
Monday, November 16, 2015

ISIS' Chief Goal Is To Seduce The West - Particularly The United States - Into Declaring War

Alan: Politicians depend on the benightedness of their electorates and thus generate enthusiasm for simplistic "solutions" to complex problems. (The evil twin of this phenomenon is called "manufacturing consent.")

By lathering constituents into frothy hysteria, they induce tunnel vision or outright blindness, both of which provide a comforting sense of security in those who fear for their safety. (Truth be told, most humans are sheep desperate for a Good Shepherd to lead them to safety.)

In reaction to fear -- particularly in concentrated doses such as last Friday's terror attacks in Paris -- "The Self-Terrorized" take refuge in the fascistic conviction that violence is The Default Solution To Psycho-Social Problems.

In this cultural milieu, it is assumed that there is no need for thoughtfulness or subtlety since "kicking someone's ass" -- and "kicking it good!" -- is The Real Solution to every problem, a solution perpetually obscured by the needless complexities of intellectual bafflegab wrought by liberals who (in the view of "The Aggressively Ignorant") are only "trying to sell books."
“Mediocre philosophy sells. 
It makes the half-literate… feel smart."

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What ISIS Really Wants
The Atlantic

ISIS' Chief Goal Is To Seduce The West - Particularly The United States - Into Declaring War

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