea?  A nuclear Iran is not as dangerous as a nuclear Israel? Israel has had nukes for 40 years.  How many have they used?
It must be nice to have a small set of fixed ideas that can be used to handle just about everything.  More reflex than thinking, I would say.
Let’s not forget how a country the size of a postage stamp is the cause of middle east chaos and violence.  It has nothing to do with how the region was carved up into conflictual entities, nor a religion that calls for perpetual and total war both within itself and against everything else, or the workings of ruling elites.  No, it’s Israel.  We know this because the area was all peace and prosperity and had a high standard of living before the Jews showed up.
You know that Israel is guiding our foreign policy?  Please share what no one else seems to know.
Make sure to ignore 500 years of distinctly unChristian thinking and actions by the Catholic Church. Far more than 60 books and 10 rabbis.   Maybe the Popes were Jews, too. Those clever hooked nosed Christ-killers.
Don’t forget that Jews eat Christian children for Passover. Gefilte fish.  Not fish.  That’s not wine.  That’s Christian blood
And Protocols of the Elders of Zion.  You might want to add that for a more thorough indictment.
Laura writes:
My deceased friend, Lawrence Auster, who was Jewish, said something I will never forget.
He said sometimes civility is not good. Sometimes incivility is justified. This unfortunately is one of those times, and here is my somewhat uncivil response to you:
You say you have finally seen the real Laura Wood. Well, no, you haven’t. You haven’t seen the real Laura Wood.
I wish, I really wish, that I could for just two minutes show you the real Laura Wood. I wish you could be right here, standing in front of me in person. Because if you were, I would slap you so hard your eyes would rattle in your head, you bastard. Sometimes words are not enough to respond to disgusting insults and lies, even those like yours, which are partly by suggestion and implication (i.e., the “real Laura Wood” is a Nazi.)
Now, it seems it is one of your great pleasures and triumphs to uncover Jew-haters. Well, you ain’t going to find a Jew-hater here, pal. I am sorry, very sorry, to disappoint you though I’m sure no matter what I say I can’t convince you of that. You obviously believe that anyone who points out the ugly truths about Orthodox Judaism or about Israel or about individual criminal Jews guided by a Talmudic mission, anyone who criticizes any of these things, hates Jews and wants to kill them. Such is the success of the rabbinic tyranny and psychological warfare over not just Jews but gentiles. It is you, not me, who is engaging in reflex thinking. I really am sorry to disappoint you, you righteous bastard. Not only do I not hate Jews, not only do I believe that I personally will go to hell if I hate anyone, not only have I had many Jewish friends, not only do I love individual Jews, but I get down on my knees and pray, pray very hard, that the Jewish people are rescued from the rabbinic tyranny that envelops and oppresses them, you righteous, phony bastard.
Typical Judaic bullying. That’s what your comment is. (And yes, pseudo-Christians like you engage in Judaic bullying all the time.) A gentile points out the hate literature of the Talmud and the gentile is accused of hatred!! How do you like that! Isn’t that the ultimate psychological weapon?!
Your laughable example from Thomas Aquinas, your outrageous blasphemy against the Church of Christ, which has never, ever taught Jew-hatred and has rescued Jews from physical harm many times, do not constitute any defense of the hate literature of the Talmud. There is an essence to the Talmud. And that essence is rejection of the Messiah and exaltation of the Jewish people as a race. 
You seem to be the only person in the whole world who doesn’t know of the enormous Zionist influence over the American government and the billions of dollars every year we give to this tiny, supremacist nation and the trillions of gallons of blood we have spilled for it. Don’t take it from me. Take it from a leader of Israel. On Oct. 3, 2001, Ariel Sharon said, “I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America and the Americans know it.”
You write:
Name some Jew TV programs that denigrate Christ. Name a Jew-owned newspaper that speaks of Mary as a whore.
Oh, good heavens, what planet have you been living on? Our Jewish-run networks denigrate Christ every day of the week by promoting anti-Christian values and corrupting our children. Their exploitation, and that’s what it is, is not the work of all Jews, their crimes, and that’s what they are, cannot be blamed on all Jews anymore than the crimes of the Italian mafia can be blamed on all Italians, but they can be blamed on Talmudism and on a small minority of Jews who take its essence seriously and who do indeed have strong enmity against Christian civilization and a determination to topple it entirely and replace it with their own world order.
