
Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Thinking Housewife: 4 Consecutive Posts On Cover-Ups And Elaborate Gov't Falsifications

Alan: I have long assumed that the United States perpetrates outrage as standard operating procedure. The fact that Uncle Sam may have "coordinated, prompted or undertaken" the calamity of 9/11 (a widespread supposition I do not share) would be consistent with Uncle Sam's modus operandi.

I agree with Attorney General Ramsey Clark's assessment: "The greatest crime since World War II has been U.S. foreign policy."

I do not expect people to agree with Ramsey's view.

But it would be fitting if recently-converted conservatives currently beginning who believe that the United States government -- in conjunction with The Military Industrial Complex -- visits routine monstrosity on American citizens also acknowledged that "presumption of U.S. malfeasance" has been a bedrock tenet of liberal-left thinking for well over a century.

"Do War's Really Defend America's Freedom?"
(Homage To Marine Commandant, Major General Smedley Butler)
As Thomas Paine pointed out, any attempt to persuade unreasonable people to accept sound argument "is like administering medicine to the dead."

Even Republican president Theodore Roosevelt was adamant about The System's determination to perpetrate evil.

Teddy Roosevelt: "Malefactors Of Great Wealth... Are Curses To The Country"

The Roosevelts: An Intimate History," A Documentary Film By Ken Burns

For most people, it is horrifying (to the point of paralysis) to conceive that Uncle Sam's alter ego is a murderous thug.

It is equally horrifying to consider that Uncle Sam may have planned (or collaborated) in 9/11 although any such false flag attack - in comparison with the carnage of Vietnam and Iraq, the latter having destablilized the entire Middle East while taking terrorism to unprecedented heights.

"For misleading the American people, and launching the most foolish war since Emperor Augustus in 9 B.C sent his legions into Germany and lost them, Bush deserves to be impeached and, once he has been removed from office, put on trial along with the rest of the president’s men. If convicted, they’ll have plenty of time to mull over their sins."
Israeli War Historian, Martin van Creveld, the only non-American on the U.S. Military Officer Corps' required reading list.

"Bush's Toxic Legacy In Iraq"

Hans Blix' Fruitless Search For WMD And Bush/Cheney's Rush To War In Iraq

Cheney's Lucid 1994 Rationale For NOT Invading Iraq. Conservatives "Must" See This

"The Fall Of Iraq. Jawdropping Video Footage Of Cheney, Albright, Gen Clarke & Others"

Uncle Sam's Mercenary Christians Kill 17 Iraqi Civilians. 2 Frenchmen Kill 12 In Paris

If, as The Thinking Housewife posits, bin Laden was not the author of 9/11, then she would rightly conclude that Uncle Sam is the deepest tap root of contemporary terrorism.

Inevitably, there are endless ways to deny "interpretations" that cause "cognitive dissonance." 

Similarly, there are countless ways to take any tragedy -- the Roanoke reporter slaying, the death of 25 kindergartners in Sandy Hook, even 9/11 itself -- and elaborate scenarios that make it appear that these tragedies either didn't happen or were perpetrated by American "authorities."

As St. Paul pointed out, even "Satan comes disguised as an angel of light."

But beyond dogfights over "facts" is a worldview that all conspiracists harbor: "The Authorities" are never who they seem but high-functioning psychopaths who rise to the top by the intrinsic nature of politics.

There is much to recommend this view although "too much of anything is too much."

The Thinking Housewife , for example, has a special bone in her nose over Pope Francis whom she considers a "sloganeering, non-Catholic impostor" bent on the destruction of Catholicism.



We can go there.

But once we get there -- once we've given free rein to our desire to vilify every conceivable authority -- what's left?

This is "the bend in the road" that conspiracists are loathe to consider.

In A Man For All Seasons, winner of the 1966 Best Movie Oscar -- -- writer Robert Bolt imagines his protagonist, Sir Thomas More, looking around this very bend:

Roper: So now you'd give the Devil benefit of law!

More: Yes. What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?

Roper: I'd cut down every law in England to do that!

More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned round on you — where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country's planted thick with laws from coast to coast — man's laws, not God's — and if you cut them down — and you're just the man to do it — d'you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake.

There is always a proper place for doubt.

But to posit that the Sandy Hook slaughter of 25 kindergartners was "staged" by "the authorities" -- in large part because the children's parents did not display the emotional reactions that "conspiracists" think "normal" -- is so unhinged as to recall the anguished ravings of the insane.

The Thinking Housewife Plunges Into The Abyss Of Conspiratorial Thinking

The Thinking Housewife: Four Consecutive Posts On Cover-Ups And Elaborate Falsifications

The Conspiracy Theory

September 10, 2015

Seven Facts about 9/11

September 10, 2015
THIS 2012 video presents seven facts that challenge the official story of 9/11. One of those “facts” is that the remains of the 19 hijackers were never found. The FBI, however, claims that the remains of some of the hijackers have indeed been found and are stored in an undisclosed location. Given that this DNA evidence has never been independently verified, I consider the video’s point on this subject valid.

9/11 Denial Syndrome

September 10, 2015

Why Such Amateurish Deceptions?

September 10, 2015
The fake shooting of Alison Parker
MAKIA FREEMAN writes at a New Age-y site with a healthy skepticism about major news events:
The recent spate of amateurish false flag shootings, which are now being rolled out at an increasingly rapid pace, give one cause to wonder: why? Why are the elite orchestrating such feeble and poorly executed false flag shootings? With all their money, power, control of the media, control of law enforcement and control of politicians, why can’t they make these false flag shootings look more real? Aren’t they worried that with such amateurish false flag shootings they are running the risk of being caught? Of being exposed? Of doing such an atrocious job that it defies common belief, and thus acts as a catalyst to wake people up?
Since the elite own the MSM and Hollywood, they could pull off a false flag shooting that looked way more believable than what we have been seeing. Is it possible these amateurish false flag shootings are calculatedly fake? In other words, are they a kind of test to see who’s paying attention? Is one of the main points (alongside gun control, promotion of fear, promulgation of terror, police state mental conditioning and distraction) to collect data on post-crisis reaction?

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