You mention the Protocols of ZionHave you ever read it? I bet you haven’t. Well, whatever one thinks of conspiratorial Jews, whether one believes they exist or one doesn’t, the Protocols is a shockingly vivid description of everything we have been living through for the last two centuries and  more. From Protocol One:
25. Far back in ancient times we were the first to cry among the masses of the people the words “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,” words many times repeated since these days by stupid poll-parrots who, from all sides around, flew down upon these baits and with them carried away the well-being of the world, true freedom of the individual, formerly so well guarded against the pressure of the mob. The would-be wise men of the goyim, the intellectuals, could not make anything out of the uttered words in their abstractedness; did not see that in nature there is no equality, cannot be freedom: that Nature herself has established inequality of minds, of characters, and capacities, just as immutably as she has established subordination to her laws: never stopped to think that the mob is a blind thing, that upstarts elected from among it to bear rule are, in regard to the political, the same blind men as the mob itself, that the adept, though he be a fool, can yet rule, whereas the non-adept, even if he were a genius, understands nothing in the political – to all those things the goyim paid no regard; yet all the time it was based upon these things that dynastic rule rested: the father passed on to the son a knowledge of the course of political affairs in such wise that none should know it but members of the dynasty and none could betray it to the governed. As time went on, the meaning of the dynastic transference of the true position of affairs in the political was lost, and this aided the success of our cause.
26. In all corners of the earth the words “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,” brought to our ranks, thanks to our blind agents, whole legions who bore our banners with enthusiasm. And all the time these words were canker-worms at work boring into the well-being of the goyim, putting an end everywhere to peace, quiet, solidarity and destroying all the foundations of the goya States. As you will see later, this helped us to our triumph: it gave us the possibility, among other things, of getting into our hands the master card – the destruction of the privileges, or in other words of the very existence of the aristocracy of the goyim, that class which was the only defense peoples and countries had against us. On the ruins of the eternal and genealogical aristocracy of the goyim we have set up the aristocracy of our educated class headed by the aristocracy of money. The qualifications for this aristocracy we have established in wealth, which is dependent upon us, and in knowledge, for which our learned elders provide the motive force.
27. Our triumph has been rendered easier by the fact that in our relations with the men, whom we wanted, we have always worked upon the most sensitive chords of the human mind, upon the cash account, upon the cupidity, upon the insatiability for material needs of man; and each one of these human weaknesses, taken alone, is sufficient to paralyze initiative, for it hands over the will of men to the disposition of him who has bought their activities.
28. The abstraction of freedom has enabled us to persuade the mob in all countries that their government is nothing but the steward of the people who are the owners of the country, and that the steward may be replaced like a worn-out glove.
29. It is this possibility of replacing the representatives of the people which has placed at our disposal, and, as it were, given us the power of appointment.
Among the basic doctrines of the Protocols is the use of violence and deception. Israel has used violence and deception since its founding. It is a terrorist nation. Ever hear of the King David Hotel? Ever hear of the Lavon Affair? Ever hear of U.S.S. Liberty? I suggest you go to Christopher Bollyn’s website and read his book Solving 9/11: The Deception that Changed the World. 
The evidence that Israel attacked America on 9/11 is overwhelming.
Good heavens, even Wikipedia of all things has a substantial entry on the Israel connection to 9/11. From that entry’s description of the Israeli agents seen celebrating moments after one of the Twin Towers collapsed:
Of the 90 or so detained Israelis there was a group of five Israelis, now widely known as the “dancing Israelis”, who were spotted in multiple locations filming, and celebrating the attacks.
The men were detained by NYPD. The police and FBI field agents became suspicious when they found maps of the city with certain places highlighted, box cutters (the same items that the hijackers allegedly used), $4,700 cash stuffed in a sock, and foreign passports. Police also told a New Jersey local paper, The Bergen Record, that bomb sniffing dogs were brought to the van and that they reacted as if they had smelled explosives. According to the Jewish Weekly Forward the FBI later determined that at least two of the Israelis were Mossad agents.
Their names were Sivan & Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Schmuel, Oded Ellner & Omer Marmari.
All this should come to light and be fully exposed. America needs to know of this evidence.
Regarding the Iran deal: Do I wish to see Israelis harmed or attacked? No. Do I think they should be exposed to danger? No. But they have ample weaponry to defend themselves and their leaders have shown the will to use it, even against innocent civilians and children.
I’m glad the sanctions against Iran are going to be lifted. I don’t wish to see Iran obtain nuclear weapons and I’m not convinced that it will. But the fact is, it faces a nation that hates it and has expansionist intentions and that is stacked to the gills with nuclear weapons. The Muslim world hates us most of all because of Israel.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
Jonathan Smith writes:
Bravo!  I commend your refusal to grovel and cringe when L.B. shakes his mighty fist under your nose.  Every Christian should have a fair and cool-headed understanding of Talmudic teachings with respect to gentiles, Christians, Christianity and Christ.  When I first read these lines, after forty years of stern lectures on the vile anti-Semitism that is said to drip from the Gospel of St. John, I did not feel hatred.  I felt that I finally understood something that had puzzled me about Christianity’s long and complicated relationship with the Jews.  I did not begin to think that persecution and the ghettos were admirable or just, but I did begin to think that they were intelligible.
The L.B. may be right when he says that few Jews read the Talmud, but it is also true that few Europeans of the Middle Ages read St. John.  These peoples learned these stories by oral transmission. And the Talmudic blasphemies against Jesus were in any case condensed in the Toledod Jesu, a short book which dates at least to the Middle Ages.  There may be a Christian equivalent to the Toledod Jesu, but I don’t know it.
As I said, none of this should cause any Christian to feel hatred for Jews, or even mild distaste.  What it should cause Christians to do is stop feeling hatred for themselves.  Our forbears in faith sometimes did some nasty things, but they were not uniquely nasty.  Their nastiness wasn’t even remarkable in the great, sorry pageant of human nastiness.  But we (and more especially our children) are nowadays told that we have been, and are, uniquely wicked, and this vilification is beginning to take its toll on the morale of Christians (especially white Christians).  Imagine what would happen to the mind of a child who was repeatedly told that he had, in the past, committed monstrous and vile crimes against his angelic siblings.  He would collapse under self-loathing and guilt, much as Western Civilization and Western Christianity is today collapsing under self-loathing and guilt.
I was happy to read your initial posts on the Talmud because they are an antidote to one part of this toxic narrative, and I was happy to read your spirited rejoinder to L.B. because you assert your right to administer this antidote.
Laura writes:
Thank you. You make an important point about self-loathing.
I’m not going to get into the issue of the ghettos now, about which there is also some popular misunderstanding. Suffice it to say, it’s an important subject.
B. Herchenroeder writes:
My heart and emotions are with you. I spent a good deal of my life running a very well known Jewish bakery in Washington, D.C. Like you I had a number of Jewish friends. It was okay for them to call out another Jew but the dumb goyim best be careful. They have been on the run for close to 5,776 thousand years or how far back their calendar is dated. Christ threw the money changers out of the Temple if I recall. Now their goal is to create a one world government and destroy this country in the process. Sorry my word smithing skills are far off from yours but you hit it out of the park on your return comment to the one gentleman.
I’m a gentile of German ancestery. That’s it ….blond hair and blue eyes. Everyone makes Germans out to be the monsters but it might have been a better world if they had won the war. Hitler would have been eliminated by the decent Germans and the people who knew what the bankers were doing then would have paved a different road for the course of history. We are in dire straights as a country and all you have to do is look at the first immigration act in 1964 and see who authored it to understand it has been in play for sometime. Lawrence Auster was an excellent man and he spoke the truth. Soros is behind Obama along with Sheldon Adelson. Their kingdoms are here on earth and mine is with God. Like you, I get on my hands and knees and pray. Who is behind the pornography industry? Banks? Payday loans? Creation of the ghetto? Rap music? Disney channel ( Miley Cyris is the sickest individual out there)…on and on. There were some decent people at Posin’s Bakery and Delicatessen and then we had Leiha who was an Aushwitz suvivor. Her son was a Rabbi and she used to steal Monday through Friday then Saturday she was at the synagogue. Sorry for my rant…must be the Malbec. I had a good friend (Jewish) who used to say it was a trait. He was apologetic for the Jewey Jews, like Howard Stern would say. Keep up the good work…unfortunately the money changers are to blame for the total destruction of this planet currently in process.
Laura writes:
Thank you.
At the end of the day, I blame lukewarm Catholics who, for one, did not uphold the Church’s teachings on usury.
Bill R. writes:
I want to commend you on your courageous stand on behalf of the truth and against the lies, distortions, and mean-spiritedness of “L.B.”
Among many excellent points you made, I would like to particularly acknowledge your statement that Israel is a terrorist state.  That cannot be said too often, since the accuracy of the designation is matched only by the degree to which it goes unacknowledged in the West.  It is a terrorist state and a racist state.  If it is not, then there neither is, nor ever has been any such thing.  It is a nation that was not only born in terrorism and racism, as many a mercilessly dispossessed and disenfranchised Palestinian could tell you, but continues in both to this day, made all the more insidious and frightening for the fact that this criminal nation is not only thoroughly unacknowledged as such by the West, but thoroughly supported by her instead.
It is a measure of the pathological sensitivity of this people that almost any degree of criticism of them as Jews instantly becomes proof in their minds of anti-Semitic race hatred and bigotry.  They live in a permanent state of collective neurosis; always seeing the source of their troubles outside themselves instead of within; always in someone else’s “hate,” never their own; in someone else’s fanaticism, never theirs; in “white supremacists” or “Nazis” instead of in their own Jewish supremacism and racial fascism.
So long as they choose to remain in that state, they stand no chance of ever seeing the real Laura Wood and others like her who are driven not by hate, but by love of their own people and its culture, history, values, and traditions, all of which remain desperately under siege and assault at this moment, a siege and assault that has been overwhelmingly led by Jews, and while not their sole province, their influence on it has been decisive, and their participation in it out of all proportion to their numbers.  It is a ruthless siege and a ruthless assault from which Jews are unwilling to cease and desist, on the one hand, nor possessed of the moral courage to honestly admit, on the other.  Furthermore, as you have well experienced, more than merely lacking the honesty to admit it, they are not satisfied until they have impugned the worst motives possible to those who do have the moral courage to point it out to them.
Laura writes:
Thank you.
Just to clarify, I was not defending my culture so much as universal truths. Israelis don’t benefit from violence and deception or porn either.
Also, I want to commend “L.B.” for something he said in our private exchange. He said that my reaction showed that I am no saint. He is right. I am no saint.
Bill writes:
It is a measure of the pathological sensitivity of this people that almost any degree of criticism of them as Jews instantly becomes proof in their minds of anti-Semitic race hatred and bigotry.
If people are taught by their religious leaders that the world hates them, they understandably react with “pathological sensitivity.” I would like to look at this aspect of the Talmud, which has been written about by others, in a future post.
Susan-Anne White writes:
Tut tut, Mrs.Wood, your response to Perfessor Plum should have carried a “bad language” warning. Your RC faith hasn’t helped you to watch your language.
Your rant made you sound like a foul-mouthed feminist.
Laura writes:
My faith has helped me to watch my language. Pope Pius X once said modernists should be “beaten with fists.”* That’s not to say the Holy Father would agree with this case, but that kind of reaction is not necessarily disgraceful.
Yes, it was bad. However, I gave a warning. I said it was going to be un-civil.
*[According to The Anti-Modernist Reader, edited by Fr. Anthony Cekada (True Restoration)]
Bill R. writes in response to Laura:
Just to clarify a bit myself. When I speak of culture, I take it as self-evident that that includes our conception of universal truths. If I sounded as though I was speaking in narrower terms, and thus of a narrower love on your part, I wasn’t. The most precious expressions of our culture, our art, literature, religion, etc., have to do with our vision of eternal truth.
Laura writes:
A Note to Readers: I had misidentified a commenter in this thread. He now goes by “L.B.” instead of “Perfessor Plum.”
My sincere apologies to Perfessor Plum for the mix up.

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